I’ve noticed this a bit, but sometimes verbs seem to get conjugated with ちゃ. For example, 泣いちゃった (which was translated as she cried). I’ve searched for ちゃ on Bunpro and it doesn’t really give anything, and none of my Japanese books seem to cover it. Mind you, all my books are only N5 or N4.
Does anyone have information on this? Is it a regional dialect thing? From how I’ve seen it used it simply seems to be a replacement for ます, or maybe いてる.
ちゃった is a conjugation of ~ちゃう, which is often used in speech instead of ~てしまう. So in your example, it would be another form of 泣いてしまった. As far as I know it’s not regional, but extremely common in conversation and texting.
Aah thanks fellas. Can always count on the WK team. I haven’t learnt てしまう yet, but I’m currently working through N4 at the moment, so it’ll pop up eventually.
Interestingly, if you look at the てしまう page on Bunpro it also lists ちゃう, but just doesn’t show up in their search for some reason.