Sorry, I didn’t think of that furigana are turned off selectively. My mistake.
This is a great script! I have been checking nhk easy news everyday, it has been a nice tool to get into more long sentences and having rhythm over all.
is there another (easy of course) website this script could work?
Today nhk easy was not updated and then I had nothing to read on my lunch break time.
Hiragana Megane (How to Read Japanese) is a website that attempts to add furigana to Japanese websites. It has some recommendations you can click on if your looking for news.
I set the script up to recognize this webpage as well so it will then attempt to remove the furigana from those pages.
It is not nearly as good as NHK easy but it’s about 90% accurate. The problem is that the furigana is autogenerated so it may be incorrect. But it’s still a good resource. Also, the content will likely be much much harder.
since is recommended by this article on tofugu,
could you add support to wk integration to this website?
This site doesn’t appear to have furigana built in. If it did, I could.
Instead, you can use the link I gave in my last post and put the website in you mentioned. This will wrap the website in furigana and then my script will take over and remove the furigana for WK kanji and vocab you know at guru or above.
Furigana is not appearing for words I havent learned yet
In this example
photographer, I haven’t learned this word yet in WK.
Sorry for such a late reply. Because of how NHK easy and other sites break down the furigana, it is really hard to actually be perfect on the furigana. The way my algorithm works is it basically is just checking to see if there are matching readings for the kanji that you know. So, if there is a vocab word that uses the readings you know, but it hasn’t been learned yet, unfortunately, it may hide it.
Version 0.2 released.
New feature added! You can now add your WaniKani token through a gui when launching the script for the first time. Thanks to @lingvolernado.
Version 0.3 released.
Fix to script where furigana now properly is hidden in the pop-up dictionary on NHK News. Thanks to @lingvolernado.
wow - I did a google search for script that does this! I thought this would be an amazing help in my study… and you had not only thought of it, but implemented it - worked first time. thank you so much!
Thank you for your kind words.
@RobotWizard I installed the plugin and while it is hiding some furigana, there are many kanji that I have definitely guru’d+ where the furigana is still being displayed.
Using this article NEWS WEB EASY|梅毒がうつった人が増えている 「検査が大事」
The only kanji on that page that I have not guru’d (and should be showing furigana for) are: 菌,染,射, and 臓, but it’s showing the furigana for many others.
Any ideas? For now I’m using the built in furigana toggle within NHK, but it indiscriminately hides all furigana whether or not you know the kanji. I’d rather use your plugin for the filtering if possible
So, it is not 100% based on just kanji being guru’d, it’s based on the vocabulary being guru’d too. So if there is a vocab word that isn’t in WK, it may or may not hide the furigana. Also if a reading is used that isn’t reported by WK, it may not hide the furigana. I did my best to match WK, but the way the html works is kind of annoying. It will break the words up sometimes in funny ways. Also if you fail vocabulary/kanji and the item falls below guru again, the furigana will be shown. It’s based on the character’s latest state.
Does that explain maybe why you’re seeing extra furigana?
There may be a bug too in the script, but I think it’s more likely that it’s just that my script isn’t robust enough to cover all conditions. Also, honestly I’m not sure I would be able to spend a lot of time debugging things right now as I’ve been pretty busy recently. I’m actually going to Japanese language school so it takes a lot of my time.
If you want to check other articles, tell me if it’s bad to the same extent. If it is, maybe I can work with you and I’ll see if I can do a little research into it this weekend or next.
Yea I think it’s most likely the thing you mentioned regarding vocab. For instance with the vocab word 梅毒 which appears in that article, it’s not a vocab word taught in WK. I have 梅 mastered and 毒 burned so that’s definitely not the issue. Also, while it is using the ばい reading of 梅, which isn’t the primary reading that WK teaches, it is reported in Wanikani if you go to its kanji page, so that’s not the issue either.
So yea leaning towards it being the vocab issue you mentioned. And yea it’s pretty consistent across multiple NHK articles, not just the one I posted above. Below is taken from the latest article that just released today:
The only kanji in the above article that it’s still displaying furigana for are either 1. kanji that I truly don’t have guru+ or 2. vocab words that don’t exist in WK.
Would be nice if you can look into it but definitely no pressure we all have lives. I’ll probably just use a mix of your plugin + the built-in furigana toggle on NHK until it’s fixed.
it has been a month now that the hiragana doesnt disappear with vocab I know from wk.
Any way to fix this? At least for now I can press the button on website to erase all furigana, but I wanted to keep the ones I didnt learn on wk.
Truthfully I haven’t used my script in a while. I will try to take a look at the issue though when I have time.
while you dont take a look on it,
would you recommend another news source one level above nhk easy news for daily reading? All others I have found are way way harder to read due to a lot vocab I still dont know.
I will have to try to find the link for you, but there is another website I can’t remember the name of that has articles with different levels based on JLPT. It hasn’t been updated in a while, but I think it’s still a good resource. I will try to look for the bookmark this weekend.
would it be easyjapanese? which is the same as the app TODAI on android?
I already use and they are way way above nhk easy news