[Userscript] Wanikani Heatmap

yeah, it was a lot of review data, like 3.5 years worth. i am on chrome right now!
when i tried inserting all of them i get this:

maybe if i break the data up in smaller parts it might work?

Does the regular review_cache.insert(JSON.parse(<paste here>)) work?

It can be done in pieces as well but they need to be in the right order.

EDIT. Seems to be working with 500k+ reviews. How many do you have?

no, review_cache.insert(JSON.parse(<paste here>)) didnt work for me, idk why exactly.
i had a little over 152k reviews, but i restored them now, thankfully! :grinning:

I have updated the Heatmap such that inserting new reviews should correctly order them by date. If you currently have negative time inserting any new reviews should resolve it


Can I have some help pls ?
I do all my reviews on my laptop and I had this huge day streak on and then for a couple days I did my daily reviews on a different PC and installed my scripts on it too. Now on my laptop my streak is gone and it says I havenā€™t used WK that day with the cubes being grey and on other PC it only shows like I just started using this script showing a 3 day streak compared to the 190+ I had on my laptop. Can I sync these up and I can I restore my lost streak :frowning: thank you

WK has restricted access to the review data, so for the moment the Heatmap is only able to track reviews on the device you do them. There is no automatic way to sync between devices. However, I know that streaks are important, so I added a way for you to manually register reviews. If you go into the settings, under reviews thereā€™s way to pick a date and a number of reviews to register. You can use this to register the correct amount of reviews you did in those days where you did it on your PC.


Thank you so much for the fast reply and help !!! :slight_smile: Thanks!

Thank you @Kumirei for understanding the users.
Itā€™s the most important feature of a good programmer.


Iā€™d love to have my streak back! Although it is sad that so many scripts stopped working because of the wk updateā€¦ Donā€™t know why they did that :frowning: :sob:

In the settings under the reviews tab you can enter a date and a number of reviews then hit the button to manually register some missing reviews

So can I just update my heatmap manually with the reviews I did that day? Likeā€¦ can I update it manually from now on?

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Yes, if you do reviews on a different device (the Heatmap will still track reviews locally) you can add them manually

Ooh ok, thanks! I did prefer doing the reviews on my computer, but 90% of what I used is still not properly working and raw wanikani is just so much worseā€¦ I donā€™t really know how to contact or even know who he developers of the extentions are, so Iā€™m just waiting for the time being lol
Thanks a lot tho

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Just search the forums for the name of the extension/script to find its thread, then post there to see if the author might be able to fix it

Ooh ok! Thanks again! I donā€™t usually use the forums, so I tend to forget I can do things like that lol
Iā€™m just now starting to get a feel for how this worksā€¦ thanks!

Does it remove duplicate entries? My merger is quite clunky :sweat_smile:

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It does not. How did you duplicate your reviews?

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If I use 2 devices and want to sync them, I need to run them through merging and then duplicate removal script. Like if device A has list that has 10 reviews and device B has 12, just pushing them to other device keeps the duplicates.

Basically just exporting and importing.

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I thought you delete the review cache with your merging method?

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I do but if inserting a new review sorted and removed duplicates, there wouldnā€™t be any need for my code.

Could also be a separate function if thereā€™s too much slowdown.