Typical returner woes

If you choose not to reset, there are still some great options for cutting your workload into manageable bits.
The Reorder script allows you to sort your reviews into level and/or type, so you can choose to only be presented with ‘radicals from level 12, 13 & 14’ for a session if you choose.

I used this for getting through a much smaller pile of reviews, but the technique should be the same. Start with just the radicals from a lesson or two, then when those are done, try the kanji from those levels. Then the vocab. Or do all the radicals from all the levels first, then go after the kanji. Whatever works best for you.
As they start coming back to you, you can make sure you get those ones done first before trying anything new (old? Things you haven’t seen in years). Work through the pile a bit at a time, at your own pace rather than at the pace Wanikani would enforce if you reset.

Hope that helps, and good luck no matter what you decide to do!

Edit: since it has been so long for you, you may find value in The Ultimate Guide to Wanikani. There’s a ton of good resources in there.