Hey everyone,
before I start - I am aware that there is no particular “right” or “wrong” way when it comes to learning. What works is fine. But:
I started “reading” a picture book of “Spirited Away” in Japanese (obviously). After working on my grammar I want to put my knowledge to use and reading is my first priority when it comes to studying Japanese. Unfortunately I don’t know much vocabulary so I have to look up SO MANY words. That’s not much fun, but it seems I have to fight my through this until I learned some more vocabulary.
What I’m “reading” is this:
So, at the moment I copy the text into my notebook (mainly because I don’t want to write into the book itself and a bit of writing practice doesn’t do any harm, right? ) and then I try to decipher it:
This way I have nearly made my way through the first chapter.
I thought that with the beginning of the second chapter, I will only write down in English what I didn’t know before and leave the known Japanese words “blank” (my blue notes). This way going a bit faster.
What do you think about my method? Should I create cards with the before unknown vocabulary in a SRS system to study or should I just read and read and read until I know the words from having them looked up multiple times?
Other than copying the complete Japanese text down*, can I do something more efficient?
*I don’t want to write in that book. I tried to just write down the words I didn’t know with their translation, but then they’re out of context and I didn’t really like that.
“Reading” like this takes some time (at the moment I need about 20 minutes per page) and isn’t that much fun. But when I worked through a page and understand everything that is going on, I’m really happy about that
How did you start reading something other than graded readers?