Unusual name translation (or name change to nickname?)

Well played. That my friend is a perfect example :sweat_smile:

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Speaking as someone who also has an unusual name that’s impossible to say in my second language (and BTW regularly gets mispronounced in my native language)…

May I offer option #3: Forget about being accurate. Come up with an easy-to-say version even if it’s not correct, adopt it as a nickname. Or use the local version of your name even if it’s different.

For example:

  • アリス moves to England and introduces herself as Allie Sue because that’s easy for the locals to say.
  • アリス moves to England, gets sick of everyone else mispronouncing アリス as Allie Sue and introduces herself as Alice instead.

You know that most Japanese speakers physically can NOT pronounce your name the right way. You could constantly go through the same corrections with every person (No, no, it’s フ with a softer u…) and still get something that makes you wince. Or you can take control and choose the “wrong” version that you most like.


I think thats exactly what i will do xD
Maybe i come up with an idea for it later.
Thanks for the advice.

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