[Userscript] Autoplay Sentence Audio in Review

Autoplay audio sentences in vocabulary’s reading reviews and extra lessons, with customizability.

By default, audio sentences are taken from the same API as [Userscript]: Anime Context Sentences but optimized for autoplaying, e.g. after vocabulary audio, with series priorities, randomization.

Sometimes the result isn’t accurate for the vocabulary, so I add an option to normalize with Anki’s database. (via AnkiConnect; tried on Brave browser, and Brave Shield needs to be down.)

- - - CLICK TO INSTALL - - -


Nice script!

I tried it on Microsoft Edge and the Anki request failed for me as well. I did not try to change any browser settings and instead just disabled the Anki stuff. Maybe it would be better to disable the Anki request by default? Because currently the script doesn’t work at all immediately after installation (for me). Or maybe you can catch the error if the Anki request fails so that the Immersion Kit part still works by putting something like .catch((e) => console.error(e)) at the end of the promise chain in the if (OPTS.ANKI) code branch.

Something else I wanted to ask for a while now: Why have you decided to not publish your scripts on Greasy Fork anymore and instead switched to GitHub Gist? When I’m clicking “Raw” to install, my script manager uses the version specific URL as the update URL, so I won’t get automatic updates. It might be possible to avoid this if you instead provide a direct link to the raw file where you have removed the version-specific hash: example installation link. I think when using this installation link, auto updates should still work.

I think you can override this setting if you add audioAutoplay = false in your script.


I kinda envisioned that, but I forgot.

Otherwise, as it doesn’t have a real settings dialog, I simply copied from my currently using script.

The matter of not wanting things overly public, but not really the case for this one.

I am also not sure about GreasyFork’s policy of @require.

Otherwise, I didn’t realize Github Gist’s downsides, like the script manager can’t detect version id from https://gist.github.com/[username]/[script-id]/raw/[version-id]/[filename].user.js.

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