[Userscript]: Double-Check (Version 2.x)

rfindley the ancient neko-dragon of wanikani



Still not 100% tested (I keep getting side-tracked), but here’s the latest for your own evaluation. Anyone is welcome to test and provide feedback
 just understand that there may issues that could affect your reviews (unless you use the script in my next post

Double-Check code
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Wanikani Double-Check
// @namespace   wkdoublecheck
// @description Allows retyping typo'd answers, or marking wrong when WK's typo tolerance is too lax.
// @include     /^https://(www|preview).wanikani.com/review/session/
// @version     2.2.21
// @author      Robin Findley
// @copyright   2017+, Robin Findley
// @license     MIT; http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
// @run-at      document-end
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

// CREDITS: This is a replacement for an original script by Wanikani user @Ethan.
// Ethan's script stopped working due to some Wanikani changes.  The code below is
// 100% my own, but it closely replicates the functionality of Ethan's original script.

//   "+"      - Marks answer as 'correct'.
//   "-"      - Marks answer as 'incorrect'.
//   "Escape" or "Backspace" - Resets question, allowing you to retype.


window.doublecheck = {};

(function(gobj) {

    /* global $, wkof, additionalContent, lastItems, Srs, wanakana */

    var settings;


    // setup() - Set up the menu link and default settings.
    function setup() {

        var defaults = {
            allow_retyping: true,
            allow_change_correct: false,
            allow_change_incorrect: false,
            typo_action: 'ignore',
            wrong_answer_type_action: 'warn',
            kanji_reading_for_vocab_action: 'wrong',
            kanji_meaning_for_vocab_action: 'wrong',
            wrong_number_n_action: 'wrong',
            delay_wrong: true,
            delay_multi_meaning: false,
            delay_slightly_off: false,
            delay_period: 1.5,
            warn_burn: 'never',
            burn_delay_period: 0,
            show_lightning_button: true,
            lightning_enabled: false,
            srs_msg_period: 1.2,
            autoinfo_correct: false,
            autoinfo_incorrect: false,
            autoinfo_multi_meaning: false,
            autoinfo_slightly_off: false
        return wkof.Settings.load('doublecheck', defaults)
            .then(init_ui.bind(null, true /* first_time */));

    // open_settings() - Open the Settings dialog.
    function open_settings() {
        var dialog = new wkof.Settings({
            script_id: 'doublecheck',
            title: 'Double-Check Settings',
            on_save: init_ui,
            content: {
                tabAnswers: {type:'page',label:'Answers',content:{
                    grpChangeAnswers: {type:'group',label:'Change Answer',content:{
                        allow_retyping: {type:'checkbox',label:'Allow retyping answer',default:true,hover_tip:'When enabled, you can retype your answer by pressing Escape or Backspace.'},
                        allow_change_correct: {type:'checkbox',label:'Allow changing to "correct"',default:true,hover_tip:'When enabled, you can change your answer\nto "correct" by pressing the "+" key.'},
                        allow_change_incorrect: {type:'checkbox',label:'Allow changing to "incorrect"',default:true,hover_tip:'When enabled, you can change your answer\nto "incorrect" by pressing the "-" key.'},
                    grpCarelessMistakes: {type:'group',label:'Careless Mistakes',content:{
                        typo_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Action for typos',default:'ignore',content:{ignore:'Ignore',warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when answer contains typos.'},
                        wrong_answer_type_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Wrong answer type',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when reading was entered instead of meaning, or vice versa.'},
                        kanji_reading_for_vocab_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Kanji reading entered for single-character vocab',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when the reading of a kanji is entered for a single character vocab word instead of the correct vocab reading.'},
                        kanji_meaning_for_vocab_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Kanji meaning entered for single-character vocab',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when the meaning of a kanji is entered for a single character vocab word instead of the correct vocab meaning.'},
                        wrong_number_n_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Wrong number of n\'s entered in reading',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when you type the wrong number of n\'s in certain reading questions.'},
                tabMistakeDelay: {type:'page',label:'Mistake Delay',content:{
                    grpDelay: {type:'group',label:'Delay Next Question',content:{
                        delay_wrong: {type:'checkbox',label:'Delay when wrong',default:true,refresh_on_change:true,hover_tip:'If your answer is wrong, you cannot advance\nto the next question for at least N seconds.'},
                        delay_multi_meaning: {type:'checkbox',label:'Delay when multiple meanings',default:false,hover_tip:'If the item has multiple meanings, you cannot advance\nto the next question for at least N seconds.'},
                        delay_slightly_off: {type:'checkbox',label:'Delay when answer has typos',default:false,hover_tip:'If your answer contains typos, you cannot advance\nto the next question for at least N seconds.'},
                        delay_period: {type:'number',label:'Delay period (in seconds)',default:1.5,hover_tip:'Number of seconds to delay before allowing\nyou to advance to the next question.'},
                tabBurnReviews: {type:'page',label:'Burn Reviews',content:{
                    grpBurnReviews: {type:'group',label:'Burn Reviews',content:{
                        warn_burn: {type:'dropdown',label:'Warn before burning',default:'never',content:{never:'Never',cheated:'If you changed answer',always:'Always'},hover_tip:'Choose when to warn before burning an item.'},
                        burn_delay_period: {type:'number',label:'Delay after warning (in seconds)',default:1.5,hover_tip:'Number of seconds to delay before allowing\nyou to advance to the next question after seeing a burn warning.'},
                tabLightning: {type:'page',label:'Lightning',content:{
                    grpLightning: {type:'group',label:'Lightning Mode',content:{
                        show_lightning_button: {type:'checkbox',label:'Show "Lightning Mode" button',default:true,hover_tip:'Show the "Lightning Mode" toggle\nbutton on the review screen.'},
                        lightning_enabled: {type:'checkbox',label:'Enable "Lightning Mode"',default:true,refresh_on_change:true,hover_tip:'Enable "Lightning Mode", which automatically advances to\nthe next question if you answer correctly.'},
                        srs_msg_period: {type:'number',label:'SRS popup time (in seconds)',default:1.2,min:0,hover_tip:'How long to show SRS up/down popup when in lightning mode.  (0 = don\'t show)'},
                tabAutoInfo: {type:'page',label:'Item Info',content:{
                    grpAutoInfo: {type:'group',label:'Show Item Info',content:{
                        autoinfo_correct: {type:'checkbox',label:'After correct answer',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info after correct answers.', validate:validate_autoinfo_correct},
                        autoinfo_incorrect: {type:'checkbox',label:'After incorrect answer',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info after incorrect answers.', validate:validate_autoinfo_incorrect},
                        autoinfo_multi_meaning: {type:'checkbox',label:'When multiple meanings',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info when an item has multiple meanings.', validate:validate_autoinfo_correct},
                        autoinfo_slightly_off: {type:'checkbox',label:'When answer has typos',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info when your answer has typos.', validate:validate_autoinfo_correct},

    // validate_autoinfo_correct() - Notify user if iteminfo and lightning are both enabled.
    function validate_autoinfo_correct(enabled) {
        if (enabled && settings.lightning_enabled) {
            return 'Disable "Lightning Mode"!';

    // validate_autoinfo_incorrect() - Notify user if iteminfo and lightning are both enabled, and wrong_delay disabled.
    function validate_autoinfo_incorrect(enabled) {
        if (enabled && settings.lightning_enabled && !settings.delay_wrong) {
            return 'Disable "Lightning Mode", or<br>enable "Delay when wrong"!';

    // init_ui() - Initialize the user interface.
    var first_time = true;
    function init_ui() {
        settings = wkof.settings.doublecheck;

        if (first_time) {
            first_time = false;

        // Migrate 'lightning' setting from localStorage.
        var lightning = localStorage.getItem('lightning');
        if (lightning === 'false' || lightning === 'true') {
            settings.lightning_enabled = lightning;

        // Initialize the Lightning Mode button.
        if (settings.lightning_enabled) {
        } else {
        $('#lightning-mode').prop('hidden', !settings.show_lightning_button);

        setClass('#option-double-check', 'hidden', !(settings.allow_change_correct || settings.allow_change_incorrect));
        setClass('#option-retype', 'hidden', !settings.allow_retyping);

        if (state === 'second_submit') {
            setClass('#option-double-check', 'disabled', !(
                (new_answer.passed && settings.allow_change_incorrect) || (!new_answer.passed && settings.allow_change_correct)
            setClass('#option-retype', 'disabled', !settings.allow_retyping);

    var old_submit_handler, old_answer_checker, ignore_submit = false, state = 'first_submit', show_srs, srs_load, delay_timer;
    var item, itype, item_id, item_status, qtype, valid_answers, wrong_cnt, question_cnt, completed_cnt, answer, new_answer;

    // lightning_clicked() - Lightning button handler.
    function lightning_clicked() {
        settings.lightning_enabled = !settings.lightning_enabled;
        $('#lightning-mode').toggleClass('active', settings.lightning_enabled);
        return false;

    // toggle_result() - Toggle an answer from right->wrong or wrong->right.
    function toggle_result(new_state) {
        if (new_state === 'toggle') new_state = (new_answer.passed ? 'incorrect' : 'correct');
        if (state !== 'second_submit') return false;

        switch (new_state) {
            case 'correct':
                if (!settings.allow_change_correct || new_answer.passed) return false;
                new_answer = {passed:true, accurate:true, multipleAnswers:false, exception:false};
                set_answer_state(new_answer, false /* show_msgs */);
            case 'incorrect':
                if (!settings.allow_change_incorrect || !new_answer.passed) return false;
                new_answer = {passed:false, accurate:false, multipleAnswers:false, exception:false};
                set_answer_state(new_answer, false /* show_msgs */);
            case 'retype':
                if (!settings.allow_retyping) return false;

    // do_delay() - Disable the submit button briefly to prevent clicking past wrong answers.
    function do_delay(period) {
        if (period === undefined) period = settings.delay_period;
        ignore_submit = true;
        delay_timer = setTimeout(function() {
            delay_timer = -1;
            ignore_submit = false;
        }, settings.delay_period*1000);

    // clear_delay() - Clear the delay timer.
    function clear_delay() {
        if (delay_timer) {
            ignore_submit = false;
            delay_timer = undefined;

    // return_new_answer() - Alternate answer checker that overrides our results.
    function return_new_answer() {
        return new_answer;

    // set_answer_state() - Update the screen to show results of answer-check.
    function set_answer_state(answer, show_msgs, no_redraw) {
        // If user requested to retype answer, reset the question.
        if (answer.reset) {
            $.jStorage.set('wrongCount', wrong_cnt);
            $.jStorage.set('questionCount', question_cnt);
            $.jStorage.set('completedCount', completed_cnt);
            if (!answer.no_keychange) $.jStorage.set('currentItem', $.jStorage.get('currentItem')); // Triggers input box redraw.
            $('#option-double-check').addClass('disabled').find('span').attr('title','Mark Right').find('i').attr('class','icon-thumbs-up');
            state = 'first_submit';

        // If answer is invalid for some reason, do the shake thing.
        if (answer.exception) {
            if (answer.confirming_burn) {
                $("#answer-form fieldset").removeClass('incorrect').removeClass('correct').addClass('confburn');
                $("#answer-form form").append($('<div id="answer-exception" class="answer-exception-form"><span>' + answer.exception + '</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));
            if (!$("#answer-form form").is(":animated")) {
                $("#reviews").css("overflow-x", "hidden");
                $("#answer-form form").effect("shake", {}, 300, function() {
                    $("#reviews").css("overflow-x", "visible");
                    if (!answer.accurate && $('#user-response').val() !== '') {
                        if (typeof answer.exception === "string") {
                            $("#answer-form form").append($('<div id="answer-exception" class="answer-exception-form"><span>' + answer.exception + '</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));

        // Draw 'correct' or 'incorrect' results, enable Double-Check button, and calculate updated statistics.
        var new_wrong_cnt = wrong_cnt, new_completed_cnt = completed_cnt;
        var new_status = Object.assign({},item_status);
        var dblchk = $('#option-double-check');
        var retype = $('#option-retype');
        setClass(retype, 'disabled', !settings.allow_retyping);
        if (answer.passed) {
            if (no_redraw !== true) {
                $("#answer-form fieldset").removeClass('incorrect').removeClass('confburn').addClass('correct');
                dblchk.find('span').attr('title','Mark Wrong').find('i').attr('class','icon-thumbs-down');
            setClass(dblchk, 'disabled', !settings.allow_change_incorrect);
            if (qtype === 'meaning') {
                new_status.mc = (new_status.mc || 0) + 1;
            } else {
                new_status.rc = (new_status.rc || 0) + 1;
        } else {
            $.jStorage.set('confburn/' + item.id , true, {TTL:1000*3600*24*10});
            $("#answer-form fieldset").removeClass('correct').removeClass('confburn').addClass('incorrect');
            dblchk.find('span').attr('title','Mark Right').find('i').attr('class','icon-thumbs-up');
            setClass(dblchk, 'disabled', !settings.allow_change_correct);
        if ((itype === 'r' || ((new_status.rc || 0) >= 1)) && ((new_status.mc || 0) >= 1)) {
            if (show_srs) {
                if (settings.lightning_enabled) {
                    if (settings.srs_msg_period > 0) {
                        var status = Object.assign({},new_status);
                        var srs = item.srs;
                        setTimeout(Srs.load.bind(Srs, status, srs), 100);
                        setTimeout(Srs.remove, settings.srs_msg_period * 1000);
                } else {
        $.jStorage.set('wrongCount', new_wrong_cnt);
        $.jStorage.set('questionCount', question_cnt + 1);
        $.jStorage.set('completedCount', new_completed_cnt);
        if (no_redraw !== true) {
            $("#user-response").prop("disabled", !0);

        // We remove the audio play from enableButtons() so we can control playback.
        // Here, we are installing the audio, but telling it not to play yet.
        $('audio').remove(); // Thanks to Sinyaven for the hotfix!!
        let oldAutoplay = window.audioAutoplay;
        window.audioAutoplay = false;
        window.audioAutoplay = oldAutoplay;

        var prependedAudio = $('audio');
        if (prependedAudio.length > 0) {
            $('#option-audio').on('click', function() {
                if ($('#user-response').is(':disabled')) {
                    return false;

            // Now that the audio is installed, move it so WK doesn't delete it upon submitting an answer.

