Oct. 1, '24↑:
- WaniKani reviews in the morning and evening
- Listened to some N5 Japanese practice in YT - I finally got around to comprehending the use of ありません. There was a conversation that went like:
A: Is there coffee?
B: No, there’s not coffee.
A: Is there tea?
B: Yes, there’s tea.
A: Then that’s good.
Not the exact phrases but that’s the gist of it. And I got my first day in the listening challenge Fall 2024 ticked off~
- Bunpro review for today
- Setup Anki for mining vocabs in the CCS readings - I already created a deck for Volume 1 and I will populate it as I go on
- Read pages 9-12 of カードキャタさくら Week #1 - I finished the first week! Now I can read the Week #1 thread of CCS haha maybe some of my questions will be answered there. Oh, right, now I can tick off my first day on reading challenge Fall 2024 as well!