Subject Page / Lessons Makeover & New Context Feature!

Hi everyone :sparkles:

We’ve got a couple of content updates to announce! WaniKani subject pages and lessons have gotten a makeover, and we’re beginning to roll out a new context feature for vocabulary!

What is changing on subject pages?

If you visit a subject page for a vocabulary word, kanji, or radical, you’ll see that the content has been reorganized. The navigational “Go to” buttons at the top of the page correspond to page sections, so you can quickly find exactly what information you’re looking for.

What is changing in lessons?

Similarly to the subject page, we’ve reordered the info in lessons by adding a “Context” slide. In this section, you’ll find word type info and context sentences!

New Feature: Common word combinations

For a select few vocabulary words, we’ve added a “Common Word Combinations” section to the “Context” section of the page. We added this because we want to provide you with more information about how a single vocabulary word can be used as different word types, and give you examples of words that frequently combine with the target word in each of its uses.

Check out this example from the 生 vocabulary page. Each of the examples given are instances of 生 used as an independent noun (meaning a noun that is not part of a compound noun). To see examples of 生 used in compounds, you can click the “in compounds” button.

This feature is brand new, and so it’s only going live on a select number of vocabulary. Also, it currently only lives in subject pages but it will evetually make its way over to lessons as well. Woo hoo! We intend to add common word combinations to more vocabulary as time goes on, so stay tuned for updates!


Wow the common word combinations feature looks really useful!


Great additions! お疲れさまです!


Wow that’s so cool!

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oh wow, i love it! more context for words/vocabs is awesome! ^^


Oh hell ye。ありがとうさん!

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Thank you, Cam


Ah crap, is this going to be the feature that makes me reset to go back through WaniKani again after the N1 this july?


Thank you for the update! These look really useful.

Can I also ask if you plan on adding a synonym function too as there are a lot of synonyms and for users not totally comfortable with J-J dictionaries (like me) they can be tricky!


Context sentences!! This is great. Thank you!


Thanks for this cool update! I noticed the new word combination section on the page today and was wondering why no one wrote anything about it, lol. It immediately clarified the usage of this word’s two meanings to me, without needing to hunt for the information elsewhere.
This adds a lot of value into the subject page IMHO :slight_smile: . Hope you add this to more vocabulary as well.


This is great, I’m really looking forward to the common word combinations being added to more words, it seems like a great feature for deepening your understanding of vocab. I assume these are ~collocations~ :eyes::sparkles: — I know Koichi has been studying with these for a little while. Where are you pulling them from? Is it the corpus used in the NINJAL-LWP for TWC?


Yes, these are collocations! In an effort to avoid terminology for the grammar allergic, we went with “common word combintaions.” We use a few corpora, including TWC, BCCWJ, and topping it off with native speaker intuition from members of our team.


I love, love, love this feature !!!

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Awesome! I had a feeling about this last part :eyes: And this is why Tofugu are such an awesome team, developing language tools with educational science linguistic research alongside “native speaker intuition”. It’s innovative and is moving language learning forward :heart:


Context feature is great. Feedback on UI - tabs “Independent nouns” “In Compounds” require extra mouse click to see all information. In given examples, these tabs are pretty narrow, could fit into one screen aligned horizontally, or just be stacked vertically.

I see new script coming to help with future carpal syndrome - “un-hide context second tab”


I would really like it if they put the meaning and reading sections side by side on the subject page for people whose screen isn’t super narrow.


I’m not sure if this is related to the changes you are rolling out, but when I go to WaniKani / Kanji / 観 and click “Similar Kanji” in the navigation bar, nothing happens and an error message is logged in the console. @camfugu


I noticed the change when doing lessons today so came looking.
Didn’t see one with Common Word Combinations, so glad I looked to see what else could have changed!
This is a great feature! Looking forward to see it on more words as you go! =D

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Oh WOW! More material to learn from! So glad!!!

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