        // And finally, play the audio (if autoplay is enabled).
        if (prependedAudio.length > 0 && window.audioAutoplay && answer.passed) {
        } else if (window.wkEnableAudio) {


        // Open item info, depending on settings.
        var showing_info = false;
        if (answer.passed && !settings.lightning_enabled &&
            (settings.autoinfo_correct ||
             (settings.autoinfo_slightly_off && !answer.accurate) ||
             (settings.autoinfo_multi_meaning && answer.multipleAnswers)
            )) {
            showing_info = true;
        } else if (!answer.passed && !(settings.lightning_enabled && !settings.delay_wrong) && settings.autoinfo_incorrect) {
            showing_info = true;

        // When user is submitting an answer, display the on-screen message that Wanikani normally shows.
        if (show_msgs) {
            var msg;
            if (answer.passed) {
                if (!answer.accurate) {
                    msg = 'Your answer was a bit off. Check the '+qtype+' to make sure you are correct';
                } else if (answer.multipleAnswers) {
                    msg = 'Did you know this item has multiple possible '+qtype+'s?';
            } else {
                msg = 'Need help? View the correct '+qtype+' and mnemonic';
            if (msg) {
                if (showing_info) {
                    $("#information").prepend($('<div id="answer-exception" style="top:0;"><span>'+msg+'</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));
                } else {
                    $("#additional-content").append($('<div id="answer-exception"><span>'+msg+'</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));

    // setClass() - Add or remove a class based on the 'enabled' state.
    function setClass(elem, classname, enabled) {
        if (typeof elem === 'string') elem = $(elem);
        if (enabled) {
        } else {

    // new_submit_handler() - Intercept handler for 'submit' button.  Overrides default behavior as needed.
    function new_submit_handler(e) {
//        e.preventDefault();

        // Don't process 'submit' if we are ignoring temporarily (to prevent double-tapping past important info)
        if (ignore_submit) {
            // If the user presses <enter> during delay period,
            // WK enables the user input field, which makes Item Info not work.
            // Let's make sure the input field is disabled.
            return false;

        switch(state) {
            case 'first_submit':
                // We intercept the first 'submit' click, and simulate normal Wanikani screen behavior.
                state = 'second_submit';

                // Capture the state of the system before submitting the answer.
                item = $.jStorage.get('currentItem');
                itype = (item.rad ? 'r' : (item.kan ? 'k' : 'v'));
                item_id = itype + item.id;
                item_status = $.jStorage.get(item_id) || {};
                qtype = $.jStorage.get('questionType');
                wrong_cnt = $.jStorage.get('wrongCount') || 0;
                question_cnt = $.jStorage.get('questionCount') || 0;
                completed_cnt = $.jStorage.get('completedCount') || 0;
                show_srs = $.jStorage.get('r/srsIndicator');

                // Ask Wanikani if the answer is right (but we don't actually submit the answer).
                answer = old_answer_checker(qtype, $("#user-response").val());

                // Update the screen to reflect the results of our checked answer.
                $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: 0}, 200);
                new_answer = Object.assign({},answer);

                // Check if [meaning has kana] or [reading has latin]
                var text = $('#user-response').val();
                if ((qtype === 'reading' && window.answerChecker.isNonKanaPresent(text)) ||
                    (qtype === 'meaning' && window.answerChecker.isKanaPresent(text)) ||
                    (text === '')) {
                    answer.exception = answer.exception || true;
                    answer.bad_input = true;

                // Non-exact answer (i.e. "Close but no cigar" script)
                if (answer.passed && !answer.accurate) {
                    switch (settings.typo_action) {
                        case 'warn': answer.exception = 'Your answer was close, but not exact'; break;
                        case 'wrong': answer.passed = false; break;

                // Check for reading/meaning mixups
                if (!answer.passed) {
                    if (qtype === 'meaning') {
                        var accepted_readings = [].concat(item.kana, item.on, item.kun, item.nanori);
                        var answer_as_kana = to_kana($('#user-response').val());
                        if (accepted_readings.indexOf(answer_as_kana) >= 0) {
                            if (settings.wrong_answer_type_action === 'warn') {
                                answer.exception = 'Oops, we want the meaning, not the reading.';
                            } else {
                                answer.exception = false;
                    } else {
                        // Although Wanikani now checks for readings entered as meanings, it only
                        // checks the 'preferred' reading.  Here, we check all readings.
                        var accepted_meanings = item.en.concat(item.syn, window.answerChecker.filterAuxiliaryMeanings(item.auxiliary_meanings, 'whitelist'));
                        var meanings_as_hiragana = accepted_meanings.map(m => to_kana(m.toLowerCase()).replace(/\s/g,''));
                        var answer_as_hiragana = Array.from($('#user-response').val().toLowerCase()).map(c => wanakana.toHiragana(c)).join('');
                        if (meanings_as_hiragana.indexOf(answer_as_hiragana) >= 0) {
                            if (settings.wrong_answer_type_action === 'warn') {
                                answer.exception = 'Oops, we want the reading, not the meaning.';
                            } else {
                                answer.exception = false;

                // Check for Wanikani warnings that should be changed to 'wrong', based on settings.
                if (typeof answer.exception === 'string') {
                    if (((settings.kanji_meaning_for_vocab_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('want the vocabulary meaning, not the kanji meaning')) ||
                        ((settings.kanji_reading_for_vocab_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('want the vocabulary reading, not the kanji reading')) ||
                        ((settings.wrong_number_n_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('forget that ん')))
                        answer.exception = false;
                        answer.passed = false;

                // Check for exceptions that are preventing the answer from being submitted.
                if (answer.exception) {
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                    state = 'first_submit';
                    return false;

                // Optionally (according to settings), temporarily ignore any additional clicks on the
                // 'submit' button to prevent the user from clicking past important info about the answer.
                if ((!answer.passed && settings.delay_wrong) ||
                    (answer.passed &&
                     ((!answer.accurate && settings.delay_slightly_off) ||
                      (answer.multipleAnswers && settings.delay_multi_meaning))
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                    return false;

                if (settings.lightning_enabled) {
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */, true /* no_redraw */);
                } else {
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                    return false;

                /* no break */
                // eslint-disable-line no-fallthrough

            case 'second_submit':
                // Before accepting a final submit, notify user if item will burn (depending on settings).
                new_answer.exception = false;
                if (!new_answer.confirming_burn) {
                    // Check if we need to warn the user that this is a 'burn' review.
                    // NOTE: "item_status.ni" seems to be used by other scripts.
                    var will_burn = (item.srs === 8) && new_answer.passed &&
                        !(item_status.mi || item_status.ri || item_status.ni) &&
                        ((itype === 'r') ||
                         (((item_status.rc || 0) + (qtype === 'reading' ? 1 : 0) > 0) &&
                          ((item_status.mc || 0) + (qtype === 'meaning' ? 1 : 0) > 0)));
                    var cheated = $.jStorage.get('confburn/' + item.id) ? true : false;
                    if (will_burn && (settings.warn_burn !== 'never')) {
                        // Prompt before burning, and suppress proceeding for a moment.
                        if (cheated) {
                            new_answer.exception = 'You modified an answer on this item. It will be burned if you continue.';
                        } else if (settings.warn_burn === 'always') {
                            new_answer.exception = 'This item will be burned if you continue.'
                        if (new_answer.exception) {
                            new_answer.confirming_burn = true;
                            set_answer_state(new_answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                            return false;
                } else {
                    delete new_answer.confirming_burn;

                // We intercepted the first submit, allowing the user to optionally modify their answer.
                // Now, either the user has clicked submit again, or lightning is enabled and we are automatically clicking submit again.
                // Since Wanikani didn't see the first submit (because we intercepted it), now we need to simulate two submits for Wanikani:
                //   1. One for Wanikani to check the (possibly corrected) result, and
                //   2. One for Wanikani to move on to the next question.

                // Reset the screen to pre-submitted state, so Wanikani won't get confused when it tries to process the answer.
                // Wanikani code will then update the screen according to our forced answer-check result.
                $('#user-response').prop('disabled', false);
                $('#option-audio audio').remove();
                $.jStorage.set('wrongCount', wrong_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('questionCount', question_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('completedCount', completed_cnt);

                // Prevent WK from posting a second SRS notice.
                srs_load = Srs.load;
                Srs.load = function(){};

                // Disable starting audio playback, since we already started playing audio (if necessary)
                var old_additionalContent_audio = window.additionalContent.audio;
                window.additionalContent.audio = function() {};
                var old_wkEnableAudio = window.wkEnableAudio;
                window.wkEnableAudio = function() {};

                // This is the first submit actually forwarded to Wanikani.
                // It will check our (possibly corrected) answer.
                var result = old_submit_handler.apply(this, arguments);

                // This is hidden third click from above, which Wanikani thinks is the second click.
                // Wanikani will move to the next question.
                state = 'first_submit';

                // We need to disable the input field, so Wanikani will see this as the second click.
                $('#user-response').prop('disabled', true);

                // Restore the SRS message function, which we disabled in second_submit above.
                Srs.load = srs_load;

                // Re-enable starting audio playback
                window.wkEnableAudio = old_wkEnableAudio;
                window.additionalContent.audio = old_additionalContent_audio;

                // This is the second submit actually forwarded to Wanikani.
                // It will move on to the next question.
                return old_submit_handler.apply(this, arguments);

                return false;

        return false;

    // Simulate input character by character and convert with WanaKana to kana
    //  -- Contributed by user @Sinyaven
    function to_kana(text) {
        return Array.from(text).reduce((total, c) => wanakana.toKana(total + c, {IMEMode: true}), "").replace(/n$/, String.fromCharCode(12435));

    // Resize the buttons according to how many are visible.
    function resize_buttons() {
        var buttons = $('#additional-content ul>li');
        var btn_count = buttons.length - buttons.filter('.hidden,[hidden]').length;
        $('#additional-content ul > li').css('width',Math.floor(9900/btn_count)/100 + '%');

    // External hook for @polv's script, "WaniKani Disable Default Answers"
    gobj.set_state = function(_state) {
        state = _state;

    // startup() - Install our intercept handlers, and add our Double-Check button and hotkey
    function startup() {
        // Check if we can intercept the submit button handler.
        try {
            old_submit_handler = $._data( $('#answer-form button')[0], 'events').click[0].handler;
            old_answer_checker = window.enhanceAnswerChecker({evaluate:window.answerChecker.evaluate}).evaluate;
        } catch(err) {}
        if (typeof old_submit_handler !== 'function' || typeof old_answer_checker !== 'function') {
            alert('Wanikani Double-Check script is not working.');

        // Replace the handler.
        $._data( $('#answer-form button')[0], 'events').click[0].handler = new_submit_handler;

        // Clear warning popups if question changes due to reasons outside of this script
        $.jStorage.listenKeyChange("currentItem", function(key, action){
            set_answer_state({reset:true, no_keychange: true});

        // Install the Lightning Mode button.
        $('head').append('<style>#lightning-mode.active {color:#ff0; opacity:1.0;}</style>');
        $('#summary-button').append('<a id="lightning-mode" href="#" hidden ><i class="icon-bolt" title="Lightning Mode - When enabled, auto-\nadvance after answering correctly."></i></a>');
        $('#lightning-mode').on('click', lightning_clicked);

        // Install the Double-Check features.
        $('#additional-content ul').css('text-align','center').append(
            '<li id="option-double-check" class="disabled"><span title="Double Check"><i class="icon-thumbs-up"></i></span></li>'+
            '<li id="option-retype" class="disabled"><span title="Retype"><i class="icon-undo"></i></span></li></ul>'
        $('#option-double-check').on('click', toggle_result.bind(null,'toggle'));
        $('#option-retype').on('click', toggle_result.bind(null,'retype'));
        $('body').on('keypress', function(event){
            if (event.which === 43) toggle_result('correct');
            if (event.which === 45) toggle_result('incorrect');
            return true;
        $('body').on('keydown', function(event){
            if ((event.which === 27 || event.which === 8) &&
                (state !== 'first_submit') &&
                (event.target.nodeName === 'BODY') &&
                return false;
            } else if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === 'l') {
                return false;
            return true;
            '#additional-content>ul>li.hidden {display:none;}'+
            '#answer-form fieldset.confburn button, #answer-form fieldset.confburn input[type=text], #answer-form fieldset.confburn input[type=text]:disabled {'+
            '  background-color: #000 !important;'+
            '  color: #fff;'+
            '  text-shadow: 2px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2);'+
            '  transition: background-color 0.1s ease-in;'+
            '  opacity: 1 !important;'+

        // Override the answer checker.
        window.answerChecker.evaluate = return_new_answer;
        window.enhanceAnswerChecker = function(answerChecker) {return answerChecker;};

1 Like

Also, a script for debugging without actually affecting your reviews:

Script to block review submission on preview.wanikani.com
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Wanikani Disable Review Submission
// @namespace   wk_disable_reviews
// @description Disable submission of reviews, for debugging purposes
// @include     https://preview.wanikani.com/review/session*
// @version     1.0.0
// @author      Robin Findley
// @copyright   2018+, Robin Findley
// @license     MIT; http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
// @run-at      document-end
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

window.disable_reviews = {};

(function(gobj) {

    /* globals $ */

    // NOTE: The assignment below only sets initial state.  Don't change it here!!
    // If you want to change it, edit the call to 'enable()' at the end of the script.
    var is_on = false;

    var old_ajax, old_setkey, stack = [];

    function deletePartials() {
        var keys = $.jStorage.index().filter(function(key){
            return key.match(/^(r|k|v)\d+$/)
        keys.forEach(function(key) {

    function disable() {
        if (!is_on) return;
        is_on = false;
        $.ajax = old_ajax;

    function enable() {
        if (is_on) return;
        is_on = true;
        old_ajax = $.ajax;
        $.ajax = new_handler;
//        old_setkey = $.jStorage.set;
//        $.jStorage.set = new_setkey_handler;

    function new_handler(e) {
        if (e.url === '/json/progress') {
            console.log('Blocking submission');
            return $.Deferred().resolve();
        } else if (e.url.match(/^\/json\/(radical|kanji|vocabulary)\/\d+$/) !== null) {
            return old_ajax.apply(this, arguments);
        } else {
            console.log('Unknown ajax: "'+e.url+'"');
            return $.Deferred().resolve();

//    function new_setkey_handler(key) {
//        if (key.match(/^[rjv]\d+$/)) return;
//        return old_setkey.apply(this, arguments);
//    }

    gobj.disable = disable;
    gobj.enable = enable;
    gobj.stack = stack;



I’ll start using this each time I do my reviews and let you know if I encounter any issues.

One potential issue I did notice just from looking through the code is that you modify the answer by setting answer.passed to false if the the typo action is set to wrong and there is a typo. However, I don’t see anywhere where new_answer gets updated and that is what ultimately is returned by your answer checker. For that reason, the fork modified the set_answer_state function to set new_answer = answer. (There are also several other places in your code where answer is modified without new_answer appearing to be modified. I believe changing set_answer_state would resolve all of them.)

