(The increasingly less) Daily senryu thread

Monday, November 28, 2022

Previous senryu

  1. サンプルが腐った色のレストラン
    restaurant / where even samples / look rotten (3-5-3)


This version seemed to take the fewest liberties, though it still takes a few. It introduces the word “even” to add emphasis not explicitly in the original. It also uses “look” to capture the meaning of (いろ) (hardly an exact translation).

Current senryu challenge

Volume: Ladies

  1. お見合いの写真修正もう限界

Oooh. Some fun vocabulary with this one.


お見合い is a very Japanese pre-marriage thing that is increasingly less common, but still practiced. I know other cultures also have similar matchmaking practices. My family is a bunch of southern hillbillies (mostly from Kentucky and Virginia). I’m pretty sure there were matchmakers involved in my family several generations ago, but I can’t find any historical references to matchmaking in the US (though most of the hillbillies were of Irish descent, so I’m sure it existed).

Also, I should point out that the judges have indicated they will accept judicious usage of the word “photoshop” in the translations.

Remember to please use the spoiler tag with your translation attempts! Also, please include the reading in kana with your submission.

Everyone is encouraged to participate, no matter your level! Questions and comments are as valued as translation submissions.

Please try not to be disappointed if your translation isn’t selected or if you disagree with the daily choice: the judge isn’t terribly consistent with his grading (and has awful taste!).
Online tools like dictionaries, sentence databases, and even AI translation engines are fair game and can be extremely helpful. Yomichan is particularly handy if you use the Chrome or Firefox browser. The 語源(ごげん)由来(ゆらい)辞典(じてん) is also an excellent resource for researching the etymology of various words and expressions.

Here are the links to the 356 Japanese originals (spoiler free) and to the the spreadsheet with all the upcoming senryu as well as the translations to date.