[Userscript] Summary Page: Revival

I think adding date markers will definitely be useful for the accuracy history, right now it doesn’t really have much meaning to me.

One thing I noticed after the update is that the red used for the wrong answer looks a bit more faint now, it used to be darker before which was easier to read imo.

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Oops, I made it easier to see in dark mode and forgot to check light mode! I’ll get that fixed today
I’m definitely inclined to agree with you about the accuracy history, I’m now working on adding dates to it

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0.5.2 released, with labels for the accuracy graph and a fix for the bright wrong answer text @eternith . Unfortunately your Accuracy history graph should reset and so will take a couple of days to fill up again

EDIT: 0.5.3 released with a small fix for an occasional bug preventing returning to dashboard

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Can you add target=“_blank” to the summary listings, or add it as an option so I can click them without leaving the page (ie. open them in another tab)?

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Will get that done tomorrow evening :+1:

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In the meantime, you can always middle-click and that will open things in a new tab. And the slightly slower right-click > Open in new tab.

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Thanks. I just sometimes click them on accident and end up on the home page, which I guess might be a bug but tomorrows change will probably fix it I guess.

You end up on the dashboard when clicking items on the summary page?? If so that definitely should not be happening, clicking on them is meant to take you to their page… (preferably in a new tab which is what I’ll fix later today)

Yep that is what happens. Let’s just see if it sorts itself after the update. I half expect it will.

0.5.4 released - should make items open in a new tab and fix your issue with them returning you to the dashboard! Apologies it took a bit longer than I said it would - real life called :sweat_smile:

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Tested, working. :ok_hand:

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I had an image radical today, in fact the same one as I showed in this thread, but I unfortunately forgot to check if the alignment was fixed on the summary screen. My next image radical that would be good to check with is in 12 days, so hopefully one shows up for you before then so this can be verified more quickly. And hopefully I don’t forget then either, else I’ll have to wait till Nov 8th u_u

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Alright, finally the time has come. It looks like it’s still not aligned properly, due to the font size of characters and vertical-align not being top.


Here it is just by changing vertical-align to top:


And if I also change the height of the anchor to 2.75rem:


So it seems like the biggest factor here is the vertical-align property. The height change matters a bit less.


Light mode has bad CSS?

Ah, it’s using the old css variable name. Wanikani just changed from --color-dashboard-panel-background to --color-wk-panel-background.

Also, my session accuracy and accuracy history graphs have some weird things going on with their lines

For some reason the main line is light instead of dark (maybe because I had BD2 on when this popped up and then turned it off? That seems to be it because as I toggle it on and off the color of the line does not change).

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I’ll get this fixed later today, thanks for the report!

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Styling should be fixed in 0.5.5!

@LupoMikti indeed toggling BD2 on/off with the review panel open doesn’t change the line colour as it should - but as this would be a very unusual case I don’t think it’s worth fixing as I think it would take a fair bit of code refactoring as the graphs are drawn canvases :sweat_smile:

Yeah that makes sense. I don’t anticipate toggling the userstyle on and off often anyway nor do I imagine that anyone would have that as a normal use case.

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Light mode has black image Radicals. Fonts are white.

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Any chance you could share a screenshot of the issue? It all looks good to me