The listening section is removed from wanikani

Hello I am having a situation now. I used to have anime sentences userscript which was cool. Now the listening section is removed from wanikani as well as the anime sentence listening part. This happens after removing a userscript from tampermonkey. Kindly advice how to return them.
I need to listen to the pronunciation of the kanji but it is not found now. please help

Just to clarify, are you saying the lose the anime sentences after you remove that userscript, or is it a different userscript you’ve removed?

The userscipt i removed was called item inspector. After i removed this item inspector userscript all the listening is gone

Can you define listening? Do you still have anime context sentences but can’t hear them? Can you still hear the built in vocabulary?

Note, WaniKani does not have audio for kanji items. It only has audio for vocabulary items.

Can you share a link or screenshot of an example WaniKani page you are looking at, and indicate where you expect the missing section to be found?


I disabled and enabled some userscripts now and the reading of the vocabulary returned. but the anime sentences did not.

I’d suggest going to the anime sentences thread and seeing if you’ve removed prerequisites.

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I meant the reading section of the vocabulary but now it returned.
Still the anime sentences did not return. I cannot see the sentences at all.

@Miro1 The anime sentences aren’t part of WK. They’re a userscript, which is an extra unaffiliated with the service developed by the users, and WK isn’t related to it. You’ve installed it separately and it’s developed and maintained by someone else. WK isn’t responsible for the userscripts or them working for you.

I don’t know if that’s the script you’ve installed, but you should go to one of these threads and figure it out on your end:


I did not say it is WK responsibility. Revise what i said.

Thank you very much.