Also, the formatting of the post containing your submission blocker script seems like it has some issues.

Edit: Should have said I don’t see anywhere new_answer gets updated after answer is changed.

Edit 2: Found a bug: the number of completed reviews in the top right corner of the screen is not being updated. The number of remaining reviews, however, is being updated.

Edit 3: Unsure if this is related to edit 2, but the 3rd party Real Score script doesn’t seem to be correctly updating the number of correct and incorrect items it displays during reviews anymore. (The count is too low.) Also, I should mention that all testing is being done on the preview site unless otherwise stated.

Edit 4: It looks like you referenced the 2.2.20 version of the fork when merging things, but there is actually a 2.2.21 version so you may want to bump your own version number to 2.2.22. Also, you might consider adding the ability (present in the 2.2.21 version of the fork) to allow marking wrong when you get the small characters wrong, like typing りよう instead of りょう. (By default, WaniKani shakes when you make this kind of mistake.) My recollection is that this feature is the only substantive difference between the 2.2.20 and 2.2.21 versions of the fork.

Edit 5: I haven’t tested burn related functionality yet and won’t be able to until I get my next set of burn reviews in 24 hours or so.

1 Like

Thanks, I’ll fix that later tonight. I’m trying to avoid making changes to the answer in the set_answer_state() function, because it is intended only to redraw the screen. The actual answer should be changed in the new_submit_handler(). So, I’ll just modify new_answer in the same places where answer is modified.

Also, I fixed the formatting in the ‘no submit’ scripts.

If you want to do it that way, maybe just move the one line where you set new_answer=Object.assign(
) from before all the places where you change answer to after all them, that way you don’t have to worry about missing a spot?

answer is for display only, so we can safely add exceptions, which are displayed as popup messages.

new_answer is actually used by WK’s code during the final submit, so we need to avoid modifying the exception field.

I may be able to just set new_answer.passed = answer.passed at the end. I’ll look into that.

(edit: also, i see your other issue reports above. I’ll take a look)

If I understand correctly, you’re saying that you want to be able to make changes to answer properties used by WaniKani and have them affect cosmetics but not the finally submitted answer? Is there anywhere that is actually needed in the current version of the script? For the use case you mentioned, adding an exception to answer always prevents submission and forces the user to retry, so answer / new_answer will be guaranteed to be overwritten anyway so WaniKani never sees the artificial exception field, even if it is copied into new_answer. When the user fixes the exception and the submit is actually allowed to go through, answer / new_answer won’t have an exception at that point and everything should be fine I think? As evidence of this, the fork always copied all properties of answer into new_answer including modifications to the exception field and I haven’t noticed any issues related to that. Of course, I can always miss things :slight_smile:

I think you are correct. It’s been too long since I wrote the code :slight_smile:

Here’s an update for testing:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Wanikani Double-Check
// @namespace   wkdoublecheck
// @description Allows retyping typo'd answers, or marking wrong when WK's typo tolerance is too lax.
// @include     /^https://(www|preview).wanikani.com/review/session/
// @version     2.2.23
// @author      Robin Findley
// @copyright   2017+, Robin Findley
// @license     MIT; http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
// @run-at      document-end
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

// CREDITS: This is a replacement for an original script by Wanikani user @Ethan.
// Ethan's script stopped working due to some Wanikani changes.  The code below is
// 100% my own, but it closely replicates the functionality of Ethan's original script.

//   "+"      - Marks answer as 'correct'.
//   "-"      - Marks answer as 'incorrect'.
//   "Escape" or "Backspace" - Resets question, allowing you to retype.


window.doublecheck = {};

(function(gobj) {

    /* global $, wkof, additionalContent, lastItems, Srs, wanakana */

    var settings;


    // setup() - Set up the menu link and default settings.
    function setup() {

        var defaults = {
            allow_retyping: true,
            allow_change_correct: false,
            allow_change_incorrect: false,
            typo_action: 'ignore',
            wrong_answer_type_action: 'warn',
            wrong_number_n_action: 'warn',
            small_kana_action: 'warn',
            kanji_reading_for_vocab_action: 'warn',
            kanji_meaning_for_vocab_action: 'warn',
            delay_wrong: true,
            delay_multi_meaning: false,
            delay_slightly_off: false,
            delay_period: 1.5,
            warn_burn: 'never',
            burn_delay_period: 0,
            show_lightning_button: true,
            lightning_enabled: false,
            srs_msg_period: 1.2,
            autoinfo_correct: false,
            autoinfo_incorrect: false,
            autoinfo_multi_meaning: false,
            autoinfo_slightly_off: false
        return wkof.Settings.load('doublecheck', defaults)
            .then(init_ui.bind(null, true /* first_time */));

    // open_settings() - Open the Settings dialog.
    function open_settings() {
        var dialog = new wkof.Settings({
            script_id: 'doublecheck',
            title: 'Double-Check Settings',
            on_save: init_ui,
            pre_open: settings_preopen,
            content: {
                tabAnswers: {type:'page',label:'Answers',content:{
                    grpChangeAnswers: {type:'group',label:'Change Answer',content:{
                        allow_retyping: {type:'checkbox',label:'Allow retyping answer',default:true,hover_tip:'When enabled, you can retype your answer by pressing Escape or Backspace.'},
                        allow_change_correct: {type:'checkbox',label:'Allow changing to "correct"',default:true,hover_tip:'When enabled, you can change your answer\nto "correct" by pressing the "+" key.'},
                        allow_change_incorrect: {type:'checkbox',label:'Allow changing to "incorrect"',default:true,hover_tip:'When enabled, you can change your answer\nto "incorrect" by pressing the "-" key.'},
                    grpCarelessMistakes: {type:'group',label:'Careless Mistakes',content:{
                        typo_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Action for typos',default:'ignore',content:{ignore:'Ignore',warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when answer contains typos.'},
                        wrong_answer_type_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Wrong answer type',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when reading was entered instead of meaning, or vice versa.'},
                        wrong_number_n_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Wrong number of n\'s',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when you type the wrong number of n\'s in certain reading questions.'},
                        small_kana_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Big kana instead of small',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when you type a big kana instead of small (e.g. ぀ instead of っ).'},
                        kanji_reading_for_vocab_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Kanji reading instead of vocab',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when the reading of a kanji is entered for a single character vocab word instead of the correct vocab reading.'},
                        kanji_meaning_for_vocab_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Kanji meaning instead of vocab',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when the meaning of a kanji is entered for a single character vocab word instead of the correct vocab meaning.'},
                tabMistakeDelay: {type:'page',label:'Mistake Delay',content:{
                    grpDelay: {type:'group',label:'Delay Next Question',content:{
                        delay_wrong: {type:'checkbox',label:'Delay when wrong',default:true,refresh_on_change:true,hover_tip:'If your answer is wrong, you cannot advance\nto the next question for at least N seconds.'},
                        delay_multi_meaning: {type:'checkbox',label:'Delay when multiple meanings',default:false,hover_tip:'If the item has multiple meanings, you cannot advance\nto the next question for at least N seconds.'},
                        delay_slightly_off: {type:'checkbox',label:'Delay when answer has typos',default:false,hover_tip:'If your answer contains typos, you cannot advance\nto the next question for at least N seconds.'},
                        delay_period: {type:'number',label:'Delay period (in seconds)',default:1.5,hover_tip:'Number of seconds to delay before allowing\nyou to advance to the next question.'},
                tabBurnReviews: {type:'page',label:'Burn Reviews',content:{
                    grpBurnReviews: {type:'group',label:'Burn Reviews',content:{
                        warn_burn: {type:'dropdown',label:'Warn before burning',default:'never',content:{never:'Never',cheated:'If you changed answer',always:'Always'},hover_tip:'Choose when to warn before burning an item.'},
                        burn_delay_period: {type:'number',label:'Delay after warning (in seconds)',default:1.5,hover_tip:'Number of seconds to delay before allowing\nyou to advance to the next question after seeing a burn warning.'},
                tabLightning: {type:'page',label:'Lightning',content:{
                    grpLightning: {type:'group',label:'Lightning Mode',content:{
                        show_lightning_button: {type:'checkbox',label:'Show "Lightning Mode" button',default:true,hover_tip:'Show the "Lightning Mode" toggle\nbutton on the review screen.'},
                        lightning_enabled: {type:'checkbox',label:'Enable "Lightning Mode"',default:true,refresh_on_change:true,hover_tip:'Enable "Lightning Mode", which automatically advances to\nthe next question if you answer correctly.'},
                        srs_msg_period: {type:'number',label:'SRS popup time (in seconds)',default:1.2,min:0,hover_tip:'How long to show SRS up/down popup when in lightning mode.  (0 = don\'t show)'},
                tabAutoInfo: {type:'page',label:'Item Info',content:{
                    grpAutoInfo: {type:'group',label:'Show Item Info',content:{
                        autoinfo_correct: {type:'checkbox',label:'After correct answer',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info after correct answers.', validate:validate_autoinfo_correct},
                        autoinfo_incorrect: {type:'checkbox',label:'After incorrect answer',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info after incorrect answers.', validate:validate_autoinfo_incorrect},
                        autoinfo_multi_meaning: {type:'checkbox',label:'When multiple meanings',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info when an item has multiple meanings.', validate:validate_autoinfo_correct},
                        autoinfo_slightly_off: {type:'checkbox',label:'When answer has typos',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info when your answer has typos.', validate:validate_autoinfo_correct},

    // validate_autoinfo_correct() - Notify user if iteminfo and lightning are both enabled.
    function validate_autoinfo_correct(enabled) {
        if (enabled && settings.lightning_enabled) {
            return 'Disable "Lightning Mode"!';

    // validate_autoinfo_incorrect() - Notify user if iteminfo and lightning are both enabled, and wrong_delay disabled.
    function validate_autoinfo_incorrect(enabled) {
        if (enabled && settings.lightning_enabled && !settings.delay_wrong) {
            return 'Disable "Lightning Mode", or<br>enable "Delay when wrong"!';

    // settings_preopen() - Notify user if iteminfo and lightning are both enabled.
    function settings_preopen(dialog) {

    // init_ui() - Initialize the user interface.
    var first_time = true;
    function init_ui() {
        settings = wkof.settings.doublecheck;

        if (first_time) {
            first_time = false;

        // Migrate 'lightning' setting from localStorage.
        var lightning = localStorage.getItem('lightning');
        if (lightning === 'false' || lightning === 'true') {
            settings.lightning_enabled = lightning;

        // Initialize the Lightning Mode button.
        if (settings.lightning_enabled) {
        } else {
        $('#lightning-mode').prop('hidden', !settings.show_lightning_button);

        setClass('#option-double-check', 'hidden', !(settings.allow_change_correct || settings.allow_change_incorrect));
        setClass('#option-retype', 'hidden', !settings.allow_retyping);

        if (state === 'second_submit') {
            setClass('#option-double-check', 'disabled', !(
                (new_answer.passed && settings.allow_change_incorrect) || (!new_answer.passed && settings.allow_change_correct)
            setClass('#option-retype', 'disabled', !settings.allow_retyping);

    var old_submit_handler, old_answer_checker, ignore_submit = false, state = 'first_submit', show_srs, srs_load, delay_timer;
    var item, itype, item_id, item_status, qtype, valid_answers, wrong_cnt, question_cnt, completed_cnt, answer, new_answer;

    // lightning_clicked() - Lightning button handler.
    function lightning_clicked() {
        settings.lightning_enabled = !settings.lightning_enabled;
        $('#lightning-mode').toggleClass('active', settings.lightning_enabled);
        return false;

    // toggle_result() - Toggle an answer from right->wrong or wrong->right.
    function toggle_result(new_state) {
        if (new_state === 'toggle') new_state = (new_answer.passed ? 'incorrect' : 'correct');
        if (state !== 'second_submit') return false;

        switch (new_state) {
            case 'correct':
                if (!settings.allow_change_correct || new_answer.passed) return false;
                new_answer = {passed:true, accurate:true, multipleAnswers:false, exception:false};
                set_answer_state(new_answer, false /* show_msgs */);
            case 'incorrect':
                if (!settings.allow_change_incorrect || !new_answer.passed) return false;
                new_answer = {passed:false, accurate:false, multipleAnswers:false, exception:false};
                set_answer_state(new_answer, false /* show_msgs */);
            case 'retype':
                if (!settings.allow_retyping) return false;
                set_answer_state({reset:true, is_internal:true});

    // do_delay() - Disable the submit button briefly to prevent clicking past wrong answers.
    function do_delay(period) {
        if (period === undefined) period = settings.delay_period;
        ignore_submit = true;
        delay_timer = setTimeout(function() {
            delay_timer = -1;
            ignore_submit = false;
        }, settings.delay_period*1000);

    // clear_delay() - Clear the delay timer.
    function clear_delay() {
        if (delay_timer) {
            ignore_submit = false;
            delay_timer = undefined;

    // return_new_answer() - Alternate answer checker that overrides our results.
    function return_new_answer() {
        return new_answer;

    // set_answer_state() - Update the screen to show results of answer-check.
    function set_answer_state(answer, show_msgs, no_redraw) {
        // If user requested to retype answer, reset the question.
        if (answer.reset) {
            if (state === 'second_submit') {
                $.jStorage.set('wrongCount', wrong_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('questionCount', question_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('completedCount', completed_cnt);
            // Trigger redraw of the input box, but only if reset is initiated internally, otherwise we
            // would have an infinite loop since external changes to 'currentItem' trigger a reset.
            if (answer.is_internal) {
                $.jStorage.set('currentItem', $.jStorage.get('currentItem'));
            $('#option-double-check').addClass('disabled').find('span').attr('title','Mark Right').find('i').attr('class','icon-thumbs-up');
            state = 'first_submit';

        // If answer is invalid for some reason, do the shake thing.
        if (answer.exception) {
            if (answer.confirming_burn) {
                $("#answer-form fieldset").removeClass('incorrect').removeClass('correct').addClass('confburn');
                $("#answer-form form").append($('<div id="answer-exception" class="answer-exception-form"><span>' + answer.exception + '</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));
            if (!$("#answer-form form").is(":animated")) {
                $("#reviews").css("overflow-x", "hidden");
                $("#answer-form form").effect("shake", {}, 300, function() {
                    $("#reviews").css("overflow-x", "visible");
                    if (!answer.accurate && $('#user-response').val() !== '') {
                        if (typeof answer.exception === "string") {
                            $("#answer-form form").append($('<div id="answer-exception" class="answer-exception-form"><span>' + answer.exception + '</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));

