Hi, y’all! Is everyone enjoying the fall?
Just a heads-up, we’ll be adding some new items to WaniKani over the course of the next five weeks. The first batch will be going live next week — October 24th, 2023.
As usual, there won’t be any site downtime, and you don’t need to do anything to get the new items. Just wait, and they will show up in your lessons if you’re on the level of the item or above.
Here’s a list of the new additions as well as the related movement items. Happy studying!
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - Published
Level 6: 十分 (じゅうぶん) - Enough
Level 14: 世話 (せわ) - Care
Level 21: 立ち去る (たちさる) - To Leave
Level 36: 歯科 (しか) - Dentistry
Level 44: 肢 (kanji) - Limb
Level 44: 選択肢 (せんたくし) - Choices
Level 49: 准教授 (じゅんきょうじゅ) - Associate Professor
Level 3: 分かる - moving up to level 5
Level 4: 世 - moving up to level 19
Level 5: 分ける - moving up to level 7
Level 6: 引き分け - moving up to level 8
Level 6: 見分ける - moving up to level 8
Level 6: 世の中 - moving up to level 21
Level 53: 准 (kanji) - moving down to level 49
Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - Published
Level 9: 一ヶ月 (いっかげつ) - One Month
Level 9: 〜ヶ月 (かげつ) - Counter For Months
Level 14: 明後日 (あさって) - Day After Tomorrow
Level 16: 首相 (しゅしょう) - Prime Minister
Level 27: 客観的 (きゃっかんてき) - Objective
Level 30: 鉄板 (てっぱん) - Iron Plate
Level 34: 親父 (おやじ) - One’s Father
Level 34: 紅 - moving up to level 39
Level 59: 叔 (kanji) - moving down to level 36
Level 59: 叔父 - moving down to level 36
Level 59: 叔母 - moving down to level 36
Level 36: 継父 - moving up to level 55
Level 31: 総理大臣 - moving down to level 30
Level 21: 総理 - moving up to level 30
Level 31: 総理府 - moving up to level 35
Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - Published
Level 12: 水泳 (すいえい) - Swimming
Level 16: 重ねる (かさねる) - To Stack
Level 19: 通じる (つうじる) - To Pass Through
Level 29: 相次ぐ (あいつぐ) - To Happen Successively
Level 38: 食う (くう) - To Eat
Level 44: 為替 (かわせ) - Currency Exchange
Level 51: 蛇口 (じゃぐち) - Faucet
Level 7: 通る - moving up to level 8
Level 9: 重い - moving up to level 10
Level 9: 相手 - moving up to level 15
Tuesday, November 14, 2023 - Published
Level 9: 十分間 (じゅっぷんかん) - Ten Minutes
Level 19: 流石 (さすが) - As Expected
Level 27: 統一 (とういつ) - Unity
Level 34: 紅葉 (こうよう) - Autumn Leaves
Level 52: 蘇 (kanji) - Revive
Level 52: 蘇生 (そせい) - Resuscitation
Level 52: 紫蘇 (しそ) - Shiso
Level 49: 紫 (kanji) - moving down to level 23
Level 49: 紫 - moving down to level 23
Level 49: 紫色 - moving down to level 23
Tuesday, November 21, 2023 - Published
Level 10: 一ヶ所 (いっかしょ) - One Place
Level 19: 重なる (かさなる) - To Be Piled Up
Level 27: 費やす (ついやす) - To Spend
Level 29: 申請 (しんせい) - Application
Level 35: 素人 (しろうと) - Amateur
Level 42: 衣装 (いしょう) - Clothing
Level 55: 唐揚げ (からあげ) - Fried Chicken
Level 21: 素敵 - moving up to level 22
Level 29: 要請 - moving up to level 42
Level 29: 請願 - moving up to level 51
Please add these two vocabulary words to WK.
朝食 (ちょうしょく) Breakfast
朝食付き Breakfast included
Level 52: 蘇 (kanji) - Revive
Level 52: 蘇生 (そせい) - Resuscitation
Level 52: 紫蘇 (しそ) - Perilla
Nice kanji addition, but I’m confused why not adding the vocab 蘇る too. I think it’s more common than 蘇生 or 紫蘇.
Looking forward to あさって、世話、紅葉、and ~ヵ月! And I hope 十分 will include things like sufficient/satisfactory/plenty.
