Level 31. It took a long time, but I’m still going.
Eso México!
Welcome to Hell
I missed one level, no 0/0 for level 28 ):
Hey fam it’s been a while (June 29! dang…) but I took a short break while moving to Japan so I guess I have an excuse there. But I finally leveled up and cleared all my reviews and new lessons! First half of the level done!
I slacked off learning the kanji for this level so I’m going to have a mess of vocab tonight right before I level up tomorrow. It’s going to be a fun ride for a few days
Been a long time!
Took a break from lessons while I had a visitor for near a month =^^=
Kept up with my reviews though! So emptied out my apprentice and guru before continuing
I left only kanji in lessons, no vocab. Vocabs are better learned shortly after the kanji, to help remember both the kanji and the vocab better =^^=
I stopped half way through lvl 8, with 14 kanji left in lessons.
I’m now just hours away from the lvl 9 half way point =)
The new items already filed up the apprentice quite a bit
Registered for the JLPT in December. I have all the kanji I need for that “learned” already, so probably going to focus on squashing leeches rather than levelling particularly fast.
I still always read this thread’s title as steak instead of streak.
Toyger San you are welcome!!!