        // Draw 'correct' or 'incorrect' results, enable Double-Check button, and calculate updated statistics.
        var new_wrong_cnt = wrong_cnt, new_completed_cnt = completed_cnt;
        var new_status = Object.assign({},item_status);
        var dblchk = $('#option-double-check');
        var retype = $('#option-retype');
        setClass(retype, 'disabled', !settings.allow_retyping);
        if (answer.passed) {
            if (no_redraw !== true) {
                $("#answer-form fieldset").removeClass('incorrect').removeClass('confburn').addClass('correct');
                dblchk.find('span').attr('title','Mark Wrong').find('i').attr('class','icon-thumbs-down');
            setClass(dblchk, 'disabled', !settings.allow_change_incorrect);
            if (qtype === 'meaning') {
                new_status.mc = (new_status.mc || 0) + 1;
            } else {
                new_status.rc = (new_status.rc || 0) + 1;
        } else {
            $.jStorage.set('confburn/' + item.id , true, {TTL:1000*3600*24*10});
            $("#answer-form fieldset").removeClass('correct').removeClass('confburn').addClass('incorrect');
            dblchk.find('span').attr('title','Mark Right').find('i').attr('class','icon-thumbs-up');
            setClass(dblchk, 'disabled', !settings.allow_change_correct);
        if ((itype === 'r' || ((new_status.rc || 0) >= 1)) && ((new_status.mc || 0) >= 1)) {
            if (show_srs) {
                if (settings.lightning_enabled) {
                    if (settings.srs_msg_period > 0) {
                        var status = Object.assign({},new_status);
                        var srs = item.srs;
                        setTimeout(Srs.load.bind(Srs, status, srs), 100);
                        setTimeout(Srs.remove, settings.srs_msg_period * 1000);
                } else {
        $.jStorage.set('wrongCount', new_wrong_cnt);
        $.jStorage.set('questionCount', question_cnt + 1);
        $.jStorage.set('completedCount', new_completed_cnt);
        if (no_redraw !== true) {
            $("#user-response").prop("disabled", !0);

        // We remove the audio play from enableButtons() so we can control playback.
        // Here, we are installing the audio, but telling it not to play yet.
        $('audio').remove(); // Thanks to Sinyaven for the hotfix!!
        let oldAutoplay = window.audioAutoplay;
        window.audioAutoplay = false;
        window.audioAutoplay = oldAutoplay;

        var prependedAudio = $('audio');
        if (prependedAudio.length > 0) {
            $('#option-audio').on('click', function() {
                if ($('#user-response').is(':disabled')) {
                    return false;

            // Now that the audio is installed, move it so WK doesn't delete it upon submitting an answer.

        // And finally, play the audio (if autoplay is enabled).
        if (prependedAudio.length > 0 && window.audioAutoplay && answer.passed) {
        } else if (window.wkEnableAudio) {


        // Open item info, depending on settings.
        var showing_info = false;
        if (answer.passed && !settings.lightning_enabled &&
            (settings.autoinfo_correct ||
             (settings.autoinfo_slightly_off && !answer.accurate) ||
             (settings.autoinfo_multi_meaning && answer.multipleAnswers)
            )) {
            showing_info = true;
        } else if (!answer.passed && !(settings.lightning_enabled && !settings.delay_wrong) && settings.autoinfo_incorrect) {
            showing_info = true;

        // When user is submitting an answer, display the on-screen message that Wanikani normally shows.
        if (show_msgs) {
            var msg;
            if (answer.passed) {
                if (!answer.accurate) {
                    msg = 'Your answer was a bit off. Check the '+qtype+' to make sure you are correct';
                } else if (answer.multipleAnswers) {
                    msg = 'Did you know this item has multiple possible '+qtype+'s?';
            } else {
                msg = 'Need help? View the correct '+qtype+' and mnemonic';
            if (msg) {
                if (showing_info) {
                    $("#information").prepend($('<div id="answer-exception" style="top:0;"><span>'+msg+'</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));
                } else {
                    $("#additional-content").append($('<div id="answer-exception"><span>'+msg+'</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));

    // setClass() - Add or remove a class based on the 'enabled' state.
    function setClass(elem, classname, enabled) {
        if (typeof elem === 'string') elem = $(elem);
        if (enabled) {
        } else {

    // new_submit_handler() - Intercept handler for 'submit' button.  Overrides default behavior as needed.
    function new_submit_handler(e) {
//        e.preventDefault();

        // Don't process 'submit' if we are ignoring temporarily (to prevent double-tapping past important info)
        if (ignore_submit) {
            // If the user presses <enter> during delay period,
            // WK enables the user input field, which makes Item Info not work.
            // Let's make sure the input field is disabled.
            return false;

        switch(state) {
            case 'first_submit':
                // We intercept the first 'submit' click, and simulate normal Wanikani screen behavior.
                state = 'second_submit';

                // Capture the state of the system before submitting the answer.
                item = $.jStorage.get('currentItem');
                itype = (item.rad ? 'r' : (item.kan ? 'k' : 'v'));
                item_id = itype + item.id;
                item_status = $.jStorage.get(item_id) || {};
                qtype = $.jStorage.get('questionType');
                wrong_cnt = $.jStorage.get('wrongCount') || 0;
                question_cnt = $.jStorage.get('questionCount') || 0;
                completed_cnt = $.jStorage.get('completedCount') || 0;
                show_srs = $.jStorage.get('r/srsIndicator');

                // Ask Wanikani if the answer is right (but we don't actually submit the answer).
                answer = old_answer_checker(qtype, $("#user-response").val());

                // Update the screen to reflect the results of our checked answer.
                $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: 0}, 200);

                // Check if [meaning has kana] or [reading has latin]
                var text = $('#user-response').val();
                if ((qtype === 'reading' && window.answerChecker.isNonKanaPresent(text)) ||
                    (qtype === 'meaning' && window.answerChecker.isKanaPresent(text)) ||
                    (text === '')) {
                    answer.exception = answer.exception || true;

                // Non-exact answer (i.e. "Close but no cigar" script)
                if (answer.passed && !answer.accurate) {
                    switch (settings.typo_action) {
                        case 'warn': answer.exception = 'Your answer was close, but not exact'; break;
                        case 'wrong': answer.passed = false; break;

                // Check for reading/meaning mixups
                if (!answer.passed) {
                    if (qtype === 'meaning') {
                        var accepted_readings = [].concat(item.kana, item.on, item.kun, item.nanori);
                        var answer_as_kana = to_kana($('#user-response').val());
                        if (accepted_readings.indexOf(answer_as_kana) >= 0) {
                            if (settings.wrong_answer_type_action === 'warn') {
                                answer.exception = 'Oops, we want the meaning, not the reading.';
                            } else {
                                answer.exception = false;
                    } else {
                        // Although Wanikani now checks for readings entered as meanings, it only
                        // checks the 'preferred' reading.  Here, we check all readings.
                        var accepted_meanings = item.en.concat(item.syn, window.answerChecker.filterAuxiliaryMeanings(item.auxiliary_meanings, 'whitelist'));
                        var meanings_as_hiragana = accepted_meanings.map(m => to_kana(m.toLowerCase()).replace(/\s/g,''));
                        var answer_as_hiragana = Array.from($('#user-response').val().toLowerCase()).map(c => wanakana.toHiragana(c)).join('');
                        if (meanings_as_hiragana.indexOf(answer_as_hiragana) >= 0) {
                            if (settings.wrong_answer_type_action === 'warn') {
                                answer.exception = 'Oops, we want the reading, not the meaning.';
                            } else {
                                answer.exception = false;

                // Check for Wanikani warnings that should be changed to 'wrong', based on settings.
                if (typeof answer.exception === 'string') {
                    if (((settings.kanji_meaning_for_vocab_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('want the vocabulary meaning, not the kanji meaning')) ||
                        ((settings.kanji_reading_for_vocab_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('want the vocabulary reading, not the kanji reading')) ||
                        ((settings.wrong_number_n_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('forget that ん')) ||
                        ((settings.small_kana_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('watch out for the small')))
                        answer.exception = false;
                        answer.passed = false;

                // Copy the modified answer to new_answer, which is what will be submitted to Wanikani.
                new_answer = Object.assign({},answer);

                // Check for exceptions that are preventing the answer from being submitted.
                if (answer.exception) {
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                    state = 'first_submit';
                    return false;

                // Optionally (according to settings), temporarily ignore any additional clicks on the
                // 'submit' button to prevent the user from clicking past important info about the answer.
                if ((!answer.passed && settings.delay_wrong) ||
                    (answer.passed &&
                     ((!answer.accurate && settings.delay_slightly_off) ||
                      (answer.multipleAnswers && settings.delay_multi_meaning))
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                    return false;

                if (settings.lightning_enabled) {
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */, true /* no_redraw */);
                } else {
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                    return false;

                /* no break */
                // eslint-disable-line no-fallthrough

            case 'second_submit':
                // Before accepting a final submit, notify user if item will burn (depending on settings).
                new_answer.exception = false;
                if (!new_answer.confirming_burn) {
                    // Check if we need to warn the user that this is a 'burn' review.
                    // NOTE: "item_status.ni" seems to be used by other scripts.
                    var will_burn = (item.srs === 8) && new_answer.passed &&
                        !(item_status.mi || item_status.ri || item_status.ni) &&
                        ((itype === 'r') ||
                         (((item_status.rc || 0) + (qtype === 'reading' ? 1 : 0) > 0) &&
                          ((item_status.mc || 0) + (qtype === 'meaning' ? 1 : 0) > 0)));
                    var cheated = $.jStorage.get('confburn/' + item.id) ? true : false;
                    if (will_burn && (settings.warn_burn !== 'never')) {
                        // Prompt before burning, and suppress proceeding for a moment.
                        if (cheated) {
                            new_answer.exception = 'You modified an answer on this item. It will be burned if you continue.';
                        } else if (settings.warn_burn === 'always') {
                            new_answer.exception = 'This item will be burned if you continue.'
                        if (new_answer.exception) {
                            new_answer.confirming_burn = true;
                            set_answer_state(new_answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                            return false;
                } else {
                    delete new_answer.confirming_burn;

                // We intercepted the first submit, allowing the user to optionally modify their answer.
                // Now, either the user has clicked submit again, or lightning is enabled and we are automatically clicking submit again.
                // Since Wanikani didn't see the first submit (because we intercepted it), now we need to simulate two submits for Wanikani:
                //   1. One for Wanikani to check the (possibly corrected) result, and
                //   2. One for Wanikani to move on to the next question.

                // Reset the screen to pre-submitted state, so Wanikani won't get confused when it tries to process the answer.
                // Wanikani code will then update the screen according to our forced answer-check result.
                $('#user-response').prop('disabled', false);
                $('#option-audio audio').remove();
                $.jStorage.set('wrongCount', wrong_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('questionCount', question_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('completedCount', completed_cnt);

                // Prevent WK from posting a second SRS notice.
                srs_load = Srs.load;
                Srs.load = function(){};

                // Disable starting audio playback, since we already started playing audio (if necessary)
                var old_additionalContent_audio = window.additionalContent.audio;
                window.additionalContent.audio = function() {};
                var old_wkEnableAudio = window.wkEnableAudio;
                window.wkEnableAudio = function() {};

                // This is the first submit actually forwarded to Wanikani.
                // It will check our (possibly corrected) answer.
                var result = old_submit_handler.apply(this, arguments);

                // This is hidden third click from above, which Wanikani thinks is the second click.
                // Wanikani will move to the next question.
                state = 'first_submit';

                // We need to disable the input field, so Wanikani will see this as the second click.
                $('#user-response').prop('disabled', true);

                // Restore the SRS message function, which we disabled in second_submit above.
                Srs.load = srs_load;

                // Re-enable starting audio playback
                window.wkEnableAudio = old_wkEnableAudio;
                window.additionalContent.audio = old_additionalContent_audio;

                // This is the second submit actually forwarded to Wanikani.
                // It will move on to the next question.
                return old_submit_handler.apply(this, arguments);

                return false;

        return false;

    // Simulate input character by character and convert with WanaKana to kana
    //  -- Contributed by user @Sinyaven
    function to_kana(text) {
        return Array.from(text).reduce((total, c) => wanakana.toKana(total + c, {IMEMode: true}), "").replace(/n$/, String.fromCharCode(12435));

    // Resize the buttons according to how many are visible.
    function resize_buttons() {
        var buttons = $('#additional-content ul>li');
        var btn_count = buttons.length - buttons.filter('.hidden,[hidden]').length;
        $('#additional-content ul > li').css('width',Math.floor(9900/btn_count)/100 + '%');

    // External hook for @polv's script, "WaniKani Disable Default Answers"
    gobj.set_state = function(_state) {
        state = _state;

    // startup() - Install our intercept handlers, and add our Double-Check button and hotkey
    function startup() {
        // Check if we can intercept the submit button handler.
        try {
            old_submit_handler = $._data( $('#answer-form button')[0], 'events').click[0].handler;
            old_answer_checker = window.enhanceAnswerChecker({evaluate:window.answerChecker.evaluate}).evaluate;
        } catch(err) {}
        if (typeof old_submit_handler !== 'function' || typeof old_answer_checker !== 'function') {
            alert('Wanikani Double-Check script is not working.');

        // Replace the handler.
        $._data( $('#answer-form button')[0], 'events').click[0].handler = new_submit_handler;

        // Clear warning popups if question changes due to reasons outside of this script
        $.jStorage.listenKeyChange("currentItem", function(key, action){

        // Install the Lightning Mode button.
        $('head').append('<style>#lightning-mode.active {color:#ff0; opacity:1.0;}</style>');
        $('#summary-button').append('<a id="lightning-mode" href="#" hidden ><i class="icon-bolt" title="Lightning Mode - When enabled, auto-\nadvance after answering correctly."></i></a>');
        $('#lightning-mode').on('click', lightning_clicked);

        // Install the Double-Check features.
        $('#additional-content ul').css('text-align','center').append(
            '<li id="option-double-check" class="disabled"><span title="Double Check"><i class="icon-thumbs-up"></i></span></li>'+
            '<li id="option-retype" class="disabled"><span title="Retype"><i class="icon-undo"></i></span></li></ul>'
        $('#option-double-check').on('click', toggle_result.bind(null,'toggle'));
        $('#option-retype').on('click', toggle_result.bind(null,'retype'));
        $('body').on('keypress', function(event){
            if (event.which === 43) toggle_result('correct');
            if (event.which === 45) toggle_result('incorrect');
            return true;
        $('body').on('keydown', function(event){
            if ((event.which === 27 || event.which === 8) &&
                (state !== 'first_submit') &&
                (event.target.nodeName === 'BODY') &&
                return false;
            } else if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === 'l') {
                return false;
            return true;
            '#additional-content>ul>li.hidden {display:none;}'+
            '#answer-form fieldset.confburn button, #answer-form fieldset.confburn input[type=text], #answer-form fieldset.confburn input[type=text]:disabled {'+
            '  background-color: #000 !important;'+
            '  color: #fff;'+
            '  text-shadow: 2px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2);'+
            '  transition: background-color 0.1s ease-in;'+
            '  opacity: 1 !important;'+

        // Override the answer checker.
        window.answerChecker.evaluate = return_new_answer;
        window.enhanceAnswerChecker = function(answerChecker) {return answerChecker;};



  • Moved “new_answer = answer” line.
  • Fixed updating of upper-right corner progress info.
  • Added option for marking small-kana issues wrong.
  • Adjusted the Settings window to default to slightly wider, so the tabs don’t wrap to the next line.

