We start reading chapter 1 on 28th September (Japan time). I’ll be putting up a new thread for each week’s discussion - I’ll aim to put these up on Friday evening European time.
Week 1 Warning!
In this week’s reading some characters undertake a test. The test they are taking is a hard test, so the vocab on the test papers is going to be hard for us learners! Don’t worry if you can’t understand the test questions - you only need to understand that the test is hard. The vocab spreadsheet will help you if needed.
We have three weeks to go for volume one. The beginner book club will be moving onto their next pick. But is anyone interested in carrying on reading the next volumes of this manga in an offshoot book club?
I’m on the last chapter of Book 1 and ordered books 2, 3 and 4 yesterday so I am definitely in! Such a good series and a great experience for my first Book Club book.
Got to this one a bit too late, so I’ll just join with the next manga. Still, if anyone hasn’t read this series before, please do so. It might be one of the best Shounens out there imo. Maybe it’ll get a real anime adaptation one day…
Chapter 7 thread is up! This is week 10, and the final week for volume one of the book club. Well done to everyone who got this far! Thanks to everyone for completing the poll above, I will be putting up a volume 2 thread shortly.
So with that we finish volume 1! Well done to everyone who made it through to the end. If you are still working your way through please feel free to keep posting your comments and questions in the discussion threads.
We start volume 2 next week. I’ve set up the volume 2 discussion thread - link below. There will just be a single thread for these discussions. I won’t put up weekly reminders here, but I’ll post on the discussion 2 thread each week to start each chapter discussion.