[STATS] Statistics site

Awesome man! Could you add a total figure for all levels at the top somewhere? Like say “654 (burned)”

Sorry if that is asking for too much :p.

^^^ I’ll put it on the list.

I have a weird bug… OP please fix :pray:

nevermind, fixed it by blacklisting the site in WaniKanify

So I seem to have been hit with a particularly weird version of the incorrect-level-time bug, where it’s showing me as having spent no time on level 3 and added all the time on that level to level 4 (my current one).

I tried the force-refresh option, but it doesn’t seen to have made any difference. If it’s unfixable, not the end of the world, but I thought I’d ask :slight_smile:

I’m actually having the same problem as @moijizukamori and I’m curious as to what the solution is. It’s been like this for a while now. I was hoping it would fix itself, but hasn’t so far.

This is specifically related to the pay-wall.

There’s a bug in WK’s API data, where when a user subscribes, the backend sets the unlocked_date for Level 3 items to the subscription date (I assume), instead of only setting Level 4’s items, which are the ones being unlocked due to subscribing. To illustrate, here are the unlocked_dates of @momijizukamori’s radicals:

Level 1: Thu Jan 14 2016 22:32:01 GMT-0500 ← correct – date of account creation
Level 2: Thu Jan 21 2016 19:35:45 GMT-0500 ← correct – 7 days later
Level 3: Mon Feb 06 2017 12:53:24 GMT-0500 ← incorrect – They have vocab unlocked earlier than this.
Level 4: Mon Feb 06 2017 12:53:27 GMT-0500 ← correct date (I think), but only 3 seconds later than level 3

It does this for everyone (maybe unless they pay earlier than Level 3?), and has been that way for a long time. I think it’s related to a bug fix long ago where you said the backend pre-sets the next level’s unlocked_dates, and then backdates them when the user levels up (or something like that… it’s been too long).

I’ve added an additional workaround. It works for your data. I just hope I haven’t messed it up for other people’s data :sweat_smile:. It’s a very temperamental algorithm!

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I looked at your data, and it like fine for me, which means it’s probably the cache bug. Have you done a Force Refresh from the site’s user menu?

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Hmm it shouldn’t be doing that to level 3. We’ll have to look into it.

Also going off-topic… it is a little early to announce this, but we have been doing a whole lot of restructuring with the data model and tons of refactoring with the code base since the beginning of the year. Unfortunately people don’t notice these kind of changes, but it is all leading up to some big upcoming front-facing changes. One of the goals is releasing a new API (v2), which will be much more performant, provide more user progress data on items (will gradually be introduced), and presented in a schema which makes much more sense.

We plan on releasing an alpha of the new API for feedback from the major users after we get the last few changes situated. Probably between end of this quarter to mid next quarter. There will be a post about the new API in the API forum.


That sounds possible! It may be further confused because I sat around with level 3 basically complete for a bit before I actually subscribing.

Thanks. That worked. Didn’t know about the Force Refresh… I’ve just been trying to refresh the page by using the browser refresh.

Mine looks fine.
Either nothing’s changed, or else the extra time that used to sit on level three has shifted to level 4 (which I think makes more sense, actually). Not sure because it’s almost 5am and it’s been A LONG DAY.

@rfindley Sorry if this question was already asked, but is there a way to change the date one started?

I activated my account on the 19th of May but only been using the app since the 6th of June (my first lesson). This makes the projections not really valuable =/ And I would love to just have a long term idea of my progress.

Probably I have to contact the WK’s team. Let me know if there’s a way possible!
Appreciate it.

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You can’t change your start date, but on the Level Duration graph, click on the long level (or any level). It will become semi-transparent, and will be excluded from calculations.

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That solves my problem! Thanks for the quick reply! (:

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There’s also the Hypothetical box (bottom right), which lets you play around with the numbers, so you can see how long it would take if you went faster or slower:

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Noticed that already (: Thanks once again.

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I use your site every time I use Wanikani, it’s incredibly useful.

Would it be possible for the Kanji items to link you to the either the page for the item on Jisho or Wanikani? That would be really helpful.

P.S. I don’t think commas should be added when you copy a single item.

Yes, that should be easy. I’ll add it to the list.

Hmm… I’ll ponder if there’s an easy way around that.

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(Refresh your browser cache if necessary)

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