Some questions - Not Sure WaniKani is for me

Awesome, thanks!

Hi would just like to add a small suggestion if you are feeling bored of the reviews and crave more…I would suggest reading all of the example sentences that go along with the vocab and kanji. Especially if you are more familiar with Japanese. To me it is an additional learning tool because you know the new vocabulary and through sentence context you can learn other new words.
Also have you checked out wanikani’s page on “What Now?”? There are a bunch of other engaging resources to enhance your learning while you “wait” on new reviews and lessons.

I know you’ve had lots of responses to your questions so I hope my extra tips help!


Thanks for the reminder. Wanikani has its oddities and limits, and it’s good to use multiple resources to try to learn a new language or skill.

And let us know how it goes. We don’t usually get to hear from people again after their triumphant conquest begins.


Sure, but what would I report?

This was me, I started to focus too much in leveling up fast, wanting to “learn” more and more kanji, that I was not even learning the kanji/vocab of each level appropriately, resulting in me having to reset my level. Now I don’t care how long it takes me to level, but I’m making sure that what I’m learning sticks with me.

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Whether people approve of it or not, I have subscribed and will be relying mostly on the self-study script. Learning things is hard and a lot of people give up before they go very far but I think it’s a mistake to attribute failure to “going too fast”. How many people take WaniKani slow and also fail/give up? Lots. There are some problems with the self-study script but I’ll give it a try for a month to see if it works out.

I’ll leave that to you. I wouldn’t presume to predict what results you’ll have.

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The API exists for people to use (including via the Self Study script), so I don’t think anyone will mind. :slight_smile:


Any other cool scripts I should know about?

Most I use are geared towards lessons or reviews, which won’t matter for you if you’re going to mostly use Self Study. Here are some that should still be useful though:

  • Additional Filters (for Self Study) - this adds a few more options to Self Study. Most are still geared towards regular usage of WaniKani, but the “related items” filter could be useful.
  • Pitch Info - Show pitch diagrams on vocab pages.
  • Keisei - Show phonetic components on kanji pages.

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