To older users, when did wanikani stop wasting your money?

First 3 levels are that slow, that’s why they offer em for free. I guess you weren’t aware of that maybe so you subscribed at level 1, i fully recommend to get to level 4 as soon as possible doing your reviews, then it will improve. If I remember correctly i finished the first 3 levels in about 17 days

such good detection skills

@hackedEntraya I really really recommend you read the Guide!

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I knew maybe ~300 kanji when I started, so it took me several weeks before I got to see lots of brand new kanji. I knew it would be worth it in the end though; here’s a visual someone else made to demonstrate the workload:




Make sure you’re doing your lessons. New kanji lessons become available once your radicals reach Guru level and new vocabulary become available once your kanji reach guru. Guru 90% of radicals and kanji and you’ll level up and get a whole new batch of lessons.

I think that there is some unidentified problem that you are having. I recently reset to level 1, and a month later I am at level 4 again with piles of reviews and new lessons.

I guess this is a new take on an old theme - this time your money “trickling away”. Isn’t that the same for any subscription if you want to look at it that way? How you intend to learn 2000+ kanji in a day and save your cash I don’t know. In a month or so dare I suggest you’ll be begging for mercy.

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17 days? then something is wrong, at one point i think it gave me like a 27 day timeout, as well as week long ones, thats my issue here, ya’ll, i knew it was gonna be slow but this is broken

if it took 17 days then im alright with paying for them, like no problem man thats about what i’d heard, but when its taking 2 months… should i try and contact them?
i dont really have the patience to reset and hope it works because my study plan has been pushed back far enough already, wanikani was gonna set the pace for it so

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Please see MissMisc’s reply to you literally just a few posts up!

You surely have new lessons to do! It should literally take about 4 days to finish level 1.

And I’ll say it again: please email to see about getting a refund. The first three levels are supposed to be free.


Yes, please look at the answer @MissMisc gave you, just above mine

According to your profile, you’ve only studied 26 items, which are all the level 1 radicals, (skyblue background when they ask about the meanings) the game here is once you’ve gurued those radicals you can now study kanji, since pretty much every item is now enlightened it seems to me you’ve been here studying the same 26 things over and over again for at least 2 months if not more…

You must have more lessons available!! look at the right of the aligator


click on that gray circle and then on “START LESSON” and then you will get em

Please tell us if you do have lessons available

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Hi Entraya. I took a quick look at your account from the back-end and I noticed that most of your level 1 radicals are at a pretty high SRS state. That’s why you were seeing month-long gaps between reviews sometimes - the time interval between reviews increases as the SRS score goes up (you can see the breakdown by level over in the guide, if you’re curious).

Normally that’s balanced out by having a bunch of different items all at different levels, so you have something to do each day, which is why as you level up and unlock more stuff, you’ll find that downtime isn’t much of an issue in WaniKani. I also see that you’ve got some of the kanji in your queue now, too, so you should start noticing a difference.

Like Viet mentioned, if you shoot us an email, we’d be happy to cancel and refund your latest subscription so that you can get the most out of the free levels before you start paying. :slight_smile:

To everyone else, I think the question/problem’s been pretty well addressed at this point so we don’t need to belabor the point.


Yeah at my current level of 17, I have 45 apprentice items and 86 items that are waiting to be learned and I can tell you right now that if I do all those lessons I will be completely overwhelmed and retain nothing whatsoever. Give it a while. I live in the country and there are still plenty of kanji and vocab that are new for me.

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Ah so it isn’t just me! Levels 16-18 do have significantly more items than the previous levels! Thanks for that!

If you’re two months in and still level 1, you’re messing up somehow in your reviews or not doing your lessons. I started August of this year, slacked off for two weeks, didn’t review every day, and I’m still 75% done with level 3. Also you should read the FAQ and ALSO have listened to the recommendation per Koichi and co. to not sub until you finished the free stuff.

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Actually, yes as someone higher up just said, you’ve literally not done any of the lessons. So, the person wasting your money was you. HIT THE LESSON BUTTON, MY DUDE!

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