Teasing Master Takagi-san 😝 ・ Volume 3 Discussion Thread [Volume Complete]

Page 54

Ahh yes, our chuunibyou boy, how could I not have seen this coming!
Yeah, between your explanation and the link you posted I think I get it, and I like the ほうがいい comparison, where the previous statement would be modifying the ほう and make sense in modern grammar. I don’t think I’ll add this one to my Anki just yet, but I’ll keep an eye out for it haha

Page 55

Ohh, it was なのだ, and it’s true, it makes a lot more sense considering the しっている beforehand, I just hadn’t seen it yet in this form, but I gotta keep in mind that の turns into ん a lot in casual speech.

I mean, everyone just gets their stuff instead of the whole desk, it seems easier! Maybe this is cause I have in mind the heavy desks we had at school and they would be such a chore for middle schoolers to move honestly, maybe these desks are lighter and just easier to handle :thinking:


I really love that even though we are in Vol 3 there are still very helpful and useful discussions for learning… keep it up!!!


It is the weekend, which means some more time spent with Takagi-san and Nishikata! Next weekend, I will begin preparing the polls to figure out our start time for the next volume! I can’t believe that we are now over halfway done with Volume 3! Where does the time go?

Are you planning on reading with us this week?
  • I will be reading along!
  • I will catch up later!
  • I won’t be reading (anymore)

0 voters

With Halloween just around the corner, here's a festive scene of Takagi and Nishikata.

Source: 「恋に恋するユカリちゃん」 volume three.


Not sure If I’m a day early or not but eh…it’s all Vol3…

This sentence I have a feel for the understanding but if I had to state it in English I can’t…for some reason having a little trouble with all he/she thinking … guessing someone else can help break this down into something a little easier to comprehend…and since I haven’t asked a question in a while… (probably an easy one but…why not :wink: )

Page 75 (Page 7)

Page 7

This is how I interpreted that:

私の方 => my direction
気にして => て-form of 気にする, to pay attention / to be bothered by
から => particle “because”
そう => That
じゃない => is, isn’t it
と => Quoting particle
思ってた => thought
よ => emphasis.

So basically, Takagi-san has noticed that in a previous panel Nishikata was curiously glancing in her direction.


"You seemed to be bothered by something in my direction so I thought「It’s that, isn’t it?」 ".
In this case, “that” refers to the theory she mentioned in this panel:



One of the most helpful people from when I was dying trying to read the first manga I ever read a couple of years ago answers the question…woo hoo!!!


yeah done…this chapter for some reason gave me a little more grief… nothing horrible but wasn’t as easy as the other ones… but it’s done…no longer behind… :wink:


Just wrapped up with the chapter. The only questions I would have had ended up resolving themselves; the first question was the same as the one @shuly asked above. In that instance, I got as far as being able to tell that she was saying she noticed him looking at her, but couldn’t figure out which panel she was referring to with the “It’s that, isn’t it?” statement.

The second point of confusion was the very last panel when I initially thought it was Takagi-san speaking instead of the teacher, and it totally didn’t connect for a moment. It was a case of knowing entirely what was said, but having zero clue how it made sense until I realized it was the teacher speaking, instead. :stuck_out_tongue:

Story Comments/Standout Panels


I thought this was a nice call-back to the first chapter. In general, as we’ve read along, I’ve noticed it’s started to feel like it’s referencing previous chapters more, and building more of a sense of continuity. It no longer feels as much like disconnected moments that aren’t necessarily chronological, certainly not as much as it did in the first volume.


This is just one of those images that you can hear, and it gave me a good laugh.

This also gave me a good laugh. We all know his Knowledge is pretty low, but I guess his Proficiency isn’t high enough for the chalk dodge, either. :wink:


This panel had me laughing. Also, this reminds me, I took the liberty of adding on to the definition of やらしい in the vocab sheet. While it can mean “unpleasant” or “disagreeable,” with this face, and the strength of Nishikata’s reaction, I definitely feel like she was implying the “lewd/obscene” definition more-so than the other.



Nishikata really should have known better… Though perhaps that should be the Sub-Title of this whole series. :stuck_out_tongue:

D’awwww. This was cute.

Overall, I definitely enjoyed this chapter. As always, I look forward to the next one! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I got a bit focused on something else this week and completely forgot to catch up with last week’s chapter until today (oops). I am fully caught up now, though, including this week’s chapter.

