Since it's a japanese forum


Since it’s a Japanese forum, I thought it’d be better to cut the chase of my question here. It’s: Some non-japanese families name their kids a japanese name, but they are written in kanji and that’s too difficult for me as a non-japanese. The name ‘Takashi’ sounds so compelling but the kanji…it scares. Could you suggest me some easy peasy kanji alternatives?

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I don’t know much about these things but I don’t think respelling the kanji would be a good idea without asking them first.

Spelling first names in hiragana is fairly common however in my experience, that seems like a less risky option.

EDIT: oh sorry I misunderstood, you want to name someone takashi but don’t know what kanji to use? Then the sky is the limit.

高士 seems cool.

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Alternatives for Takashi or alternatives for any easy peasy to spell names?

If the latter, how about 大吉 Daikichi. Only 9 strokes.

All of us are learning Japanese so I would not ask this question here. You need to ask a native speaker so that you know you aren’t creating something with weird connotations.


You could consult a baby name dictionary. :slightly_smiling_face:

Was that a pun? :stuck_out_tongue:


So you live in Japan and you are asking for a name that will be put on the birth certificate?

I am not from japan but just confirming if i can get an easy kanji alternative for Takashi or any other T japanese names.

Warning: simias is reading しろくまカフェ, puns may be contagious

  1. 田中 (Tanaka) – 田 (5) + 中 (4) = 9 strokes
  2. 山田 (Yamada) – 山 (3) + 田 (5) = 8 strokes
  3. 山口 (Yamaguchi) – 山 (3) + 口 (3) = 6 strokes
  4. 中田 (Nakada / Nakata) – 中 (4) + 田 (5) = 9 strokes
  5. 中山 (Nakayama) – 中 (4) + 山 (3) = 7 strokes
  6. 石田 (Ishida) – 石 (5) + 田 (5) = 10 strokes
  7. 石山 (Ishiyama) – 石 (5) + 山 (3) = 8 strokes
  8. 本田 (Honda) – 本 (5) + 田 (5) = 10 strokes
  9. 木田 (Kida) – 木 (4) + 田 (5) = 9 strokes
  10. 村田 (Murata) – 村 (7) + 田 (5) = 12 strokes
  11. 竹田 (Takeda) – 竹 (6) + 田 (5) = 11 strokes
  12. 平田 (Hirata) – 平 (5) + 田 (5) = 10 strokes
  13. 大山 (Ōyama) – 大 (3) + 山 (3) = 6 strokes
  14. 田村 (Tamura) – 田 (5) + 村 (7) = 12 strokes
  15. 山本 (Yamamoto) – 山 (3) + 本 (5) = 8 strokes
  16. 大田 (Ōta / Oda) – 大 (3) + 田 (5) = 8 strokes
  17. 上田 (Ueda) – 上 (3) + 田 (5) = 8 strokes
  18. 内田 (Uchida) – 内 (4) + 田 (5) = 9 strokes
  19. 北田 (Kitada) – 北 (5) + 田 (5) = 10 strokes
  20. 白田 (Shirada / Hakuta) – 白 (5) + 田 (5) = 10 strokes
  21. 山下 (Yamashita) – 山 (3) + 下 (3) = 6 strokes
  22. 中川 (Nakagawa) – 中 (4) + 川 (3) = 7 strokes
  23. 川田 (Kawada) – 川 (3) + 田 (5) = 8 strokes
  24. 木村 (Kimura) – 木 (4) + 村 (7) = 11 strokes
  25. 本間 (Honma) – 本 (5) + 間 (12) = 17 strokes
  26. 石川 (Ishikawa) – 石 (5) + 川 (3) = 8 strokes
  27. 中本 (Nakamoto) – 中 (4) + 本 (5) = 9 strokes
  28. 北山 (Kitayama) – 北 (5) + 山 (3) = 8 strokes
  29. 白石 (Shiraishi) – 白 (5) + 石 (5) = 10 strokes
  30. 大木 (Ōki) – 大 (3) + 木 (4) = 7 strokes
  31. 西田 (Nishida) – 西 (6) + 田 (5) = 11 strokes
  32. 出口 (Deguchi) – 出 (5) + 口 (3) = 8 strokes
  33. 下田 (Shimoda) – 下 (3) + 田 (5) = 8 strokes
  34. 川口 (Kawaguchi) – 川 (3) + 口 (3) = 6 strokes
  35. 平山 (Hirayama) – 平 (5) + 山 (3) = 8 strokes
  36. 青田 (Aota) – 青 (8) + 田 (5) = 13 strokes
  37. 丸山 (Maruyama) – 丸 (3) + 山 (3) = 6 strokes
  38. 竹内 (Takeuchi) – 竹 (6) + 内 (4) = 10 strokes

Here are some easy names that don’t have a lot of strokes. They also use some of the first kanji WaniKani teaches.
(Oops forgot you’re only looking for names that start with T when making this list)


Here’s a new list with 10 names:

  1. 田中 (Tanaka) – 田 (5 strokes) + 中 (4 strokes) = 9 strokes
  2. 田島 (Tajima) – 田 (5 strokes) + 島 (10 strokes) = 15 strokes
  3. 田村 (Tamura) – 田 (5 strokes) + 村 (7 strokes) = 12 strokes
  4. 竹田 (Takeda) – 竹 (6 strokes) + 田 (5 strokes) = 11 strokes
  5. 高田 (Takada) – 高 (10 strokes) + 田 (5 strokes) = 15 strokes
  6. 竹内 (Takeuchi) – 竹 (6 strokes) + 内 (4 strokes) = 10 strokes
  7. 谷口 (Taniguchi) – 谷 (7 strokes) + 口 (3 strokes) = 10 strokes
  8. 田口 (Taguchi) – 田 (5 strokes) + 口 (3 strokes) = 8 strokes
  9. 高山 (Takayama) – 高 (10 strokes) + 山 (3 strokes) = 13 strokes
  10. 田本 (Tamoto) – 田 (5 strokes) + 本 (5 strokes) = 10 strokes
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From the above link 天

Those are family names.

OP, absolutely do not name your kid Tanaka.


Thank you for informing :slightly_smiling_face:

That would be funny lol

This is why this is not the best place to ask this question (I reiterate) :sweat_smile:


Assuming you are looking for a boy’s name, what about 匠 Takumi from your list? Only 7 strokes, easy to pronounce, respectable meaning, and there are real wikipedia-worthy people named like that (匠 - Wikipedia).

If you really really want to look up something like a name with it being easy to see if it’s a surname or not, might I suggest the advanced search on
Search Options -

Even still, I agree with @KJules please ask a native instead of a forum type because we won’t know officially, plus nuance and everything.

Also I’m still unsure of what you want to do with the name other than write it out? Are you naming your child? A character? An OC?