🎙 📝 Speak/Write Every Day Challenge (Spring-to-Summer 2023) 🌺 🏝

:studio_microphone: :hibiscus: softlyraining’s output journal :desert_island: :memo:

Recording for 6月2日

Today was a lot of starting and stopping. I chose one of the topics from the list I made, and it turned out to be harder for me to answer than I thought. While I’m disappointed, I’m trying to keep in mind that it’s called a challenge for a reason. It wasn’t impossible to do; it just took some time.

Look Ups

vacuum cleaner: 掃除機(そうじき)
to vacuum: 掃除機をかける
carpet: 絨毯(じゅうたん) (usu. in hiragana)


@lucylavelle It wouldn’t feel right if you didn’t post at least a few entries about food! :grin: Glad to see you around for this one!