Torii - SRS learning application for vocabulary

Yeah, Browse->Custom Vocab. I tried on both Android and PC apps. Also relating to custom vocab, the same custom vocab items appear multiple times in my review session, and if I go to look at the vocab point later from Browse->Custom Vocab it still shows them as Rookie 1 and it says I’ve answered them correct 0 times.

Please write an email to and tell me the email address you used for signing up for Torii. I’ll have to take a closer look at those issues you’re experiencing.

I will send you an email with screenshots of what I am talking about when I get some time.

I just noticed that the audio won’t play for me on Linux, while it does on Windows and Android. Is this something you’ve experienced before?

Another audio-related thing I’ve noticed is that on Windows, as soon as I start the app, a very faint hissing noise appears, regardless of the volume of the app, which stops as soon as I close it.

Just tested again on Ubuntu 18.04 with Oracle JDK 8 installed and the audio worked fine for me. There haven’t been any problem reports from other Linux users either. Which distro do you use? Is it installed on your physical drive or do you use virtualization software (VMWare, VirtualBox etc)?

The hissing noise on Windows is new to me, too. Which Windows version do you have? Do you use speakers or headphones? Can you try another playback device and see if the noise still appears?

After some testing it does appear that the hissing noise is on my end. It happens when I start a silent youtube video as well, and only on one soundcard (and only on Windows, interestingly).

I’m running it on nixos (not virtualized) with openJDK 8 - which I suppose could be the problem. I just tried running it with oracle JDK, but have some problems getting lwjgl to work properly with it. I might try some more though.

I can’t seem to be able to install/run the app on my computer, I keep getting these errors:

---Sun Apr 14 22:55:47 CEST 2019---
com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Couldn't create window
	at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Application.createGlfwWindow(
	at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Application.createWindow(
	at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Application.createWindow(
	at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Application.<init>(
	at com.torii.srs.desktop.DesktopLauncher.main(

I updated Java and restarted my computer but I can’t seem to be able to run it :confused:

I’ve installed Lubuntu on a VM inside of nixos, installed openjdk on it, and there the sound works - which, on one hand, means that me using openjdk probably wasn’t the problem, but it also means that it’s probably some weird issue on my end that you can’t do much about, so, never mind both of my bug reports I suppose :slight_smile: (nixos does quite a few things differently from most distros, so it’s not uncommon for things that typically work on linux to not work out of the box)

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I wish this had a web version :frowning:

@Rozenlynd I’ll need to know some technical details of your computer, best not to flood the forum with it I guess ^^ Forward your issue to and I’ll get back to you asap.

@Nol Alright, if you figure out why there’s no sound on nixos, let us know. Just in case someone else is in a similar situation in the future :slight_smile:

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Just a minor thing, but would it be possible that in the Android app an ‘n’ is automatically converted to ん if it is the last letter of a word, rather than having to enter the letter twice.
Thank you for the great work :slight_smile:

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This function was implemented quite some time ago. Isn’t ‘n’ converted to ん on your phone once you confirm your answer?

No sadly it doesn’t.
Android 8. Using Gboard to write.

Looks like the conversion only happens when the enter/return key on the keyboard is pressed, not the confirm-button within the app… interesting ^^ I’ll fix that in the next update.


I just came across what I believe to be a mistake. The vocab has 起きる listed separately as “get up, get out of bed” and as “occur, happen”. But I have 起こる as meaning “occur, happen”. I think they are mislabeled in the app.

The main meaning of 起きる is “wake up, get up” but it can also be used to describe things occuring, while 起こる can only mean “occur, happen”. I found an NHK article that goes more into detail.

Oops. I didn’t know. Thanks for the article!

Hello! I don’t know if it’s just me but sometimes it skips reviews. Just now, it said I had < 1 min until new review. I waited a bit and when i checked again it said 2h57min until new one. And this happened a few more times too.

Hey! I wanted to let you know the どなた example sentences are sentences of どちら.
I assume that’s a mistake?

I can’t figure out how to add words to practice lists. I’m trying to create a list of vocab I encounter in class, so I tried to browse for the vocab (thinking it unnecessary to add items that already exist) but I couldn’t find a button to add them to a practice list. Is it only possible to add my own custom vocab to practice lists or am I completely missing the place to add vocab? (I hope it isn’t only in lessons and reviews although I couldn’t find it in lessons either…)