Typical Accuracy?

I’m wondering, according to wkstats I have about a 95% accuracy for my reviews, but it feels like I get a lot more than that wrong. What is everyone’s accuracy? Am I doing exceptionally well, or do most people have accuracy this high? I guess I’m looking for validation that I’m doing a good job. I guess this can become a thread about advice for improving your accuracy, as well.


My overall accuracy is around 90%. It was higher until I got to Burns, and has slowly slid downward since hitting 60 since everything I review these days are old items that I’ve already gotten wrong in the past.


Your number is incredible, I have around 70%. Which is not that good, but I remember a post where one of the admins said 70% was the avarage.
It’s my own fault for typing without thinking sometimes.
But yeah, 95% is mind blowing to me. Good job!!


Mine’s currently at about 88%, but it used to be higher. It started a slow decline since around level 22ish for me, but I think that’s pretty normal as that’s when burn reviews started coming back. I’d expect that by the time I’m finished it’ll be at around 75%ish.

95% is a great average accuracy! As long as it’s not the result of using an override script, you should congratulate yourself :smile: And if you ever need it, a good tip to improving accuracy is to use a self-study script (although of course not right before reviews, as that defeats the purpose of the SRS).

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@ctbpdx Can I mention that there are plenty of threads like this where people have shared their accuracy according to WKStats or the like?

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You feel like you’re getting more wrong because you are. WK Stats looks at reading and meaning accuracy separately. But for the purposes of the actual WaniKani SRS what matters is the combination of the two in a given session.


My overall accuracy is sitting at 82% which I don’t feel great about. My reading accuracy is dragging it down so I need to focus more on that I think ^-^" (Given that that’s essential for speaking and listening (笑)


My accuracy is around 85%. Mostly it’s because I’m too fast at typing in my answer without double checking it first, haha! Also I get quite a few misspellings which lowers my accuracy, even if I actually did know the kanji reading. :sweat_smile:


I would say you’re pretty damn good. The high accuracy in radicals is because they’re way easier and because I sometimes cheated a bit on them ;)))

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