The issues reported in my earlier post seem to be fixed.

I have now been able to test the burn related functionality a little bit. It appears that the burn delay doesn’t work in all cases. If you hit enter while the burn warning screen is active, even if the burn delay is still in effect, then the text cursor shows in the answer input and starts blinking. If you hit enter a second time, then it advances to the next question ignoring the burn delay. I believe at one point I fixed an issue similar to this in the fork, but I don’t remember exactly what the cause/fix was. Lines 355-362 of the fork might be relevant, but I’m not sure.

Edit: Also, the mark “big kana instead of small” wrong feature isn’t working, I think because you are comparing a lowercase string to a string that starts with a capital “W”

1 Like

 yeah, I had copied the string directly from WK’s code, but didn’t notice the toLowerCase() when I copy/pasted your added options. I’ll post an update tonight.

I’ll check out the burn delay issue.

Sorry so many bugs. I typically test everything thoroughly, but I’ve had too much going on, but felt it would never get updated if I didn’t at least post something for others to try out.

Speaking of which, I really appreciate your contributions and testing!


I have tested this version a bit and noticed three things:

  • In the settings dialog, it says: Choose an action to take when you type a big kana instead of small (e.g. ぀ instead of っ)., but ぀ instead of っ actually gets marked wrong.
  • Also in the settings dialog: Choose an action to take when answer contains typos. Maybe it would be clearer to explicitly say meaning answer?
  • When the burn warning is showing, the buttons below the input box are partially disabled. In particular, it’s not possible to open the item info, which I think would be nice to have.

If I understand correctly, you’re saying that WK doesn’t check the small-kana anymore? I did some testing, and it seems they are, despite what that post says


 here is a big update:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Wanikani Double-Check
// @namespace   wkdoublecheck
// @description Allows retyping typo'd answers, or marking wrong when WK's typo tolerance is too lax.
// @include     /^https://(www|preview).wanikani.com/review/session/
// @version     2.2.23
// @author      Robin Findley
// @copyright   2017+, Robin Findley
// @license     MIT; http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
// @run-at      document-end
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

// CREDITS: This is a replacement for an original script by Wanikani user @Ethan.
// Ethan's script stopped working due to some Wanikani changes.  The code below is
// 100% my own, but it closely replicates the functionality of Ethan's original script.

//   "+"      - Marks answer as 'correct'.
//   "-"      - Marks answer as 'incorrect'.
//   "Escape" or "Backspace" - Resets question, allowing you to retype.


window.doublecheck = {};

(function(gobj) {

    /* global $, wkof, additionalContent, lastItems, Srs, wanakana */

    var settings;


    // setup() - Set up the menu link and default settings.
    function setup() {

        var defaults = {
            allow_retyping: true,
            allow_change_correct: false,
            allow_change_incorrect: false,
            typo_action: 'ignore',
            wrong_answer_type_action: 'warn',
            wrong_number_n_action: 'warn',
            small_kana_action: 'warn',
            kanji_reading_for_vocab_action: 'warn',
            kanji_meaning_for_vocab_action: 'warn',
            delay_wrong: true,
            delay_multi_meaning: false,
            delay_slightly_off: false,
            delay_period: 1.5,
            warn_burn: 'never',
            burn_delay_period: 1.5,
            show_lightning_button: true,
            lightning_enabled: false,
            srs_msg_period: 1.2,
            autoinfo_correct: false,
            autoinfo_incorrect: false,
            autoinfo_multi_meaning: false,
            autoinfo_slightly_off: false
        return wkof.Settings.load('doublecheck', defaults)
            .then(init_ui.bind(null, true /* first_time */));

    // open_settings() - Open the Settings dialog.
    function open_settings() {
        var dialog = new wkof.Settings({
            script_id: 'doublecheck',
            title: 'Double-Check Settings',
            on_save: init_ui,
            pre_open: settings_preopen,
            content: {
                tabAnswers: {type:'page',label:'Answers',content:{
                    grpChangeAnswers: {type:'group',label:'Change Answer',content:{
                        allow_retyping: {type:'checkbox',label:'Allow retyping answer',default:true,hover_tip:'When enabled, you can retype your answer by pressing Escape or Backspace.'},
                        allow_change_correct: {type:'checkbox',label:'Allow changing to "correct"',default:true,hover_tip:'When enabled, you can change your answer\nto "correct" by pressing the "+" key.'},
                        allow_change_incorrect: {type:'checkbox',label:'Allow changing to "incorrect"',default:true,hover_tip:'When enabled, you can change your answer\nto "incorrect" by pressing the "-" key.'},
                    grpCarelessMistakes: {type:'group',label:'Careless Mistakes',content:{
                        typo_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Typos in meaning',default:'ignore',content:{ignore:'Ignore',warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when meaning contains typos.'},
                        wrong_answer_type_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Wrong answer type',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when reading was entered instead of meaning, or vice versa.'},
                        wrong_number_n_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Wrong number of n\'s',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when you type the wrong number of n\'s in certain reading questions.'},
                        small_kana_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Big kana instead of small',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when you type a big kana instead of small (e.g. ぀ instead of っ).'},
                        kanji_reading_for_vocab_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Kanji reading instead of vocab',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when the reading of a kanji is entered for a single character vocab word instead of the correct vocab reading.'},
                        kanji_meaning_for_vocab_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Kanji meaning instead of vocab',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when the meaning of a kanji is entered for a single character vocab word instead of the correct vocab meaning.'},
                tabMistakeDelay: {type:'page',label:'Mistake Delay',content:{
                    grpDelay: {type:'group',label:'Delay Next Question',content:{
                        delay_wrong: {type:'checkbox',label:'Delay when wrong',default:true,refresh_on_change:true,hover_tip:'If your answer is wrong, you cannot advance\nto the next question for at least N seconds.'},
                        delay_multi_meaning: {type:'checkbox',label:'Delay when multiple meanings',default:false,hover_tip:'If the item has multiple meanings, you cannot advance\nto the next question for at least N seconds.'},
                        delay_slightly_off: {type:'checkbox',label:'Delay when answer has typos',default:false,hover_tip:'If your answer contains typos, you cannot advance\nto the next question for at least N seconds.'},
                        delay_period: {type:'number',label:'Delay period (in seconds)',default:1.5,hover_tip:'Number of seconds to delay before allowing\nyou to advance to the next question.'},
                tabBurnReviews: {type:'page',label:'Burn Reviews',content:{
                    grpBurnReviews: {type:'group',label:'Burn Reviews',content:{
                        warn_burn: {type:'dropdown',label:'Warn before burning',default:'never',content:{never:'Never',cheated:'If you changed answer',always:'Always'},hover_tip:'Choose when to warn before burning an item.'},
                        burn_delay_period: {type:'number',label:'Delay after warning (in seconds)',default:1.5,hover_tip:'Number of seconds to delay before allowing\nyou to advance to the next question after seeing a burn warning.'},
                tabLightning: {type:'page',label:'Lightning',content:{
                    grpLightning: {type:'group',label:'Lightning Mode',content:{
                        show_lightning_button: {type:'checkbox',label:'Show "Lightning Mode" button',default:true,hover_tip:'Show the "Lightning Mode" toggle\nbutton on the review screen.'},
                        lightning_enabled: {type:'checkbox',label:'Enable "Lightning Mode"',default:true,refresh_on_change:true,hover_tip:'Enable "Lightning Mode", which automatically advances to\nthe next question if you answer correctly.'},
                        srs_msg_period: {type:'number',label:'SRS popup time (in seconds)',default:1.2,min:0,hover_tip:'How long to show SRS up/down popup when in lightning mode.  (0 = don\'t show)'},
                tabAutoInfo: {type:'page',label:'Item Info',content:{
                    grpAutoInfo: {type:'group',label:'Show Item Info',content:{
                        autoinfo_correct: {type:'checkbox',label:'After correct answer',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info after correct answers.', validate:validate_autoinfo_correct},
                        autoinfo_incorrect: {type:'checkbox',label:'After incorrect answer',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info after incorrect answers.', validate:validate_autoinfo_incorrect},
                        autoinfo_multi_meaning: {type:'checkbox',label:'When multiple meanings',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info when an item has multiple meanings.', validate:validate_autoinfo_correct},
                        autoinfo_slightly_off: {type:'checkbox',label:'When answer has typos',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info when your answer has typos.', validate:validate_autoinfo_correct},

    // validate_autoinfo_correct() - Notify user if iteminfo and lightning are both enabled.
    function validate_autoinfo_correct(enabled) {
        if (enabled && settings.lightning_enabled) {
            return 'Disable "Lightning Mode"!';

    // validate_autoinfo_incorrect() - Notify user if iteminfo and lightning are both enabled, and wrong_delay disabled.
    function validate_autoinfo_incorrect(enabled) {
        if (enabled && settings.lightning_enabled && !settings.delay_wrong) {
            return 'Disable "Lightning Mode", or<br>enable "Delay when wrong"!';

    // settings_preopen() - Notify user if iteminfo and lightning are both enabled.
    function settings_preopen(dialog) {

    // init_ui() - Initialize the user interface.
    var first_time = true;
    function init_ui() {
        settings = wkof.settings.doublecheck;

        if (first_time) {
            first_time = false;

        // Migrate 'lightning' setting from localStorage.
        var lightning = localStorage.getItem('lightning');
        if (lightning === 'false' || lightning === 'true') {
            settings.lightning_enabled = lightning;

        // Initialize the Lightning Mode button.
        if (settings.lightning_enabled) {
        } else {
        $('#lightning-mode').prop('hidden', !settings.show_lightning_button);

        setClass('#option-double-check', 'hidden', !(settings.allow_change_correct || settings.allow_change_incorrect));
        setClass('#option-retype', 'hidden', !settings.allow_retyping);

        if (state === 'second_submit') {
            setClass('#option-double-check', 'disabled', !(
                (new_answer.passed && settings.allow_change_incorrect) || (!new_answer.passed && settings.allow_change_correct)
            setClass('#option-retype', 'disabled', !settings.allow_retyping);

    var old_submit_handler, old_answer_checker, ignore_submit = false, state = 'first_submit', show_srs, srs_load, delay_timer;
    var item, itype, item_id, item_status, qtype, valid_answers, wrong_cnt, question_cnt, completed_cnt, answer, new_answer;

    // lightning_clicked() - Lightning button handler.
    function lightning_clicked() {
        settings.lightning_enabled = !settings.lightning_enabled;
        $('#lightning-mode').toggleClass('active', settings.lightning_enabled);
        return false;

    // toggle_result() - Toggle an answer from right->wrong or wrong->right.
    function toggle_result(new_state) {
        if (new_state === 'toggle') new_state = (new_answer.passed ? 'incorrect' : 'correct');
        if (state !== 'second_submit') return false;

        switch (new_state) {
            case 'correct':
                if (!settings.allow_change_correct || new_answer.passed) return false;
                new_answer = {passed:true, accurate:true, multipleAnswers:false, exception:false};
                set_answer_state(new_answer, false /* show_msgs */);
            case 'incorrect':
                if (!settings.allow_change_incorrect || !new_answer.passed) return false;
                new_answer = {passed:false, accurate:false, multipleAnswers:false, exception:false};
                set_answer_state(new_answer, false /* show_msgs */);
            case 'retype':
                if (!settings.allow_retyping) return false;
                set_answer_state({reset:true, is_internal:true});

    // do_delay() - Disable the submit button briefly to prevent clicking past wrong answers.
    function do_delay(period) {
        if (period === undefined) period = settings.delay_period;
        ignore_submit = true;
        delay_timer = setTimeout(function() {
            delay_timer = -1;
            ignore_submit = false;
        }, period*1000);

    // clear_delay() - Clear the delay timer.
    function clear_delay() {
        if (delay_timer) {
            ignore_submit = false;
            delay_timer = undefined;

    // return_new_answer() - Alternate answer checker that overrides our results.
    function return_new_answer() {
        return new_answer;

    // set_answer_state() - Update the screen to show results of answer-check.
    function set_answer_state(answer, show_msgs, no_redraw) {
        // If user requested to retype answer, reset the question.
        if (answer.reset) {
            if (state === 'second_submit') {
                $.jStorage.set('wrongCount', wrong_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('questionCount', question_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('completedCount', completed_cnt);
            // Trigger redraw of the input box, but only if reset is initiated internally, otherwise we
            // would have an infinite loop since external changes to 'currentItem' trigger a reset.
            if (answer.is_internal) {
                $.jStorage.set('currentItem', $.jStorage.get('currentItem'));
            $('#option-double-check').addClass('disabled').find('span').attr('title','Mark Right').find('i').attr('class','icon-thumbs-up');
            state = 'first_submit';

        // If answer is invalid for some reason, do the shake thing.
        if (answer.exception) {
            if (answer.confirming_burn) {
                $("#answer-form fieldset").removeClass('incorrect').removeClass('correct').addClass('confburn');
                $("#answer-form form").append($('<div id="answer-exception" class="answer-exception-form"><span>' + answer.exception + '</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp").css('top','120px'));
            if (!$("#answer-form form").is(":animated")) {
                $("#reviews").css("overflow-x", "hidden");
                $("#answer-form form").effect("shake", {}, 300, function() {
                    $("#reviews").css("overflow-x", "visible");
                    if (!answer.accurate && $('#user-response').val() !== '') {
                        if (typeof answer.exception === "string") {
                            $("#answer-form form").append($('<div id="answer-exception" class="answer-exception-form"><span>' + answer.exception + '</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));

        // Draw 'correct' or 'incorrect' results, enable Double-Check button, and calculate updated statistics.
        var new_wrong_cnt = wrong_cnt, new_completed_cnt = completed_cnt;
        var new_status = Object.assign({},item_status);
        var dblchk = $('#option-double-check');
        var retype = $('#option-retype');
        setClass(retype, 'disabled', !settings.allow_retyping);
        if (answer.passed) {
            if (no_redraw !== true) {
                $("#answer-form fieldset").removeClass('incorrect').removeClass('confburn').addClass('correct');
                dblchk.find('span').attr('title','Mark Wrong').find('i').attr('class','icon-thumbs-down');
            setClass(dblchk, 'disabled', !settings.allow_change_incorrect);
            if (qtype === 'meaning') {
                new_status.mc = (new_status.mc || 0) + 1;
            } else {
                new_status.rc = (new_status.rc || 0) + 1;
        } else {
            $.jStorage.set('confburn/' + item.id , true, {TTL:1000*3600*24*10});
            $("#answer-form fieldset").removeClass('correct').removeClass('confburn').addClass('incorrect');
            dblchk.find('span').attr('title','Mark Right').find('i').attr('class','icon-thumbs-up');
            setClass(dblchk, 'disabled', !settings.allow_change_correct);
        if ((itype === 'r' || ((new_status.rc || 0) >= 1)) && ((new_status.mc || 0) >= 1)) {
            if (show_srs) {
                if (settings.lightning_enabled) {
                    if (settings.srs_msg_period > 0) {
                        var status = Object.assign({},new_status);
                        var srs = item.srs;
                        setTimeout(Srs.load.bind(Srs, status, srs), 100);
                        setTimeout(Srs.remove, settings.srs_msg_period * 1000);
                } else {
        $.jStorage.set('wrongCount', new_wrong_cnt);
        $.jStorage.set('questionCount', question_cnt + 1);
        $.jStorage.set('completedCount', new_completed_cnt);
        if (no_redraw !== true) {
            $("#user-response").prop("disabled", true);

        // We remove the audio play from enableButtons() so we can control playback.
        // Here, we are installing the audio, but telling it not to play yet.
        $('audio').remove(); // Thanks to Sinyaven for the hotfix!!
        let oldAutoplay = window.audioAutoplay;
        window.audioAutoplay = false;
        window.audioAutoplay = oldAutoplay;

        var prependedAudio = $('audio');
        if (prependedAudio.length > 0) {
            $('#option-audio').on('click', function() {
                if ($('#user-response').is(':disabled')) {
                    return false;

            // Now that the audio is installed, move it so WK doesn't delete it upon submitting an answer.

