To Reset, or Not To Reset?

I’m exactly in your situation. Level 42 going no where, its agony and I just want to commit WaniKani suicide even down to level 1…

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Well, loathe as I am to say it, if you’re thinking of resetting all the way from 42 to 1, it might be time to step away from WaniKani and pick up a new method from scratch. Maybe Heisig’s RTK. Rather than feeling like you’re being held back from remembering everything you ought to already know, the knowledge you’ve gotten from wanikani will speed you along the new path. And having things taught multiple ways will help sink everything in.


Thanks Mr Sharpevil,

Nice doing business with you. :wink:

I had a time when I didn’t open Wanikani for about a year and had about the same (2000~2500) pile of reviews to be done. I choose a tactic to steadily reduce them day by day in chunks of hundred in morning and evening and reduced all this pile to normal daily amounts of about ~150 reviews after few months.

After all that I thinking that it was right decision not to reset to some level as during that time I burned a
huge amount of entries as well as finally understood difference between few similar kanji’s as they were reappearing together therefore forced me to learn the right way to recognize them.

After all I can say that whatever way you will choose the most important thing would be to keep doing it every day even if small amounts it will help you to progress in your study (I doing only about 7 for lessons and often skip if feel like have enough reviews).

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First 90%+ review session of over 100 reviews since returning. It’s coming back steadily, as long as I make time every day.




I just reset to 1. I’ve always struggled to have >50% on my reviews, and had scrambled and fought up to lvl 12. Last October, I moved for a new job, and kept up my reviews for a few weeks, but mid-Nov, I had to stop because work was too hectic. Late Dec, I realized I had not set vacation mode… about 2 weeks ago I un-set vacation mode, and have spent the time fighting 800+ reviews down to 600+ reviews…

Most of the content looked like nonsense to me. Some of it was obvious and familiar, and I have had many burns. Most of my reduction were burns. Made it clear that a lot of the recent content before moving wasn’t in my mind. But, since it was soooo heavy on things that I couldn’t remember, it became obvious that I should reset. The things I know, I will still know. But I think the reset will help me in the long-term.


I underestimated the amount of reviews that would be reintroduced to the cycle, even at 200 complete per day. Still, very close now.


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Good luck😁

So I’m considering a reset myself. I read through Cure Dolly’s article about understanding Transitive and Instransitive pairs. And now I want to reintroduce all the kanji with a fresh set of eyes with an understanding from the get go of why a verb is 自動詞 or 他動詞 right away as I see the kanji rather than pounding it into my head from the repetitive SRS. I’m assuming I already know what I know and so I’ll burn it much faster anyway.

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Definitely don’t let yourself slack on grammar because you’re spending all your time keeping up with SRS. I let myself do that, and as a result I’m only just now hitting the last chapter of Genki II after 2.5 years of study.

Well done for tackling the review mountain. I came back from eighth months away, though only on level 10. I had 900+ to do and did them over the space of a few days. I ended up with 350 apprentice items and a ton of reviews to do extra each day, but I’m down to 60 apprentice now and it’s not all that bad, phew.

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