Total Immersion with Godzilla (2014) 1 (Complete Audio Guide Script)

I found this to be a useful training, especially to memorize vocabulary:
This is the (almost) complete script of the Japanese audio guide for the visually impaired (音声ガイドー) for the 2014 Godzilla movie.

If you watch the movie (favorable in slow speed) and read along you cannot not memorize many of the phrases you hear. Interestingly many rather rare words from WaniKani are used like:
粉砕、羽化、繁殖、大佐 and of course エッフェル塔.
A word that should have found it’s way to WaniKani is 放射熱線 and of course 呉爾羅.

What makes the audio guide a perfect tool for listening training is the fact that:

  • language is spoken to be understood (and quite beautiful)
  • sentences are short and rich in descriptive verbs and adjectives
  • you see what you hear and that makes memorization almost instantly sometimes

I really hope this is of use to others. Unfortunately I couldn’t find someone to help me to fill in the yellow parts where some small bits are missing. If someone can find out what they are please tell me!

This is the download link:


Interesting, thank you for sharing. I’ll certainly have a go at it now :slight_smile:

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