        // And finally, play the audio (if autoplay is enabled).
        if (prependedAudio.length > 0 && window.audioAutoplay && answer.passed) {
        } else if (window.wkEnableAudio) {


        // Open item info, depending on settings.
        var showing_info = false;
        if (answer.passed && !settings.lightning_enabled &&
            (settings.autoinfo_correct ||
             (settings.autoinfo_slightly_off && !answer.accurate) ||
             (settings.autoinfo_multi_meaning && answer.multipleAnswers)
            )) {
            showing_info = true;
        } else if (!answer.passed && !(settings.lightning_enabled && !settings.delay_wrong) && settings.autoinfo_incorrect) {
            showing_info = true;

        // When user is submitting an answer, display the on-screen message that Wanikani normally shows.
        if (show_msgs) {
            var msg;
            if (answer.passed) {
                if (!answer.accurate) {
                    msg = 'Your answer was a bit off. Check the '+qtype+' to make sure you are correct';
                } else if (answer.multipleAnswers) {
                    msg = 'Did you know this item has multiple possible '+qtype+'s?';
            } else {
                msg = 'Need help? View the correct '+qtype+' and mnemonic';
            if (msg) {
                if (showing_info) {
                    $("#information").prepend($('<div id="answer-exception" style="top:0;"><span>'+msg+'</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));
                } else {
                    $("#additional-content").append($('<div id="answer-exception"><span>'+msg+'</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));

    // setClass() - Add or remove a class based on the 'enabled' state.
    function setClass(elem, classname, enabled) {
        if (typeof elem === 'string') elem = $(elem);
        if (enabled) {
        } else {

    // new_submit_handler() - Intercept handler for 'submit' button.  Overrides default behavior as needed.
    function new_submit_handler(e) {
        // Don't process 'submit' if we are ignoring temporarily (to prevent double-tapping past important info)
        if (ignore_submit) {
            // If the user presses <enter> during delay period,
            // WK enables the user input field, which makes Item Info not work.
            // Let's make sure the input field is disabled.
            return false;

        switch(state) {
            case 'first_submit':
                // We intercept the first 'submit' click, and simulate normal Wanikani screen behavior.
                state = 'second_submit';

                // Capture the state of the system before submitting the answer.
                item = $.jStorage.get('currentItem');
                itype = (item.rad ? 'r' : (item.kan ? 'k' : 'v'));
                item_id = itype + item.id;
                item_status = $.jStorage.get(item_id) || {};
                qtype = $.jStorage.get('questionType');
                wrong_cnt = $.jStorage.get('wrongCount') || 0;
                question_cnt = $.jStorage.get('questionCount') || 0;
                completed_cnt = $.jStorage.get('completedCount') || 0;
                show_srs = $.jStorage.get('r/srsIndicator');

                // Ask Wanikani if the answer is right (but we don't actually submit the answer).
                answer = old_answer_checker(qtype, $("#user-response").val());

                // Update the screen to reflect the results of our checked answer.
                $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: 0}, 200);

                // Check if [meaning has kana] or [reading has latin]
                var text = $('#user-response').val();
                if ((qtype === 'reading' && window.answerChecker.isNonKanaPresent(text)) ||
                    (qtype === 'meaning' && window.answerChecker.isKanaPresent(text)) ||
                    (text === '')) {
                    answer.exception = answer.exception || true;

                // Non-exact answer (i.e. "Close but no cigar" script)
                if (answer.passed && !answer.accurate) {
                    switch (settings.typo_action) {
                        case 'warn': answer.exception = 'Your answer was close, but not exact'; break;
                        case 'wrong': answer.passed = false; break;

                // Check for reading/meaning mixups
                if (!answer.passed) {
                    if (qtype === 'meaning') {
                        var accepted_readings = [].concat(item.kana, item.on, item.kun, item.nanori);
                        var answer_as_kana = to_kana($('#user-response').val());
                        if (accepted_readings.indexOf(answer_as_kana) >= 0) {
                            if (settings.wrong_answer_type_action === 'warn') {
                                answer.exception = 'Oops, we want the meaning, not the reading.';
                            } else {
                                answer.exception = false;
                    } else {
                        // Although Wanikani now checks for readings entered as meanings, it only
                        // checks the 'preferred' reading.  Here, we check all readings.
                        var accepted_meanings = item.en.concat(item.syn, window.answerChecker.filterAuxiliaryMeanings(item.auxiliary_meanings, 'whitelist'));
                        var meanings_as_hiragana = accepted_meanings.map(m => to_kana(m.toLowerCase()).replace(/\s/g,''));
                        var answer_as_hiragana = Array.from($('#user-response').val().toLowerCase()).map(c => wanakana.toHiragana(c)).join('');
                        if (meanings_as_hiragana.indexOf(answer_as_hiragana) >= 0) {
                            if (settings.wrong_answer_type_action === 'warn') {
                                answer.exception = 'Oops, we want the reading, not the meaning.';
                            } else {
                                answer.exception = false;

                // Check for Wanikani warnings that should be changed to 'wrong', based on settings.
                if (typeof answer.exception === 'string') {
                    if (((settings.kanji_meaning_for_vocab_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('want the vocabulary meaning, not the kanji meaning')) ||
                        ((settings.kanji_reading_for_vocab_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('want the vocabulary reading, not the kanji reading')) ||
                        ((settings.wrong_number_n_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('forget that ん')) ||
                        ((settings.small_kana_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('watch out for the small')))
                        answer.exception = false;
                        answer.passed = false;

                // Copy the modified answer to new_answer, which is what will be submitted to Wanikani.
                new_answer = Object.assign({},answer);

                // Check for exceptions that are preventing the answer from being submitted.
                if (answer.exception) {
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                    state = 'first_submit';
                    return false;

                // Optionally (according to settings), temporarily ignore any additional clicks on the
                // 'submit' button to prevent the user from clicking past important info about the answer.
                if ((!answer.passed && settings.delay_wrong) ||
                    (answer.passed &&
                     ((!answer.accurate && settings.delay_slightly_off) ||
                      (answer.multipleAnswers && settings.delay_multi_meaning))
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                    return false;

                if (settings.lightning_enabled) {
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */, true /* no_redraw */);
                } else {
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                    return false;

                /* no break */
                // eslint-disable-line no-fallthrough

            case 'second_submit':
                // Before accepting a final submit, notify user if item will burn (depending on settings).
                new_answer.exception = false;
                if (!new_answer.confirming_burn) {
                    // Check if we need to warn the user that this is a 'burn' review.
                    // NOTE: "item_status.ni" seems to be used by other scripts.
                    var will_burn = (item.srs === 8) && new_answer.passed &&
                        !(item_status.mi || item_status.ri || item_status.ni) &&
                        ((itype === 'r') ||
                         (((item_status.rc || 0) + (qtype === 'reading' ? 1 : 0) > 0) &&
                          ((item_status.mc || 0) + (qtype === 'meaning' ? 1 : 0) > 0)));
                    var cheated = $.jStorage.get('confburn/' + item.id) ? true : false;
                    if (will_burn && (settings.warn_burn !== 'never')) {
                        // Prompt before burning, and suppress proceeding for a moment.
                        if (cheated) {
                            new_answer.exception = 'You modified an answer on this item. It will be burned if you continue.';
                        } else if (settings.warn_burn === 'always') {
                            new_answer.exception = 'This item will be burned if you continue.'
                        if (new_answer.exception) {
                            new_answer.confirming_burn = true;
                            set_answer_state(new_answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                            // Not sure what's causing the input field to be re-enabled, but we have to disable it:
                            setTimeout(function () {
                            }, 1);
                            if (settings.burn_delay_period > 0) {
                            return false;
                } else {
                    delete new_answer.confirming_burn;

                // We intercepted the first submit, allowing the user to optionally modify their answer.
                // Now, either the user has clicked submit again, or lightning is enabled and we are automatically clicking submit again.
                // Since Wanikani didn't see the first submit (because we intercepted it), now we need to simulate two submits for Wanikani:
                //   1. One for Wanikani to check the (possibly corrected) result, and
                //   2. One for Wanikani to move on to the next question.

                // Reset the screen to pre-submitted state, so Wanikani won't get confused when it tries to process the answer.
                // Wanikani code will then update the screen according to our forced answer-check result.
                $('#user-response').prop('disabled', false);
                $('#option-audio audio').remove();
                $.jStorage.set('wrongCount', wrong_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('questionCount', question_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('completedCount', completed_cnt);

                // Prevent WK from posting a second SRS notice.
                srs_load = Srs.load;
                Srs.load = function(){};

                // Disable starting audio playback, since we already started playing audio (if necessary)
                var old_additionalContent_audio = window.additionalContent.audio;
                window.additionalContent.audio = function() {};
                var old_wkEnableAudio = window.wkEnableAudio;
                window.wkEnableAudio = function() {};

                // This is the first submit actually forwarded to Wanikani.
                // It will check our (possibly corrected) answer.
                var result = old_submit_handler.apply(this, arguments);

                // This is hidden third click from above, which Wanikani thinks is the second click.
                // Wanikani will move to the next question.
                state = 'first_submit';

                // We need to disable the input field, so Wanikani will see this as the second click.
                $('#user-response').prop('disabled', true);

                // Restore the SRS message function, which we disabled in second_submit above.
                Srs.load = srs_load;

                // Re-enable starting audio playback
                window.wkEnableAudio = old_wkEnableAudio;
                window.additionalContent.audio = old_additionalContent_audio;

                // This is the second submit actually forwarded to Wanikani.
                // It will move on to the next question.
                return old_submit_handler.apply(this, arguments);

                return false;

        return false;

    // Simulate input character by character and convert with WanaKana to kana
    //  -- Contributed by user @Sinyaven
    function to_kana(text) {
        return Array.from(text).reduce((total, c) => wanakana.toKana(total + c, {IMEMode: true}), "").replace(/n$/, String.fromCharCode(12435));

    // Resize the buttons according to how many are visible.
    function resize_buttons() {
        var buttons = $('#additional-content ul>li');
        var btn_count = buttons.length - buttons.filter('.hidden,[hidden]').length;
        $('#additional-content ul > li').css('width',Math.floor(9900/btn_count)/100 + '%');

    // External hook for @polv's script, "WaniKani Disable Default Answers"
    gobj.set_state = function(_state) {
        state = _state;

    // startup() - Install our intercept handlers, and add our Double-Check button and hotkey
    function startup() {
        // Check if we can intercept the submit button handler.
        try {
            old_submit_handler = $._data( $('#answer-form button')[0], 'events').click[0].handler;
            old_answer_checker = window.enhanceAnswerChecker({evaluate:window.answerChecker.evaluate}).evaluate;
        } catch(err) {}
        if (typeof old_submit_handler !== 'function' || typeof old_answer_checker !== 'function') {
            alert('Wanikani Double-Check script is not working.');

        // Replace the handler.
        $._data( $('#answer-form button')[0], 'events').click[0].handler = new_submit_handler;

        // Clear warning popups if question changes due to reasons outside of this script
        $.jStorage.listenKeyChange("currentItem", function(key, action){

        // Install the Lightning Mode button.
        $('head').append('<style>#lightning-mode.active {color:#ff0; opacity:1.0;}</style>');
        $('#summary-button').append('<a id="lightning-mode" href="#" hidden ><i class="icon-bolt" title="Lightning Mode - When enabled, auto-\nadvance after answering correctly."></i></a>');
        $('#lightning-mode').on('click', lightning_clicked);

        // Install the Double-Check features.
        $('#additional-content ul').css('text-align','center').append(
            '<li id="option-double-check" class="disabled"><span title="Double Check"><i class="icon-thumbs-up"></i></span></li>'+
            '<li id="option-retype" class="disabled"><span title="Retype"><i class="icon-undo"></i></span></li></ul>'
        $('#option-double-check').on('click', toggle_result.bind(null,'toggle'));
        $('#option-retype').on('click', toggle_result.bind(null,'retype'));
        $('body').on('keypress', function(event){
            if (event.which === 43) toggle_result('correct');
            if (event.which === 45) toggle_result('incorrect');
            return true;
        $('body').on('keydown', function(event){
            if ((event.which === 27 || event.which === 8) &&
                (state !== 'first_submit') &&
                (event.target.nodeName === 'BODY') &&
                return false;
            } else if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === 'l') {
                return false;
            return true;
            '#additional-content>ul>li.hidden {display:none;}'+
            '#answer-form fieldset.confburn button, #answer-form fieldset.confburn input[type=text], #answer-form fieldset.confburn input[type=text]:disabled {'+
            '  background-color: #000 !important;'+
            '  color: #fff;'+
            '  text-shadow: 2px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2);'+
            '  transition: background-color 0.1s ease-in;'+
            '  opacity: 1 !important;'+

        // Override the answer checker.
        window.answerChecker.evaluate = return_new_answer;
        window.enhanceAnswerChecker = function(answerChecker) {return answerChecker;};



  • Changed label for typos to “Typos in meaning”.
  • Fixed the issue where cursor shows up when pressing enter on burns.
  • Moved Burn message down slightly, so you can click Info buttons.
  • Changed default burn delay from 0 to 1.5
  • Burn delay was accidentally using the regular mistake delay. Now it’s using burn delay.
  • Fixed capital ‘W’ issue when checking for big/small kana issue.
 I think there was something else, but I can’t remember. Time for bed :slight_smile:

No, what I meant is that WK only checks for や, よ, and ゆ, but not for ぀, so I think the text should be changed to e.g. Choose an action to take when you type a big kana instead of small (e.g. や instead of ゃ).

