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As a script author who spent the day digging into the changes, the idea that the review summary can be resurrected in a few hours is unrealistic.

The review summary, from prior comments, appears to be a casualty of the removal of the session timeouts, which is IMHO the best thing about this new release. So that would appear to be a wash.

I’ve been quite critical of the changes and how they were rolled out, but the infrastructure that you don’t see in the UX, is actually quite nice and I can see that making the lives of future script writers much easier. I do wish Tofugu had done more outreach to script authors, given them a longer lead time to migrate scripts, more documentation on the changes, and the ability to toggle between old and new versions. And I do still hope that they rethink a large number of the UX changes, but the underlying architecture changes seem to be pointing in the right direction.