So, after 2 years now my subscription is over. I reached level 60 last year around July so I made it my goal to try to burn all items, or at least get them it beyond 8000 burns, I didn’t manage tough, I was close at around 7850.
I still don’t think I can read Japanese as well as I should, though I fell out of practise for a myriad or reasons, you DEFINITIVELY need other ways of study besides WK so to novices I say that you should read Tae Kim’s guide as soon as possible while you are around level 10 or so. And don’t be afraid to start picking up japanese material (books, manga, games, etc…), that experience is invaluable.
But after 2 years and thousands of lessons and reviews (and 200 dollars) I still believe it was worth it, I woud’ve never pushed forward with the idea of learning this seemingly impenetrable language if it weren’t for this course.
So good bye all mighty CrabGator abomination, your loyal pupil will sail to other lands with your lessons in his heart.