There is a kanji section under textbooks?
I meant that I think there should be one. I mean, there aren’t only grammar textbooks, there are a lot of kanji textbooks as well.
Right now there is a textbook section and a kanji section
If the list of kanji textbooks grows larger than the textbook section, then we can think of moving that content to a kanji textbooks.
I think the main goal of the layout of the list should be to help people begin their language learning journey. So we start with the items that a most recommended to beginners and are the most difficult to find for beginners.
The first step is to learn kana, textbooks come next, and since people viewing the list are likely to be using WaniKani anyway, the kanji section isn’t as important. Immersion comes last (with podcasts audio, writing, reading, manga, etc.) because although it can be useful in very early stages, you only get so far without the basics.
So we are trying to create a mix between what people are looking for and what step in the language learning journey they are.
I don’t know, maybe I have the intended audience wrong
Well first of all, awesome job on the resources very comprehensive! I am just wondering how someone is meant to select from such a large amount of resources? perhaps in the future as people try these out, they could leave a brief line or two explaining whether or not they recommend it and why, or an asterix or some indicator to mark what is worth using. Idk I’m just coming up with stuff off the top of my head, but it would be nice for there to be a way for future viewer’s of this thread to have an idea of what particular resources might be useful to them. Either way though, this is truly some great work you’ve all done putting this together and much appreciated !
Edit: I apologise, I didn’t read that you have already put asterix’s on resources you’ve used, or that are generally popular, my bad. Still, perhaps in the future a sentence or two summarising the merit’s of the resources could be helpful.
I added yomichan to the browser extensions section. I’ve been using it for a few weeks instead of Rikaikun, and it’s pretty good so far.
Yeah, that sounds helpful. Something anecdotal would help with selection. I just worry it will become overcrowded and make it just as difficult to choose.
Maybe just removing content that people find unhelpful would be more beneficial. I tried to combat this issue by breaking sections into catagorise that allow people to skip over things they don’t want. For example, in the textbook section, I know there are people that prefer physical textbooks over online textbooks and vice versa.
Thanks! Are you able to provide a bit of text mentioning what you prefer about Yomichan, even if it’s from the extension developer themselves? As I understand that Rikaichan/kun is pretty popular.
Yeah I’ve been hesitant to try switching because I love the Rikai extensions and am very familiar with them and don’t know of any benefit of using another… or potential “loss” so-to-speak.
@ryan2 @Shiawase The main benefit of yomichan is the audio support. A significant number of words have real recordings which you can play (not computer generated). I also think it’s better organized since it has words grouped similar to The last huge benefit for me is that is has an option to only scan for words when holding Shift. This is very helpful when looking at a website with a lot of Japanese text. (There’s also an anki integration, but I don’t use it and can’t vouch for it.)
The developer is actively working on it so it’s consistently getting new features. It can’t hurt to try it out.
Moved recommended item disclaimer to be more visible.
Added Textbook section help. Thanks for you suggestions @mirroredspeculum
Added Kanji Sheets to Kanji section
Updated descriptions for Browser extensions section. I included that Yomichan provides audio, @seanblue.
Added Input Method Editor (IME) section
- Added CosCom article How to type Japanese
- Added Tofugu article How to install a Japanese keyboard on everything
- Added Google Japanese Input
Mostly just wanted links to the Reader Resource list and this in case anyone reads the comments, nobody necessarily has to feel the need to comb through them for stuff to add.
@Kumirei @ryan2 - Because I’m not sure where you’d want it, just wondering if either of you could/would add those memrise links to the top. (in the post I’m replying to)
Also curious about my other question. [quote=“AnimeCanuck, post:19, topic:16859”]
Also namste gave some good recommendations in the recent JLPT Listening thread for some Japanese Let’s Play people. Not sure if we want to link those, or point to that thread/post…???
I mostly look at riya’s “What do I do now” thread, which has a few of the same resources, but is essentially a different list.
These look like good resource lists. I couldn’t help myself from smiling after watching some of the Japanese children’s YouTube channels.
The ones @Shiawase suggested could probably all go in the Resource portals and Japanese learning and culture networks section. With the exception of the YouTube channels list, which can just be put at the top of the YouTube section. The Memrise courses can go under the Memrise courses.
I feel like I’m taking over your thread, Shiawase. I don’t mean to! I was thinking of creating something very similar before you made this, but I thought I didn’t have enough resources and we already had a few.
No way! This is a community wiki! It’s for everyone to create and edit and discuss! Besides, I didn’t even make the original, silly. I just reposted it and advocated for it to be pinned and made into a wiki, edited it a little, added some things, made some suggestions.
You’ve totally done the bulk of the work with some of the others in here!
I’m glad we’re all coming together to make it the best it can be. And it’s 1000% better than when it started! Great work, everyone!
This site called Delvin Language focuses on Japanese listening skills using video clips from live action or anime media, word by word. Words taught and tested are broken down into N5-N1 courses, as well as a list of common expressions. You can replay the clips at normal or slower speeds, as well.
This is AMAZING. Flails around wildly.
I don’t know why I haven’t seen this before. Oh well, doesn’t matter. Going to bookmark ALL the things.
Thanks <3
For learning Hiragana and katakana i recommend this game J-type. J-Type
Press spacebar and you can see what to type. Flashcards are recommended since actual game mode is rather fast . You can choose pretty much what you want to learn from options.
For learning Hiragana and Katakana, there are three things I like:
- My #1 recommendation is definitely Let’s Learn Hiragana and Let’s Learn Katakana. They are excellent workbooks I used back in 2010. Great practice with several different things. Fill in the blanks, multiple choice, and of course squares that show you how to write it where you can trace, and then blanks to write it yourself.
- Human Japanese (beginner), it has animations of the way they’re written, tips, and quizzes you on things likes stroke order.
- This app I have from Google Play (I’ll look it up later maybe)… there may be a better version, but it has a practice version (show then try), and a quiz version, and you trace write it with your fingers as well as quiz on the readings.
I feel like this is relevant, so: