[Userscript] Multiple Answer Input revamped

Hello everyone!
After deciding today, on a whim, that I wanted to be able to answer a given question with all possible meanings and readings, I looked for a script to turn my wishes into reality and found this older solution by Mempo.

Sadly, this didn’t work for me, so I spent a few hours today debugging Mempo’s script and writing my own version of it.

What does it do?
It works on the same premise as Mempo’s original version: When answering, you can now input multiple answers, separated either by a semicolon ( ; ) or more than one white space. It should be fine to mix and match separators. If you’re a psychopath.

I figured out a way to direct this towards Wanikani’s own spellchecker, so Wanikani should act like each answer was submitted normally and isolated.

If any answers are wrong, the entire thing gets marked as red and the input field shows only the answers you got wrong, seperated by semicolons.
If you get it right, the answer field should hopefully display what you yourself entered (since everything is correct).

As a further improvement upon Mempo’s version, mine also works on lessons, not just reviews, and is fine with all registered readings/meanings of any kanji, vocabulary and radical (since it just uses Wanikani’s default checker)

How to install

  1. Install Tampermonkey
  2. Install Wanikani Open Framework
  1. Install my Script (The Wanikani Open Framework is no longer a requirement)
  2. Hope that it works! (o゜▽゜)o☆

General feedback on this one is of course also always welcome! I wouldn’t mind adding new separators for instance, or allowing you to configure your own!

I am far from done with improving this script! (but out of ideas!)

Version 1.2.1:

  • Oops. Typos.

Version 1.2.0:

  • Guess what?! WKOF is required again! (For real this time, I tested it)
  • Added settings support
  • Added setting to not immediately fail on a wrong answer if at least one answer is correct.
    Instead, it will now cause a shake effect and tell you which answers were wrong

Version 1.1.0:

  • Removed the @require tag again, as WKOF wasn’t actually required.
  • Cleaned up logging and moved it to respective Debug and Info levels.
  • Fixed known bugs
  • Tested on both Firefox and Chrome this time

Version 1.0.1: Added @require tag for the Wanikani Open Framework
Version 1.0: initial


Your script does not use WaniKani Open Framework, so you don’t have to @require it. And it is also not intended to be included with the @require tag.

Exceptions don’t cause a page reload. I think the problem is that you are suppressing some WaniKani code from executing with event.stopPropagation();. The WaniKani code probably contains event.preventDefault();. The default behavior of browsers for when you hit enter within a form input field is to submit the form (which in this case means reloading the webpage with ?user-response=... appended). So I think you should be able to fix this by suppressing this default behavior by adding event.preventDefault(); yourself.

Javascript is generally single-threaded, so in most cases you don’t have to worry about race conditions.

I haven’t heard of that yet – is this true?


I see! I left it in because the original script wouldn’t run without it (the $ wouldn’t get resolved to document.getElementById - I imagine that that’s what it is shorthand for). I’m actually mildly confused about that, now that I think about it - when googling about it, it ended up being a jQuery thing, but installing the WOF fixed the problem for me anyway. If the framework wasn’t the reason my errors were resolved, was it switching from Greasemonkey to Tampermonkey?
If I uninstall the Framework, what will $(Id) resolve to?

Oh, that exact call was commented out in the original script. I just figured it was a different way of achieving the same thing, but maybe I should have put some more thought into what exactly it meant. Thank you, I never would have figured that out ^^’

Ah, so going async is always an explicit choice?

Well, I thought it was, but in hindsight I might have been thinking about edge.
Uh-oh, I think I’m gonna have to catch up on some testing tomorrow.

Thank you very much for your advice! I’ll get an update ready tomorrow addressing your points :slight_smile:


You can use RegEx for the URL matching. Might want to use something like this instead of @match

// @include      /^https://(www|preview).wanikani.com/(lesson|review)/session$/

I’m just a hobby developer, so I am not sure if it’s bad form or not, however, you should consider that a lot of users have a number of userscripts installed, so it might be good to keep the logging to a minimum lest the console gets clogged. That’s just my opinion, though.

I think it’s fine for userscripts since they have to work around the existing code. It’s probably best not to make a habit of using it when you don’t have to, but userscripts do what they have to do to work. They can’t be and don’t need to be, examples of best practices

I think your code looks fine. Userscripts don’t need to be pristine, as long as they work you’re good

TBH I don’t know how to do that either. Our scripts spread here on the forums anyway, so a link to the original or a mention in the OP would be enough IMO

I guess technically you did? Lol. I think Mempo is fine with it, though. I haven’t seen a script without a standard open source license

The feedback category is for WK feedback, so you put it in the right place. There’s only one category per thread

Yes! I had practically no programming experience before I started making userscripts for WK. It’s been a fun couple of years

Yes, $ is shorthand for jQuery. However, $(selector) works much like document.querySelectorAll(selector)

Wanikani (not WKOF) provides jQuery in the global scope so nothing should change. If you want to get rid of linter warnings of $ not being defined you can just define it in the local scope const $ = window.jQuery

Yes. Well, unless you unknowingly use an async function. You can also make async calls look synchronous using the async/await statements.


Yes, I’m pretty sure that this problem was solved by switching from Greasemonkey to Tampermonkey. Greasemonkey has some really restrictive security features. $ is defined by vanilla WK in the global scope, but I think Greasemonkey provides your userscript with a separate global scope. Maybe you could have worked around this by using const $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery;, but I don’t think anybody uses Greasemonkey anyway, as the Open Framework does not work in it.

And even when using Promises / async & await, it does not result in parallel execution of Javascript code. If the browser has a promise result ready or wants to execute a callback or event handler, it has to wait until the currently executing Javascript code has finished.

It’s true that unless you know the code in button.click(), you can’t be sure that after button.click() finished it will not cause any changes to the input field anymore. For example, button.click() might contain a line

setTimeout(() => $('input#user-response')[0].value = "You didn't expect that, did you?", 1);

This would cause the given callback function to be queued for execution after 1ms. In such a case, button.click() would return, you change the input value, and after your Javascript code finished, the queued callback would execute and overwrite your change to the input field.

However, since Javascript is single-threaded, the callback of setTimeout() would always execute afterwards, so I’m not sure if this can be called a race condition.


Thank you, I took the liberty of implementing your suggestions in today’s new update.

Is it the same thing or does it simply fulfill the same functionality?

Thank you for your tips and feedback!


Same functionality, different implementation. I might be wrong, but I think the jQuery implementation came first, and it was later implemented in native JS because it was so popular


…That could have saved me a lot of time hahaha

Wait, then why use it? In conventional programming at least, the whole point of making something async is that it can run on a background thread to finish its operation without freezing e.g. the UI thread, but if everything is on the same thread, doesn’t this effectively make it synchronous, anyway?

In the same vein I’m struggling a little with this - if js only has a single thread to use, shouldn’t the timeout occupy that thread? How does it resume execution in the caller and react to the callback afterwards? The only thing I can think of is setTimeou() not occupying the thread in the way the classic Thread.Sleep() is liable to.
This would still, however, limit the usefulness of js await to awaiting operations that don’t occupy the thread, reducing the potential applications to pretty much only waiting without an attached operation…

Is there more to this and I’m overthinking it?

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I believe it’s primarily (though not exclusively) used when you make HTTP requests and it will take some time before you get a response. Since JS is single-threaded the alternative to promises is halting all execution until you get a response.


Ooooooh I see, that makes perfect sense. Of course waiting for a single-threaded application as a single-threaded application has only little benefit, but waiting for a different server to execute a long-running process, or your OS to complete a download etc. does make a lot of sense.

Thanks, I am enlightened

I’m also not that knowledgeable in Javascript, so take what I’m going to say with a grain of salt:

While all the Javascript code that you write only runs on a single thread, some native code might execute in different threads. As @Kumirei said, if you for example call fetch(), it will perform an HTTP request in a background thread while your single-threaded code continues to run. As soon as fetch() finished, it waits until the Javascript thread is “free” and then delivers the result.

Some other potentially time-consuming native functionality might also execute in parallel, for example database queries (I’m thinking of IndexedDB) or reading a file from your hard drive.

Expensive computations implemented in Javascript (and not native code) will indeed freeze the UI. And setTimeout() does not occupy the thread like Thread.Sleep():

setTimeout(() => console.log("timeout"), 1);
console.time("1000000 × sin");
Array.from({length: 1000000}, (v, i) => Math.sin(i));
console.timeEnd("1000000 × sin");

The result of this code is:

1000000 × sin: 129.632080078125 ms

setTimeout() only schedules the execution of the callback function for one millisecond in the future but immediately returns and your code continues to run. After 1ms, the callback function gets queued for execution, but the execution has to wait until the Javascript thread is “free”, which takes another 128ms.

With all that said, you can nowadays run Javascript code in a separate thread by using Web Workers.


I see, so setTimeout itself only performs the scheduling operation, which is presumably very cheap and therefore returns execution to the main program pretty much immediately, with the scheduler coming in to call the awaited function once its own queue is empty. Meaning: Instead of the thread actively waiting, it resumes execution per an outside push. I think that was the main point I’d been missing.
I suppose this explains why javascript is, well, a scripting language - I will keep in mind to not run any expensive ops in js, but pass it off to native code wherever possible.

Thank you very much, both you and @Kumirei have been amazingly helpful! (^^ゞ

(As an aside: Thank you as well for the ConfusionGuesser, it’s very cool)


I’m going to try this out (haven’t yet), but I’m looking for a script that would do the same but instead mark the answer green if you get at least one part right, but tell you which you got wrong if any are off.

I feel like that would create more incentive to stretch my memory to remember more than just the easiest meaning or reading to recall… Otherwise… if I’m just going to get the item marked red because I went to the extra effort, what’s the point (besides ultimately greater learning… obvs, but you know… my mind works on labrat level, so where’s the reward?)??

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I see, so “if any answer is correct → correct” instead of the current behavior, which goes “any answer incorrect → incorrect” + telling you which exact inputs were false.

Basically: A flipped version?

Sure, I could do that, it shouldn’t be very difficult. I’ll probably update my original post with a link to the alternative version tomorrow.


Why not make it a setting?

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I can’t deny that the thought did cross my mind. However, I feel that incorporating a whole settings save system plus GUI would take an enormous amount of effort and therefore time compared to just making a second version, for little return because that’s not something people would change often…

I don’t know, I don’t really see the benefit for now (plus, I don’t know how that system is typically realized - are there any specific guidelines to follow? Heck, where do I put the config menu in the first place lol)

All of that notwithstanding, it does sound like a fun thing to try my hand at, I’ll admit :slight_smile:

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It seems you need to learn how to use wkof. With wkof implementing a setting is easy and fast.

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Seconding WKOF. Super easy to add settings once you get a hang of it


You could read the Double-Check script to see how it is done in a script showing during reviews.

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Alrighty then, looks like I’ll be using WKOF after all. Thanks for the suggestion, @prouleau and @Kumirei!

@ganbareniichan sorry, it’s gonna be a bit longer then, though only a few days at most ^^