[STATS] Statistics site

Crabigator’s? :wink:

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my b, I thought everyone assumed those were synonymous :nail_care:t3:

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For some reason, I’m getting a 404 error when entering in my v1 API key. Anyone else have this issue? I apologize if there’s somewhere else I’m supposed to ask for support with this.

Edit: I saw in the thread that there’s a v2 version so I just tried that, but it’s been stuck on Loading Data for a few minutes now. I only gave it read permissions but I don’t think that should be the issue.

Edit 2: I think there’s some bug because both v1 and v2 of wkstats work for me on Chrome but not Firefox.

Firefox has problems with corrupting its indexeddb, so that’s probably what you’re encountering.

[Here] is a link about clearing it.

Other than that, you can try opening the Javascript console (press F12 to open the developer tools, and click on the Console tab) and post any errors you see.


Always good to check. :wink:

Is that the same as wkstats ?

Nearly - the slash v2 is just a copy of the other…

That didn’t work for me, unfortunately. I’ve added 2 screenshots to show the console errors.



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@rfindley Chrome 85 was just released:

The one about the SameSite=None seems to be relevant here…

So was Firefox 80, but not very relevant…


It’s working fine here with the latest Chrome and Firefox, so I’m thinking it’s either a security setting in your Firefox, or an ad blocker or other filter modifying the security.

That article is referring to cookies, which I don’t use. The error is related to CORS… but Wanikani specifically sets Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *, which means there should be no restriction on cross-origin when reading the Wanikani API. That’s why I’m thinking it’s a plugin (or Firefox itself) which is modifying the incoming headers from Wanikani due to some overzealous security setting.

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I had the same problem, are you using PrivacyBadger? If yes, make sure that wanikani.com is not blocked.

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Yeah, I actually fixed it earlier today by disabling Privacy Badger but forgot to reply here.


I found the same issue with Brave Browser’s anti tracking options too.

I somewhat wonder if these privacy tools are seeing Wanikani’s key as a tracking token, causing them to block.

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That would be my hypothesis too - these types of blocking become more aggressive as cross-site request forgery becomes more problematic. On the plus side though it seems that logging in once with tracker blocking turned off then allows the site to load just fine with it turned on next time.

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Bye, 10 characters, 10 characters.


Is there any way to access the v1 version of the dashboard using the v2 api? I liked that one better since everything relevant to me was on one page (level timings, completion graphs, draggable level bar) With no need to click on Joyo/JLPT/etc.

As I understand it, it’s not as simple as just putting V2 API data into the V1 wkstats page, since the API was refactored. Given that the V1 API is turned off now, there’s no way for the V1 page to get any data.


It’s synonymous with Xenu


Thanks for the reply! Regarding the API changeover - I do get that, as I am a software developer myself. To be more precise, I prefer the v1 data presentation over the v2 presentation, and would like to know if it is coming back in the future, or if we are stuck with how data is presented in v2. Everything I need to know, I could get in one page in v1, summed up quite nicely in the graphs there.