I started using the WaniKani “Kanji Radicals Reference” sheet (found on the Tofugo page “Learn Kanji With Radicals and Mnemonics: The Definitive Guide”).
A post from a few years ago notes some inconsistencies between the radicals in that sheet and the WaniKani app (radical name changes, essentially), but I have found cases where the radical list for a kanji is not found at all in the Radicals sheet, nor in WaniKani. For example, many kanji in the sheet include “Train” in their list of radicals. After looking up the same kanji in the other radicals’ list of kanji, I have figured out that the name in the “Radicals” sheet is “Spring.” So the kanji that list “Train” as a radical can be found in the kanji list for the radical “Spring.”
I understand WaniKani has been changed since the creation of the reference sheet, but I would’ve expected the reference sheet to at least be internally consistent. As it is, it would be very difficult to use for someone following the Tofugo article’s advice on how to use that sheet, and it is even difficult (not impossible, just inconvenient) to use the sheet in conjunction with WaniKani.