Tips for Running a WaniKani Book Club

I have to admit, the distinction seems quite clear to me, after reading the first FAQ… I hesitate to add any more arbitrarily defined terms (ala “reading club” vs “book club”) because it just introduces more jargon for people to learn, which makes things more cloudy, imo. (While before I was mostly ambivalent, my position has shifted after I thought on it more.)

The former definition you list is just the basic definition for what a book club is, so it shouldn’t require being defined specifically in the thread, imo. If one is in the Book Club section of a forum, one presumably knows what a book club is.

Maybe tweaking the wording a bit for the first FAQ would solve your concerns?

Something like:

“These stand for Absolute Beginner Book Club, Beginner Book Club, Intermediate Book Club, and Advanced Book Club. Each is an organizational club for the purposes of grouping potential books to read by approximate difficulty, with those books being voted on by each group. After this voting is complete, a book club is formed for the selected book using templates similar to the ones provided below. When the reading for that book is about to end, members return to their respective organizational club to vote for the next book selection.”

Does that split the definition well enough for you? This should make it clear that the book club we are providing guidance for is for individual books, and the other clubs are strictly for organizational purposes.

I do agree that the bottom question, which touches on how to run the organizational threads, should probably just be given its own section of the FAQ, away from all the other questions that pertain specifically to running the actual book club threads because it could possibly lead to the two being incorrectly conflated.

Also, happy cake day. :grin: