[STATS] Statistics site

Got a problem here, I’ve been level 14 for 4 hours now, but time is being added to my level 13 stats while level 14 stays at 0 hours.

Have you done any level 14 lessons yet? IIRC there was a bug where the stats site would show you at your old level until you did some of the next level’s items.

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@girakacheezer is correct.
I assume you are using version 1 of wkstats (see version 2 at wkstats).
Version 1 uses Wanikani’s APIv1, which does not have level-up dates, so wkstats has to figure out your level-up date based on your first lessons. If you haven’t done any lessons yet, it will still count the time on your old level. But once you do lessons, the time will move to the new level.


I think I found a bug for wkstats v1 projections (which might not matter that much given v1 will stop working in a month or so) but thought I’d post anyway since projections isn’t in v2 yet.

On a new level I misclicked and sent a radical back to apprentice 2 (instead of advancing to apprentice 4) which was annoying but shouldn’t have changed my projected level up at all since it only blocks one kanji and I only need 27/30 kanji to level up to 14.

It seems like this reset the stat of the level in wkstats v1 and now fastest prediction is based on that one radical.

Even though v2 doesn’t have projections I do see that the ‘level up in’ time is correct on the dashboard so this may not be worth fixing especially since I assume it will fix itself once I level up on time.

Thanks for the project and looking forward to the final projections piece in v2!

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I’m sure that @rfindley has other things to occupy valuable time, but as I’ve been trekking along, one simple statistic that would be really useful to me (and therefore maybe others?) is “number of lessons left” and “date of completion if I do X lessons a day”. For me, that’s the gating factor in when I’m going to finish (or at least get to level 60!).

(I have my own spreadsheet for this in reality, but it’s not very beautiful. :smiley: )


Yep, that’s an issue specfically with v1 due to the WK APIv1 limitations. It won’t be a problem in v2.

Noted. That’s a good idea.



Thanks for the good tool! :smiley: Is it open source? If so, could you point me to the repo so I could take a look?

I think some features are a bit bugged: charts for example are not displaying the correct percentage per wk level.

Try the v2 version: https://wkstats.com:10001

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Yup, tried it

Here is a screenshot of what I mean:

also, is it open source? Any chance you will open source it in the future if it isn’t?

Hmmm… what do you mean? If those are wrong, do you know what the correct percentages should be?

(Edit: I checked the values manually and they appear correct to me :woman_shrugging:)

I think the issue is that they don’t increase after level 3, which I assume is due to being on a free account since it’s currently showing up correctly for me.


To answer the open source question, there isn’t a repo, @jgmontoya. Quoting from upthread:

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Oh, I see! I thought the box and arrow were there to emphasize the issue :rofl:, but that’s the way it is being displayed because they are on level 1…

Yeah, right! When entering the WK API key WKStats can only access what is accessible for that account.

(But didn’t they recently make all contents available to everybody? Hmm… maybe not through the API though?)

Oh yeah that’s why lol. I just restarted and was waiting to hit lvl 3 to purchase the subscription again :man_shrugging:

Anyways, thanks for the replies!
Sad that there’s no repo to look into, would be a good way to help others get involved but it is what it is


I am not sure that I understand what you mean. Are you talking about the JPLT level? This is the horizontal row. JPLT is not the Wanikani level (shown vertically). JPLT is a different thing.

This page compares the kanjis taught in Wanikani by level with the kanjis the JPLT exams expect you to know. At Wanikani level 1 they teach no kanji that fall in JPLT levels N3, N2 and N1. This is why these numbers are zero.

This data doesn’t depend on someone’s Wanikani studies because it is what is being taught that is compared and not what is being learned. So whether a particular user has reached Wanikani level 4 or not doesn’t matter. The data remains the same.

This post is based on what I think you may have said but I am not sure to have understood you.

If you look at the rows 3, 4, 5 and so on all the way down, they are all the same. That’s what OP was aiming at. It’s due to OP being on a free account (thus WKStats won’t see any information beyond WK level 3).


OK. I see it now. I looked only at the boxed row which confused me.

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Yeah, I fell into the same trap and wondered where the misunderstanding was… :rofl:

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Are there any plans to add an option where you can have dashboard, level-up and projections on the same page like the original stats website had?

It was nice being able to see everything together and be able to see the full picture of your progress and projections more easily


Yes, the plan is to make a ‘Dashboard Settings’ page, where you can choose what goes on your dashboard.


@rfindley I just came here to tell you that you are out here doing the LORDT’S work. This v.2 stats page is my ADHD brain’s wet dream. Thank you tho, srsly, you are the acme of humankind.
:ok_hand:t3: :v:t3: :call_me_hand:t3: :call_me_hand:t3: :v:t3: :call_me_hand:t3:

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