I’m sorry for not knowing, but where can I find my User Token? I only found my API key …
Thanks in advance!
I’m sorry for not knowing, but where can I find my User Token? I only found my API key …
Thanks in advance!
User token only relates to Pushover, if you use that service. https://pushover.net/ Pushover needs its own API Key and User Token, and you need to create your own ‘Application’ in their control panel.
For simple popups that only appear on your computer, only WaniKani API is needed. Pushover just makes a nice way to receive notifications on your cell phone, another computer, anything that supports Pushover (which isn’t free)
I see, thank you
Just a heads up for anyone using this (If anyone still is), it seems something changed with the WaniKani API. A field the script relies on is now null, causing the script to check over and over indefinitely. I’ve set the script to auto-kill itself for now, but of course that relies on the script getting updated, which if your grease/violentmonkey isn’t going to check for updates for a while…
Feel free to turn it off yourself, otherwise your API call limit will get hit, and kill all other scripts. Sorry.
I’ll have it turn itself back on when everything ok again if you just want to update the script instead, or of course, I’ll update here as well. Assuming I come up with another way not reliant on said field, and that isn’t slow as hell or makes a ton of calls, etc.
Edit: Script updated to Open Framework
I only get notifs when wanikani is open, which kinda defeats the purpose of notifications.
That said I know that Wanikani Companion for Chrome does push notifications too