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It appears that some of the movements under November 14th are duplicated from October 24th:
Level 3: 分かる - moving up to level 5
Level 5: 分ける - moving up to level 7
Level 6: 引き分け - moving up to level 8
Level 6: 見分ける - moving up to level 8
Also, bit of a silly ask, but could “ereyesterday” be added as an accepted answer for 一昨日 and “overmorrow” for 明後日? Yes, I know they aren’t used, but they exist and are faster to type than the full “day before yesterday” and “day after tomorrow”. Perfectly fine if not, I will just continue to make use of the synonym feature for this.
朝食 (ちょうしょく) Breakfast
This is on our radar! Thanks for the suggestions.
It’s on our list! Thanks for the suggestion
Sufficient and plenty are in the allowlist! I can see “satisfactory” being added, but let me talk to the team and make the decision.
Update: Sorry, I realized that we already had sufficient and plenty as visible meanings and satisfactory in the allowlist!
You’re right — thank you for catching it! I’ve just removed the duplication on Nov 14th
Also, bit of a silly ask, but could “ereyesterday” be added as an accepted answer for 一昨日 and “overmorrow” for 明後日? Yes, I know they aren’t used, but they exist and are faster to type than the full “day before yesterday” and “day after tomorrow”. Perfectly fine if not, I will just continue to make use of the synonym feature for this.
I could bring it to the team! Until we have a decision (as we don’t know when we can get to it) - if you could add it as a user symptom, that would be great.
Just noticed, this would have us learning 紅葉 before 紅
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The 紅 that we are planning to move is this one and it’s a vocabulary item, so you will be learning the kanji 紅 (with the こう reading) still at level 34
Sorry it was a little confusing! Unless specified, the list shows vocabulary items. Hope it makes sense!
Hello, I’ve been missing the super common word:
As for when asking to pay at a restaurant.
It makes sense to me to be added.
Thanks in advance!
I’m happy that we’re going to get some vocabulary with ヶ.
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October 24, 2023, 2:11am
How could WaniKani be teaching 々 but not ヶ?
Will WaniKani eventually teach vocabularies without introducing all Kanji first?
October 24, 2023, 3:18am
Thank you, @TofuguKanae -san!
[Edit: Ah, hehe Uh, please ignore my duplicate issue to what @hotdogsuplex already posted… ]
I think I spotted a possible mistake. It's probably not difficult to fix, but notice that 紅 is first moved from level 34 to 39, but then later on the vocab 紅葉, which uses 紅, is added down at level 34.... but 紅 will have already been moved to 39 by then! :sweat_smile:
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Level 34 : 紅 - moving up to level 39
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Level 34 : 紅葉 (こうよう) - Autumn Leaves
I noticed the same thing, but the 紅 that’s being moved is the vocabulary, not the kanji (see post #8 )
The first batch published
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - Published
Level 6: 十分 (じゅうぶん) - Enough
Level 14: 世話 (せわ) - Care
Level 21: 立ち去る (たちさる) - To Leave
Level 36: 歯科 (しか) - Dentistry
Level 44: 肢 (kanji) - Limb
Level 44: 選択肢 (せんたくし) - Choices
Level 49: 准教授 (じゅんきょうじゅ) - Associate Professor
Level 3: 分かる - moving up to level 5
Level 4: 世 - moving up to level 19
Level 5: 分ける - moving up to level 7
Level 6: 引き分け - moving up to level 8
Level 6: 見分ける - moving up to level 8
Level 6: 世の中 - moving up to level 21
Level 53: 准 (kanji) - moving down to level 49
@wct @hotdogsuplex hehe no worries, I appreciate your very thorough check!
Dang I’m on level 49 and was set to level up in a couple days but since they added a new kanji in there that I have to level up as well I won’t be leveling up until Saturday. Weird coincidence
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Which one? I’m not seeing it.
Thought this was a reply to another post. The kanji was 准; I’m on level 49 right now so I have to level it up in order to progress
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October 24, 2023, 3:22pm
Very useful additions in here, well done and thank you!
I encounter that one regularly in games but often with the kunyomi 蘇る which I do not to see in the additions.
Here it is in the intro to Castlevania SotN (悪魔城ドラキュラX):
And here in hiragana in Final Fantasy VI:
The fact that I managed to immediately conjure these specific examples is very normal and very cool btw.
EDIT: Oh I just noticed that @Arzar33 made the same point above. Sorry for the noise.
Yeah, it’s definitely weird that 蘇る isn’t in the additions. I’d honestly say that that’s the most important word for that kanji.