Ahh, makes sense. Thanks! I’ll change it.

Moving the burn message down looks like it caused an issue where now, when the burn message is displayed, a thin horizontal strip going across all the buttons is unclickable (even for buttons that don’t overlap the burn message). The strip goes horizontally across the whole screen, starts vertically at the position of the top of the rectangle containing the burn message, and is a few pixels thick.

Edit: I think the best way to fix this would be to move the burn message further down so that it is in the same position as the “Your answer was a bit off” message. Right now, it is higher than that.

Burn message position fixed.
I attached it to $('#additional_content') instead of $('#answer-form form')

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Wanikani Double-Check
// @namespace   wkdoublecheck
// @description Allows retyping typo'd answers, or marking wrong when WK's typo tolerance is too lax.
// @include     /^https://(www|preview).wanikani.com/review/session/
// @version     2.2.23
// @author      Robin Findley
// @copyright   2017+, Robin Findley
// @license     MIT; http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
// @run-at      document-end
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

// CREDITS: This is a replacement for an original script by Wanikani user @Ethan.
// Ethan's script stopped working due to some Wanikani changes.  The code below is
// 100% my own, but it closely replicates the functionality of Ethan's original script.

//   "+"      - Marks answer as 'correct'.
//   "-"      - Marks answer as 'incorrect'.
//   "Escape" or "Backspace" - Resets question, allowing you to retype.


window.doublecheck = {};

(function(gobj) {

    /* global $, wkof, additionalContent, lastItems, Srs, wanakana */

    var settings;


    // setup() - Set up the menu link and default settings.
    function setup() {

        var defaults = {
            allow_retyping: true,
            allow_change_correct: false,
            allow_change_incorrect: false,
            typo_action: 'ignore',
            wrong_answer_type_action: 'warn',
            wrong_number_n_action: 'warn',
            small_kana_action: 'warn',
            kanji_reading_for_vocab_action: 'warn',
            kanji_meaning_for_vocab_action: 'warn',
            delay_wrong: true,
            delay_multi_meaning: false,
            delay_slightly_off: false,
            delay_period: 1.5,
            warn_burn: 'never',
            burn_delay_period: 1.5,
            show_lightning_button: true,
            lightning_enabled: false,
            srs_msg_period: 1.2,
            autoinfo_correct: false,
            autoinfo_incorrect: false,
            autoinfo_multi_meaning: false,
            autoinfo_slightly_off: false
        return wkof.Settings.load('doublecheck', defaults)
            .then(init_ui.bind(null, true /* first_time */));

    // open_settings() - Open the Settings dialog.
    function open_settings() {
        var dialog = new wkof.Settings({
            script_id: 'doublecheck',
            title: 'Double-Check Settings',
            on_save: init_ui,
            pre_open: settings_preopen,
            content: {
                tabAnswers: {type:'page',label:'Answers',content:{
                    grpChangeAnswers: {type:'group',label:'Change Answer',content:{
                        allow_retyping: {type:'checkbox',label:'Allow retyping answer',default:true,hover_tip:'When enabled, you can retype your answer by pressing Escape or Backspace.'},
                        allow_change_correct: {type:'checkbox',label:'Allow changing to "correct"',default:true,hover_tip:'When enabled, you can change your answer\nto "correct" by pressing the "+" key.'},
                        allow_change_incorrect: {type:'checkbox',label:'Allow changing to "incorrect"',default:true,hover_tip:'When enabled, you can change your answer\nto "incorrect" by pressing the "-" key.'},
                    grpCarelessMistakes: {type:'group',label:'Careless Mistakes',content:{
                        typo_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Typos in meaning',default:'ignore',content:{ignore:'Ignore',warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when meaning contains typos.'},
                        wrong_answer_type_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Wrong answer type',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when reading was entered instead of meaning, or vice versa.'},
                        wrong_number_n_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Wrong number of n\'s',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when you type the wrong number of n\'s in certain reading questions.'},
                        small_kana_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Big kana instead of small',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when you type a big kana instead of small (e.g. ゆ instead of ゅ).'},
                        kanji_reading_for_vocab_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Kanji reading instead of vocab',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when the reading of a kanji is entered for a single character vocab word instead of the correct vocab reading.'},
                        kanji_meaning_for_vocab_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Kanji meaning instead of vocab',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when the meaning of a kanji is entered for a single character vocab word instead of the correct vocab meaning.'},
                tabMistakeDelay: {type:'page',label:'Mistake Delay',content:{
                    grpDelay: {type:'group',label:'Delay Next Question',content:{
                        delay_wrong: {type:'checkbox',label:'Delay when wrong',default:true,refresh_on_change:true,hover_tip:'If your answer is wrong, you cannot advance\nto the next question for at least N seconds.'},
                        delay_multi_meaning: {type:'checkbox',label:'Delay when multiple meanings',default:false,hover_tip:'If the item has multiple meanings, you cannot advance\nto the next question for at least N seconds.'},
                        delay_slightly_off: {type:'checkbox',label:'Delay when answer has typos',default:false,hover_tip:'If your answer contains typos, you cannot advance\nto the next question for at least N seconds.'},
                        delay_period: {type:'number',label:'Delay period (in seconds)',default:1.5,hover_tip:'Number of seconds to delay before allowing\nyou to advance to the next question.'},
                tabBurnReviews: {type:'page',label:'Burn Reviews',content:{
                    grpBurnReviews: {type:'group',label:'Burn Reviews',content:{
                        warn_burn: {type:'dropdown',label:'Warn before burning',default:'never',content:{never:'Never',cheated:'If you changed answer',always:'Always'},hover_tip:'Choose when to warn before burning an item.'},
                        burn_delay_period: {type:'number',label:'Delay after warning (in seconds)',default:1.5,hover_tip:'Number of seconds to delay before allowing\nyou to advance to the next question after seeing a burn warning.'},
                tabLightning: {type:'page',label:'Lightning',content:{
                    grpLightning: {type:'group',label:'Lightning Mode',content:{
                        show_lightning_button: {type:'checkbox',label:'Show "Lightning Mode" button',default:true,hover_tip:'Show the "Lightning Mode" toggle\nbutton on the review screen.'},
                        lightning_enabled: {type:'checkbox',label:'Enable "Lightning Mode"',default:true,refresh_on_change:true,hover_tip:'Enable "Lightning Mode", which automatically advances to\nthe next question if you answer correctly.'},
                        srs_msg_period: {type:'number',label:'SRS popup time (in seconds)',default:1.2,min:0,hover_tip:'How long to show SRS up/down popup when in lightning mode.  (0 = don\'t show)'},
                tabAutoInfo: {type:'page',label:'Item Info',content:{
                    grpAutoInfo: {type:'group',label:'Show Item Info',content:{
                        autoinfo_correct: {type:'checkbox',label:'After correct answer',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info after correct answers.', validate:validate_autoinfo_correct},
                        autoinfo_incorrect: {type:'checkbox',label:'After incorrect answer',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info after incorrect answers.', validate:validate_autoinfo_incorrect},
                        autoinfo_multi_meaning: {type:'checkbox',label:'When multiple meanings',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info when an item has multiple meanings.', validate:validate_autoinfo_correct},
                        autoinfo_slightly_off: {type:'checkbox',label:'When answer has typos',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info when your answer has typos.', validate:validate_autoinfo_correct},

    // validate_autoinfo_correct() - Notify user if iteminfo and lightning are both enabled.
    function validate_autoinfo_correct(enabled) {
        if (enabled && settings.lightning_enabled) {
            return 'Disable "Lightning Mode"!';

    // validate_autoinfo_incorrect() - Notify user if iteminfo and lightning are both enabled, and wrong_delay disabled.
    function validate_autoinfo_incorrect(enabled) {
        if (enabled && settings.lightning_enabled && !settings.delay_wrong) {
            return 'Disable "Lightning Mode", or<br>enable "Delay when wrong"!';

    // settings_preopen() - Notify user if iteminfo and lightning are both enabled.
    function settings_preopen(dialog) {

    // init_ui() - Initialize the user interface.
    var first_time = true;
    function init_ui() {
        settings = wkof.settings.doublecheck;

        if (first_time) {
            first_time = false;

        // Migrate 'lightning' setting from localStorage.
        var lightning = localStorage.getItem('lightning');
        if (lightning === 'false' || lightning === 'true') {
            settings.lightning_enabled = lightning;

        // Initialize the Lightning Mode button.
        if (settings.lightning_enabled) {
        } else {
        $('#lightning-mode').prop('hidden', !settings.show_lightning_button);

        setClass('#option-double-check', 'hidden', !(settings.allow_change_correct || settings.allow_change_incorrect));
        setClass('#option-retype', 'hidden', !settings.allow_retyping);

        if (state === 'second_submit') {
            setClass('#option-double-check', 'disabled', !(
                (new_answer.passed && settings.allow_change_incorrect) || (!new_answer.passed && settings.allow_change_correct)
            setClass('#option-retype', 'disabled', !settings.allow_retyping);

    var old_submit_handler, old_answer_checker, ignore_submit = false, state = 'first_submit', show_srs, srs_load, delay_timer;
    var item, itype, item_id, item_status, qtype, valid_answers, wrong_cnt, question_cnt, completed_cnt, answer, new_answer;

    // lightning_clicked() - Lightning button handler.
    function lightning_clicked() {
        settings.lightning_enabled = !settings.lightning_enabled;
        $('#lightning-mode').toggleClass('active', settings.lightning_enabled);
        return false;

    // toggle_result() - Toggle an answer from right->wrong or wrong->right.
    function toggle_result(new_state) {
        if (new_state === 'toggle') new_state = (new_answer.passed ? 'incorrect' : 'correct');
        if (state !== 'second_submit') return false;

        switch (new_state) {
            case 'correct':
                if (!settings.allow_change_correct || new_answer.passed) return false;
                new_answer = {passed:true, accurate:true, multipleAnswers:false, exception:false};
                set_answer_state(new_answer, false /* show_msgs */);
            case 'incorrect':
                if (!settings.allow_change_incorrect || !new_answer.passed) return false;
                new_answer = {passed:false, accurate:false, multipleAnswers:false, exception:false};
                set_answer_state(new_answer, false /* show_msgs */);
            case 'retype':
                if (!settings.allow_retyping) return false;
                set_answer_state({reset:true, is_internal:true});

    // do_delay() - Disable the submit button briefly to prevent clicking past wrong answers.
    function do_delay(period) {
        if (period === undefined) period = settings.delay_period;
        ignore_submit = true;
        delay_timer = setTimeout(function() {
            delay_timer = -1;
            ignore_submit = false;
        }, period*1000);

    // clear_delay() - Clear the delay timer.
    function clear_delay() {
        if (delay_timer) {
            ignore_submit = false;
            delay_timer = undefined;

    // return_new_answer() - Alternate answer checker that overrides our results.
    function return_new_answer() {
        return new_answer;

    // set_answer_state() - Update the screen to show results of answer-check.
    function set_answer_state(answer, show_msgs, no_redraw) {
        // If user requested to retype answer, reset the question.
        if (answer.reset) {
            if (state === 'second_submit') {
                $.jStorage.set('wrongCount', wrong_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('questionCount', question_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('completedCount', completed_cnt);
            // Trigger redraw of the input box, but only if reset is initiated internally, otherwise we
            // would have an infinite loop since external changes to 'currentItem' trigger a reset.
            if (answer.is_internal) {
                $.jStorage.set('currentItem', $.jStorage.get('currentItem'));
            $('#option-double-check').addClass('disabled').find('span').attr('title','Mark Right').find('i').attr('class','icon-thumbs-up');
            state = 'first_submit';

        // If answer is invalid for some reason, do the shake thing.
        if (answer.exception) {
            if (answer.confirming_burn) {
                $("#answer-form fieldset").removeClass('incorrect').removeClass('correct').addClass('confburn');
                $("#additional-content").append($('<div id="answer-exception"><span>'+answer.exception+'</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));
            if (!$("#answer-form form").is(":animated")) {
                $("#reviews").css("overflow-x", "hidden");
                $("#answer-form form").effect("shake", {}, 300, function() {
                    $("#reviews").css("overflow-x", "visible");
                    if (!answer.accurate && $('#user-response').val() !== '') {
                        if (typeof answer.exception === "string") {
                            $("#answer-form form").append($('<div id="answer-exception" class="answer-exception-form"><span>' + answer.exception + '</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));

        // Draw 'correct' or 'incorrect' results, enable Double-Check button, and calculate updated statistics.
        var new_wrong_cnt = wrong_cnt, new_completed_cnt = completed_cnt;
        var new_status = Object.assign({},item_status);
        var dblchk = $('#option-double-check');
        var retype = $('#option-retype');
        setClass(retype, 'disabled', !settings.allow_retyping);
        if (answer.passed) {
            if (no_redraw !== true) {
                $("#answer-form fieldset").removeClass('incorrect').removeClass('confburn').addClass('correct');
                dblchk.find('span').attr('title','Mark Wrong').find('i').attr('class','icon-thumbs-down');
            setClass(dblchk, 'disabled', !settings.allow_change_incorrect);
            if (qtype === 'meaning') {
                new_status.mc = (new_status.mc || 0) + 1;
            } else {
                new_status.rc = (new_status.rc || 0) + 1;
        } else {
            $.jStorage.set('confburn/' + item.id , true, {TTL:1000*3600*24*10});
            $("#answer-form fieldset").removeClass('correct').removeClass('confburn').addClass('incorrect');
            dblchk.find('span').attr('title','Mark Right').find('i').attr('class','icon-thumbs-up');
            setClass(dblchk, 'disabled', !settings.allow_change_correct);
        if ((itype === 'r' || ((new_status.rc || 0) >= 1)) && ((new_status.mc || 0) >= 1)) {
            if (show_srs) {
                if (settings.lightning_enabled) {
                    if (settings.srs_msg_period > 0) {
                        var status = Object.assign({},new_status);
                        var srs = item.srs;
                        setTimeout(Srs.load.bind(Srs, status, srs), 100);
                        setTimeout(Srs.remove, settings.srs_msg_period * 1000);
                } else {
        $.jStorage.set('wrongCount', new_wrong_cnt);
        $.jStorage.set('questionCount', question_cnt + 1);
        $.jStorage.set('completedCount', new_completed_cnt);
        if (no_redraw !== true) {
            $("#user-response").prop("disabled", true);

        // We remove the audio play from enableButtons() so we can control playback.
        // Here, we are installing the audio, but telling it not to play yet.
        $('audio').remove(); // Thanks to Sinyaven for the hotfix!!
        let oldAutoplay = window.audioAutoplay;
        window.audioAutoplay = false;
        window.audioAutoplay = oldAutoplay;

        var prependedAudio = $('audio');
        if (prependedAudio.length > 0) {
            $('#option-audio').on('click', function() {
                if ($('#user-response').is(':disabled')) {
                    return false;

            // Now that the audio is installed, move it so WK doesn't delete it upon submitting an answer.

