Updates to Lessons, Reviews and Extra Study are live

Strongly agreed - with the exception of the synonyms in lessons, and the no-longer-disappearing keyboard on mobile, this update is primarily downgrades.

As a fellow developer, I totally understand what I assume was a desire/need to retool the UI for future development, but one of the biggest things that’s kept WaniKani head-and-shoulders above the competition was is its user experience. For the time being some of that advantage has just been shaved off, and it honestly scares me a little bit for the future. (A reaction I definitely hope is overly dramatic on my part :sweat_smile:)

WaniKani has always struck me as a platform all about slow, methodical improvements - be it through its learning philosophy, or the evolution of the platform as a whole. It’s something I respected a lot about you guys. Please don’t lose sight of what made you so awesome to begin with, in the name of progress. :heart: