[Userscript] Critical Review Countdown

Lastest Safari on lastest OS on latest Mac :slight_smile:

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Ah, I don’t have any Mac to test with, so I can’t do much to help there. Maybe @cpitman can do something for you?

That’s a neat script, but it also is working for me (Chrome, Windows). I don’t have a Mac to test with Safari.

Hey! Thanks a lot for that neat little script!

I noticed two little “bugs” in the script and offer solutions for everyone who wants to edit the script for themselves. Maybe the original author can adapt these changes :slight_smile:

So for the “bugs” and nerdy stuff :stuck_out_tongue:
The script has a visual conflict with the ([Userscript] Progress Percentages) because the other script introduces new visual elements with the “next” class and the Critical Review Countdown Script injects the text at two places instead of only the right one.

This change in the userscript fixes this:

$('.next').after(elem); --> $('li.next').after(elem);

The other little “bug” is the calculation of the width of the columns. I am a bit picky here but as soon as I noticed this it is annoying me :smiley:

If you feel the same - replace the set_header_width function with this one:

function set_header_width() {
    $('.dashboard section.review-status ul').css('display', 'flex');
    $('.dashboard section.review-status ul li').css('flex', '1 1 0px');

Thanks again for this nice script! :v:


Oh, neat, does this perchance fix the issue @KanjiYogi was experiencing?
@cpitman you might want to introduce a namespace class to make sure you only affect your elements

Just because it’s not a good solution or because it looks off? I do love me some flex boxes, though

Because it looks a bit off. So everything is working :slight_smile: Just for the visuals
I am using another user script that introduces a new column next to the critical review column. So I have 5 columns for the timing indicators and 5 columns for the progress section (Guru, Master, e.g.).
And because the width calculation is not completely correct it does not align with each other.

Aaaand the way it is done is probrably not the best solution. (Would look really odd if some other script would add 5 more columns…)

Nice BJ, Thank you!
I have no idea what you just did but can confirm that your changes have fixed the issue that I reported on my Mac and that the changes have lined up as you intended them to (I also use 5 columns).
Note however that although the columns lined up nicely (horizontally) it looks like your changes have thrown the actual content text off slightly (vertically) and that they looked better aligned up vertically before … enough to niggle you to get the text back to where it was I wonder?



BTW Kumirei, any idea why my profile badge shows [07] when I’ve been on Level [08] for over a day now? I’m guessing for some reason that if anyone has seen this then it would be you.

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Ah, I hadn’t noticed this because my theme doesn’t have borders between the entries.

Yeah, flex is much sexier

Thank you for this, I had no idea what BJennWare was talking about before I saw this

It’s a common issue. The forums just don’t sync often enough. You can either just wait or relog to force it to update

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Okay nice that this fixes your issue :slight_smile:

@KanjiYogi This code ensures that every column has the same width and that no one needs to calculate the width manually. If you interested in web development I suggest that you google ‘css flexbox’ or ‘css grid’.

@Kumirei Damn you’re right I should have posted a screenshot to explain what I mean :man_facepalming:t2:


Hey Guys!

I just released a script that adopts the idea of a critical review countdown for the new dashboard that will release next monday: [Userscript] Integrated Dashboard Overhaul.

It highlights the next critical review in the forecast (in a subtle way). My script does a bunch of other things aswell so I hope it does not do too much for you :smiley:


Hey, @cpitman, I was wondering if you’re able to update this script to work after the layout update. It might be difficult, but if it’s possible, I’d really appreciate it! I really liked that script, and now it’s gone! :sob: Man, I hate layout updates!! :triumph:!

Also, just for reference, this is how I’ve managed to get my dashboard to look like after updating scripts and downloading new ones:

I’d also really prefer it if I could get my apprentice, guru, master, enlightened, and burned bar back above the progression bars, but I’m not sure if there’s any script that would let me do that. Concerning, the critical review button, it would be nice for it to be below the ultimate timeline, like usual.


Marking this script as outdated in the list as it doesn’t seem to be working anymore