[STATS] Statistics site

Wow, Brilliant thank you!

I can’t think of an easy way of fixing the comma issue but if you can fix that also that would be great.

How does it go to jisho? Clicking an item just goes to WaniKani for me and don’t see a way to change it.

Regarding the comma issue, it has nothing to do with copying a single item. Rather, if you don’t copy the first item, it includes the leading comma (which I’m sure you know since you just wrote the code, but I wanted to mention it for @ambo100).

Regarding how to fix this, maybe you can use something in window.getSelection(). Unfortunately it looks like baseNode / extentNode / focusNode differs based on whether you highlight left to right or right to left. But maybe there’s something there you can use to figure out what the first highlighted item is and remove the leading comma. (Of course this may not be straight-forward with vocabulary, depending on if you have an actual DOM element or just text)

On the other hand, it’s pretty easy for the individual copying to remove the leading comma, so maybe it doesn’t matter. :slight_smile:

If there is WK info, it goes to WK. Otherwise, it goes to Jisho.

Right, right… Any reason the unlearned items in the WK tab go to WK but in the other tabs they go to Jisho?

Yes, I know. It does add a comma to a single items as long as it isn’t the first item in the row. That’s the exception.

With Radicals and Kanji it would be a bit easier to figure out if you only have one item selected and therefore you can check if that is the case before adding a comma.

It’s not a huge problem, but if it can be fixed that would be a bonus. Like you said, the commas can easily be removed.

On chrome, when using the large and very large font settings, it gets hard to read this chart in particular. On very large, a few other text items overlap, but still readable. Using normal font size would be very tiresome to switch back and forth every time i want to check it.

I use Chrome and I don’t have this problem. If I press Ctrl-+ it will zoom in and in extreme zoom some items will get hidden, but never overlap like that.

Is that an OS setting, or a Chrome setting?

The design of the chart requires the font sizes to be fixed relative to the graphics, so either I’ll have to find a way to ignore your font setting if that’s possible, or you may need a style plugin to override your settings specifically on the site. I’ll research the first option.

I should have specified. In the options in chrome, there are settings for font size, which are what’s causing things to go wonky. If that one is on normal, everything looks fine.
Changing the “text and item size” in windows seems to have no ill effect on the chart.

I perfectly understand you won’t rework the entire chart to fit on one special setting, but i was wondering how hard it would be to build similar things more robustly in the future.
Thanks for the fast reply, and all your work here!

Though I was wrong, maybe you should actually try using the Font Changer Chrome plugin? With this you can use specific settings for different sites, or set global preferences and then exclude sites that have troubles with custom font sizing and use the zoom feature instead.

Heh… yeah, I’m not particularly fond of web design for that reason. Too many variable design parameters, and a design environment that ‘wants’ to be based around text reflow all the time.

(I’m not complaining or irritated or anything… it’s just one of the difficulties of web design… probably the main reason I wouldn’t want to be a professional web designer :slight_smile:)


@rfindley Do you need to update the site manually for the latest item level moves?

^^^ I updated the site earlier today. You’ll need to Force Refresh under the site’s user menu to make sure your cache reflects the changes. I should add a WK version check to automatically force refresh when there’s a change, but that will take time that I don’t currently have :cry:.


Force refresh didn’t do anything. The ego radical still shows up in its old location of level 26.

EDIT: Now it’s fixed. Don’t know what happened.

What happened is that I saw your post, and fixed it a minute later :slight_smile:
I had originally done a search in my code for the changed items, but didn’t realize that two of the newer javascript files (for radicals and vocab) weren’t included in my project workspace, so I missed updating them.

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It seems that the “satellite” radical from level 42 is not displayed correctly. I’m guessing it’s not a font character but an image?


As you guessed, WK has it as an image, so I created a new character in the font.

For the past couple days the site is not updating my review count. I have tried logging out, logging back in and force refresh. I also tried Firefox and Chrome, as well as incognito/private window. What am I missing? Also, it seems to be updating if I log in to it from my phone as opposed to me PC. EDIT: Nevermind, the site on my phone is showing the same as what is on my desktop, completely frozen/not updating.

^^^ Have you tagged or emailed viet about this? Sounds like it may be a new WK bug…

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I figured that could be the case, but wasn’t sure if I was just missing something obvious.

My API results don’t seem to be updating correctly. You can see my post above, tried multiple browsers/clients.