Story comments

I had a bit of whiplash between this chapter and the last chapter because their seats were still in the same usual spot (versus the last chapter where they moved to the other side of the room) until I remembered that there was no chronological ordering to the chapters. :joy: It’ll be interesting to see when the chapters start using the new vs old seating arrangement (if they ever do).


Seating is one thing, but there’s also the outfit change =D


I suppose reading the chapters back-to-back, as opposed to days apart, made it more noticeable lol

Interesting take...

I didn’t pick up on this …didn’t feel it was lewd or obscene staring…but very interesting…yeah the ambiguity of Japanese… haha

My reasoning for why it was more disagreeable (though I can see both sides)…he hasn’t done anything at least it seems he hasn’t or said anything that a typical teenage boy might do (what I think of anyway) when it comes to staring at her… to me it felt like more he was grumpy she was reading his mind… haha

My Take

Oh, to be clear, I don’t think Nishikata was actually looking at her or behaving in a lewd/obscene way.

However, Takagi’s somewhat “suggestive” (it’s not the word I want to use, but is the one that is jumping to mind right now) look, coupled with Nishikata’s overblown reaction (blushing, stuttering, etc.), makes me think she was teasingly accusing him of that without basis, but purely to get a reaction out of him.


in that case I agree 100%!!!


Yup, this is how I read it as well.


Another week, another structure to try to crack

Page 78

I am a bit stumped on this one, there is a lot that I’m not sure if I’m getting correctly, but only sorta guessing by context.
Firstly, 高木さんの意識を授業以外に向かせておけば i understand as something like “First I’ll draw takagis consciousness towards the realm outside the ongoing class”. This in english seems to be something like " I’ll distract takagi and then…" but I can only guess this from context and it just seems like such a weird way to say something like this, but maybe it’s my english mind that makes it sound weird.

Then, 当てられたときにわからなくて先生に怒られるのでは seems to be “At the time to call her in class, the understanding sensei will direct his anger at her because of what I just said” and I’m guessing the は in the end is just emphasizing so in english it would be something like “…then when it is time to answer the teacher will scold her!”.

I think writing it down helped me parse it a bit better but it seems like the whole sentence is filled with weird things that I borderline don’t understand :upside_down_face:. Also, I’m not entirely sure how this links to the 今日は18日。。。高木さんの集積番号も18番, but I guess it’s cause he knows the sensei usually uses these day methods to choose the person who translates and knows she will be called eventually. It´s all so weirddd

Page 78

I feel like breaking it down bit by bit might help
高木さんの意識 - Takagi’s awareness - marked by を so it’s a direct object
授業以外 - apart from the class - marked by に, so given the verb that follows it’s a destination
向かせておけば - if I make turn towards (in preparation for some next step) - this has some funky conjugation going on: looks like causative (make) with ておく which is then conjugated with a conditional
also notice that this bubble ends with a comma, implying the next is a direct continuation
当てられた時 - when called upon - temporal phrase marked by に
わからなくて - because she doesn’t understand - this is conjugated with て which can be used for showing reason
先生 - the teacher - marked by に showing that he is the agent of the passive that follows
怒られる - receive anger - we know who’s doing the being angry from the previous に
のでは - this ending I’m not too sure on myself but I think it’s a questioning の followed by ではない where the ending has been omitted because it’s generally understood what will follow. So basically he’s ending by asking something like “won’t he?”

That’s a lot to break down but now we should be able to put it back together:
高木さんの意識を授業以外に向かせておけば - “If I draw Takagi’s attention away from the class”

当てられた時にわからなくて - “when she’s called upon, since she won’t understand”

先生に怒られるのでは - “the teacher will get mad at her, won’t he!?”

Also yes the thing about the day being the 18th is because Nishikata reasons (correctly) that the teacher will use the day to pick who to call on. This then sets up the punchline at the end where the teacher performs some moon logic to call Nishikata by adding the month to the day to get Nishikata’s seat number

Story thoughts

I enjoyed the callback to the first chapter with Nishikata wanting to make another jack-in-the-box. Reminded me of how long ago I joined the bookclub, and that was the first piece of Japanese media I read. Anyway, I was a little disappointed we didn’t get much English in the English class haha, but it’s fine

Page 78

Ohh yeah, I misread as if the sensei was the one who was わからなくてing, which I guess wouldve been わからなくてる先生 or something like that? “the not understanding sensei”, but it was the conjunctive instead, that clears up most of the confusion.
ではない would make sense in the ending, but I’m not really familiar with this kind of use after a の, it’s like the sentence never ends :upside_down_face:

I think we will probably get some engrish from nishikata later hehe