My user synonyms have split up into the individual characters by themselves, but the answer is still marked as correct. This affected every item I checked, but only while doing the reviews. On the item pages, the user synonyms are displayed like normal (the way I added them).
When checking the previously answered items, it says “undefined” everywhere. However the items seem to move up and down the SRS as they should. Summary page looks normal, so do the item pages.
It might be worth noting that I turned the “SRS update indicator” off.
I have 13 reviews left right now so if you want me to try something, I can.
@Heiopei: can you do a reload on that window? We’ve changed a few things in the reviews, so if that’s been up for a while, you’re probably seeing some old Javascript on the page.
Let me know if that does or doesn’t fix it. Thanks!
Broken here - I use no scripts or any extras. It seems to be the first synonym only. I just deleted one and added it again only for the other to become corrupted. I daren’t try any reviews until fixed
EDIT: It looks like the first item is being returned as an array and has escape characters in it too. This must be causing issues with formatting elsewhere.
The bug was how the data was being saved. (Nerd explanation) We pushed a change this morning that started reading and writing those values using arrays (good!) but there were a couple spots we missed that were still treating them as strings (bad!).
Our tests missed the error because all of our tests wrote a single synonym, and the problem only appeared when writing more than one. So, we also updated the tests so we can catch it if something else weird happens in the future.
We also went in and cleaned up the data for anyone that added synonyms since this morning at about 8am PT, when we pushed the change up.
Let us know if you guys spot anything else whacky. Thanks for the patience!
If the synonyms show up normally there, it’s data that’s cached locally on your machine. Let me know which browser you’re in and I’ll point you to info on how to clear that out.
If not, well, send me the browser data anyway, and I’ll see why it might be persisting for you.