        // And finally, play the audio (if autoplay is enabled).
        if (prependedAudio.length > 0 && window.audioAutoplay && answer.passed) {
        } else if (window.wkEnableAudio) {


        // Open item info, depending on settings.
        var showing_info = false;
        if (answer.passed && !settings.lightning_enabled &&
            (settings.autoinfo_correct ||
             (settings.autoinfo_slightly_off && !answer.accurate) ||
             (settings.autoinfo_multi_meaning && answer.multipleAnswers)
            )) {
            showing_info = true;
        } else if (!answer.passed && !(settings.lightning_enabled && !settings.delay_wrong) && settings.autoinfo_incorrect) {
            showing_info = true;

        // When user is submitting an answer, display the on-screen message that Wanikani normally shows.
        if (show_msgs) {
            var msg;
            if (answer.passed) {
                if (!answer.accurate) {
                    msg = 'Your answer was a bit off. Check the '+qtype+' to make sure you are correct';
                } else if (answer.multipleAnswers) {
                    msg = 'Did you know this item has multiple possible '+qtype+'s?';
            } else {
                msg = 'Need help? View the correct '+qtype+' and mnemonic';
            if (msg) {
                if (showing_info) {
                    $("#information").prepend($('<div id="answer-exception" style="top:0;"><span>'+msg+'</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));
                } else {
                    $("#additional-content").append($('<div id="answer-exception"><span>'+msg+'</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));

    // setClass() - Add or remove a class based on the 'enabled' state.
    function setClass(elem, classname, enabled) {
        if (typeof elem === 'string') elem = $(elem);
        if (enabled) {
        } else {

    // new_submit_handler() - Intercept handler for 'submit' button.  Overrides default behavior as needed.
    function new_submit_handler(e) {
        // Don't process 'submit' if we are ignoring temporarily (to prevent double-tapping past important info)
        if (ignore_submit) {
            // If the user presses <enter> during delay period,
            // WK enables the user input field, which makes Item Info not work.
            // Let's make sure the input field is disabled.
            return false;

        switch(state) {
            case 'first_submit':
                // We intercept the first 'submit' click, and simulate normal Wanikani screen behavior.
                state = 'second_submit';

                // Capture the state of the system before submitting the answer.
                item = $.jStorage.get('currentItem');
                itype = (item.rad ? 'r' : (item.kan ? 'k' : 'v'));
                item_id = itype + item.id;
                item_status = $.jStorage.get(item_id) || {};
                qtype = $.jStorage.get('questionType');
                wrong_cnt = $.jStorage.get('wrongCount') || 0;
                question_cnt = $.jStorage.get('questionCount') || 0;
                completed_cnt = $.jStorage.get('completedCount') || 0;
                show_srs = $.jStorage.get('r/srsIndicator');

                // Ask Wanikani if the answer is right (but we don't actually submit the answer).
                answer = old_answer_checker(qtype, $("#user-response").val());

                // Update the screen to reflect the results of our checked answer.
                $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: 0}, 200);

                // Check if [meaning has kana] or [reading has latin]
                var text = $('#user-response').val();
                if ((qtype === 'reading' && window.answerChecker.isNonKanaPresent(text)) ||
                    (qtype === 'meaning' && window.answerChecker.isKanaPresent(text)) ||
                    (text === '')) {
                    answer.exception = answer.exception || true;

                // Non-exact answer (i.e. "Close but no cigar" script)
                if (answer.passed && !answer.accurate) {
                    switch (settings.typo_action) {
                        case 'warn': answer.exception = 'Your answer was close, but not exact'; break;
                        case 'wrong': answer.passed = false; break;

                // Check for reading/meaning mixups
                if (!answer.passed) {
                    if (qtype === 'meaning') {
                        var accepted_readings = [].concat(item.kana, item.on, item.kun, item.nanori);
                        var answer_as_kana = to_kana($('#user-response').val());
                        if (accepted_readings.indexOf(answer_as_kana) >= 0) {
                            if (settings.wrong_answer_type_action === 'warn') {
                                answer.exception = 'Oops, we want the meaning, not the reading.';
                            } else {
                                answer.exception = false;
                    } else {
                        // Although Wanikani now checks for readings entered as meanings, it only
                        // checks the 'preferred' reading.  Here, we check all readings.
                        var accepted_meanings = item.en.concat(item.syn, window.answerChecker.filterAuxiliaryMeanings(item.auxiliary_meanings, 'whitelist'));
                        var meanings_as_hiragana = accepted_meanings.map(m => to_kana(m.toLowerCase()).replace(/\s/g,''));
                        var answer_as_hiragana = Array.from($('#user-response').val().toLowerCase()).map(c => wanakana.toHiragana(c)).join('');
                        if (meanings_as_hiragana.indexOf(answer_as_hiragana) >= 0) {
                            if (settings.wrong_answer_type_action === 'warn') {
                                answer.exception = 'Oops, we want the reading, not the meaning.';
                            } else {
                                answer.exception = false;

                // Check for Wanikani warnings that should be changed to 'wrong', based on settings.
                if (typeof answer.exception === 'string') {
                    if (((settings.kanji_meaning_for_vocab_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('want the vocabulary meaning, not the kanji meaning')) ||
                        ((settings.kanji_reading_for_vocab_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('want the vocabulary reading, not the kanji reading')) ||
                        ((settings.wrong_number_n_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('forget that ん')) ||
                        ((settings.small_kana_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('watch out for the small')))
                        answer.exception = false;
                        answer.passed = false;

                // Copy the modified answer to new_answer, which is what will be submitted to Wanikani.
                new_answer = Object.assign({},answer);

                // Check for exceptions that are preventing the answer from being submitted.
                if (answer.exception) {
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                    state = 'first_submit';
                    return false;

                // Optionally (according to settings), temporarily ignore any additional clicks on the
                // 'submit' button to prevent the user from clicking past important info about the answer.
                if ((!answer.passed && settings.delay_wrong) ||
                    (answer.passed &&
                     ((!answer.accurate && settings.delay_slightly_off) ||
                      (answer.multipleAnswers && settings.delay_multi_meaning))
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                    return false;

                if (settings.lightning_enabled) {
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */, true /* no_redraw */);
                } else {
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                    return false;

                /* no break */
                // eslint-disable-line no-fallthrough

            case 'second_submit':
                // Before accepting a final submit, notify user if item will burn (depending on settings).
                new_answer.exception = false;
                if (!new_answer.confirming_burn) {
                    // Check if we need to warn the user that this is a 'burn' review.
                    // NOTE: "item_status.ni" seems to be used by other scripts.
                    var will_burn = (item.srs === 8) && new_answer.passed &&
                        !(item_status.mi || item_status.ri || item_status.ni) &&
                        ((itype === 'r') ||
                         (((item_status.rc || 0) + (qtype === 'reading' ? 1 : 0) > 0) &&
                          ((item_status.mc || 0) + (qtype === 'meaning' ? 1 : 0) > 0)));
                    var cheated = $.jStorage.get('confburn/' + item.id) ? true : false;
                    if (will_burn && (settings.warn_burn !== 'never')) {
                        // Prompt before burning, and suppress proceeding for a moment.
                        if (cheated) {
                            new_answer.exception = 'You modified an answer on this item. It will be burned if you continue.';
                        } else if (settings.warn_burn === 'always') {
                            new_answer.exception = 'This item will be burned if you continue.'
                        if (new_answer.exception) {
                            new_answer.confirming_burn = true;
                            set_answer_state(new_answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                            // Not sure what's causing the input field to be re-enabled, but we have to disable it:
                            setTimeout(function () {
                            }, 1);
                            if (settings.burn_delay_period > 0) {
                            return false;
                } else {
                    delete new_answer.confirming_burn;

                // We intercepted the first submit, allowing the user to optionally modify their answer.
                // Now, either the user has clicked submit again, or lightning is enabled and we are automatically clicking submit again.
                // Since Wanikani didn't see the first submit (because we intercepted it), now we need to simulate two submits for Wanikani:
                //   1. One for Wanikani to check the (possibly corrected) result, and
                //   2. One for Wanikani to move on to the next question.

                // Reset the screen to pre-submitted state, so Wanikani won't get confused when it tries to process the answer.
                // Wanikani code will then update the screen according to our forced answer-check result.
                $('#user-response').prop('disabled', false);
                $('#option-audio audio').remove();
                $.jStorage.set('wrongCount', wrong_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('questionCount', question_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('completedCount', completed_cnt);

                // Prevent WK from posting a second SRS notice.
                srs_load = Srs.load;
                Srs.load = function(){};

                // Disable starting audio playback, since we already started playing audio (if necessary)
                var old_additionalContent_audio = window.additionalContent.audio;
                window.additionalContent.audio = function() {};
                var old_wkEnableAudio = window.wkEnableAudio;
                window.wkEnableAudio = function() {};

                // This is the first submit actually forwarded to Wanikani.
                // It will check our (possibly corrected) answer.
                var result = old_submit_handler.apply(this, arguments);

                // This is hidden third click from above, which Wanikani thinks is the second click.
                // Wanikani will move to the next question.
                state = 'first_submit';

                // We need to disable the input field, so Wanikani will see this as the second click.
                $('#user-response').prop('disabled', true);

                // Restore the SRS message function, which we disabled in second_submit above.
                Srs.load = srs_load;

                // Re-enable starting audio playback
                window.wkEnableAudio = old_wkEnableAudio;
                window.additionalContent.audio = old_additionalContent_audio;

                // This is the second submit actually forwarded to Wanikani.
                // It will move on to the next question.
                return old_submit_handler.apply(this, arguments);

                return false;

        return false;

    // Simulate input character by character and convert with WanaKana to kana
    //  -- Contributed by user @Sinyaven
    function to_kana(text) {
        return Array.from(text).reduce((total, c) => wanakana.toKana(total + c, {IMEMode: true}), "").replace(/n$/, String.fromCharCode(12435));

    // Resize the buttons according to how many are visible.
    function resize_buttons() {
        var buttons = $('#additional-content ul>li');
        var btn_count = buttons.length - buttons.filter('.hidden,[hidden]').length;
        $('#additional-content ul > li').css('width',Math.floor(9900/btn_count)/100 + '%');

    // External hook for @polv's script, "WaniKani Disable Default Answers"
    gobj.set_state = function(_state) {
        state = _state;

    // startup() - Install our intercept handlers, and add our Double-Check button and hotkey
    function startup() {
        // Check if we can intercept the submit button handler.
        try {
            old_submit_handler = $._data( $('#answer-form button')[0], 'events').click[0].handler;
            old_answer_checker = window.enhanceAnswerChecker({evaluate:window.answerChecker.evaluate}).evaluate;
        } catch(err) {}
        if (typeof old_submit_handler !== 'function' || typeof old_answer_checker !== 'function') {
            alert('Wanikani Double-Check script is not working.');

        // Replace the handler.
        $._data( $('#answer-form button')[0], 'events').click[0].handler = new_submit_handler;

        // Clear warning popups if question changes due to reasons outside of this script
        $.jStorage.listenKeyChange("currentItem", function(key, action){

        // Install the Lightning Mode button.
        $('head').append('<style>#lightning-mode.active {color:#ff0; opacity:1.0;}</style>');
        $('#summary-button').append('<a id="lightning-mode" href="#" hidden ><i class="icon-bolt" title="Lightning Mode - When enabled, auto-\nadvance after answering correctly."></i></a>');
        $('#lightning-mode').on('click', lightning_clicked);

        // Install the Double-Check features.
        $('#additional-content ul').css('text-align','center').append(
            '<li id="option-double-check" class="disabled"><span title="Double Check"><i class="icon-thumbs-up"></i></span></li>'+
            '<li id="option-retype" class="disabled"><span title="Retype"><i class="icon-undo"></i></span></li></ul>'
        $('#option-double-check').on('click', toggle_result.bind(null,'toggle'));
        $('#option-retype').on('click', toggle_result.bind(null,'retype'));
        $('body').on('keypress', function(event){
            if (event.which === 43) toggle_result('correct');
            if (event.which === 45) toggle_result('incorrect');
            return true;
        $('body').on('keydown', function(event){
            if ((event.which === 27 || event.which === 8) &&
                (state !== 'first_submit') &&
                (event.target.nodeName === 'BODY') &&
                return false;
            } else if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === 'l') {
                return false;
            return true;
            '#additional-content>ul>li.hidden {display:none;}'+
            '#answer-form fieldset.confburn button, #answer-form fieldset.confburn input[type=text], #answer-form fieldset.confburn input[type=text]:disabled {'+
            '  background-color: #000 !important;'+
            '  color: #fff;'+
            '  text-shadow: 2px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2);'+
            '  transition: background-color 0.1s ease-in;'+
            '  opacity: 1 !important;'+

        // Override the answer checker.
        window.answerChecker.evaluate = return_new_answer;
        window.enhanceAnswerChecker = function(answerChecker) {return answerChecker;};

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Another Issue: When you type a correct answer and get a burn warning, the button in the toolbar says “mark right” instead of “mark wrong” even though clicking the button marks it wrong.

Edit: Only seems to happen when lightning mode is enabled and you go directly from answering the question to the burn warning without getting a green or red answer bar in between.

I haven’t noticed any additional bugs besides the label on the “mark right button” mentioned above. Also, you may know this, but WaniKani just said they are planning to launch the audio changes on the main site next week.

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