Solving Crosswords for Fun and Profit

I switched the spelling of comma so i could have 17 down make sense, but im honestly not sure if thats right


Yeah, I was starting to think カンマ was where it was at, too.

You’ve almost finished, there. Just looking over it all to make sure I actually understand.

33-down ユミ (引き絞る is a verb that specifically refers to drawing a bow to the limit)
30-across ツミニ
31-down シャソク
13-across ゴッタニ
(So 24-down is ニワ. Makes me wonder if it’s a reference to the にわにわ tongue twister - even when the 二羽鶏 are not there, the 庭 still remains. Perhaps?)
20-down タカナ

Ah wait, you’ve sneakily added more while I was typing.

For 35-down… why’s “all y’all suck” mean “collective responsibility”?..

I think I got all the answers but 16 across doesnt make sense to me. Takana is the only thing can think of for 20 down, but idk what the hell funa is…


Not you all, but also me. 悪い doesn’t mean suck so much as it means “to blame”. So we are all to blame = all of us are responsible.


Should have played more Animal Crossing :slight_smile: a type of fish, specifically carp. The clue references ニゴロブナ、ゲンゴロウブナ、ヘラブナ、マブナ


Ah, good grief. I realised that ニゴロ and ゲンゴロウ were both types of fish, but I never realised they were both types of フナ.

That clue needs some カンマ, to make it clear we’re looking for separate items in a category.

Well, I guess that one’s done then. Rather faster than the previous one. :stuck_out_tongue:


Fish names >:(


Next puzzle!

What on Earth is that symbol on 11-down?

Gonna kick off with
7-across ゴー (レッツゴー!)
6-down コゴエ?




Not sure of that. The clue calls for a 猛禽類 = bird of prey, raptor. Seagulls eat meat and even hunt, but I wouldn’t say they’re raptors.

Would like to propose トンビ instead. As a point in favour, 4-across is トリイ


11-down ジスマーク That’s the old symbol for the Japan Industrial Standards 〄.


Well, today I learnt. For some reason, it really feels like you should be censoring that answer, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

With that there to provide more cross-words, lemme just hammer out:
5-across ビジレイク
8-across エクレア (and apparently I needed to know French as well as Japanese to solve these puzzles - “éclair” means “flash of lightning”)
13-down ボーイフレンド
6-across is コマドリ, I guess, but I don’t really get it at all
18-down is then リビア, I suppose - this book was originally published in 2004, and according to Wikipedia, the flag of Libya was a plain green field from 1977 to 2011, the only flag in the world which was only a single colour (though my actual copy is the 22nd reprint, which came out in 2017, so they might have changed that clue).
19-across ビール? I don’t know much about alcoholic drinks. :stuck_out_tongue:


Man you all are fast!

3 across ランボオ (rough French poet Arthur Rimbaud)


10-across ワープロ?
33-across クモ?
1-down ビオラ?
9-down ジカンワリ
17-down I was thinking ヒラメ at first but it’s only 2文字 so maybe エイ? (I had to google the Japanese name, don’t even know it in English only in my native language)


Had no idea there was a crossword thread until today! Hope I can jump in! (Though I am absolute garbage at them even in English)

I think 23 across is はんにゃ, unless the letters don’t match another clue!

Asked my wife, and she said ビール as well! Though she is terrible at crosswords so she gave up before looking at everything else :joy: :sweat_smile:


Yeah join in! There’s a link in the home post to a Google sheet with the clues filled in. Not sure if maybe only @Belthazar is filling that in, but it’s helpful to get a leg up on your next clue


It’s unlocked for anyone to fill in (or, it ought to be), but yeah, it’s generally just been me doing it. :stuck_out_tongue:


Played by Sylvester Stallone in that well-known action movie franchise Rimbaud? :slightly_smiling_face:

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didn’t even know that existed. I just went ahead and put in a few but sadly i need to actually study tonight so that will be all from me >_>

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Aye, I did notice a cursor floating around. :slightly_smiling_face:

:joy: the one and only

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21-across クイチガイ
14-across フェロモン
Thus 25-down イモ
31-across ゲスト (lot of English in this one)
34-down スルーパス
37-down イット (衰退の一途をたどる is apparently an aphorism)
27-across グループ

I guess that makes 29-down ナイチンゲール, though why she, specifically, completes the pattern of “Marie Curie - Helen Keller - ???” I have no idea.