I would consider not resetting, keeping the status quo, trying to clear out the review pile. (Not sure if you have big reviews. Vacation mode?)
The reason being, I don’t expect much from WaniKani lower levels. Higher levels too. Mid levels might not be too bad.
The best alternative to WaniKani at this point, IMO, is reading and mining for vocabularies or Kanji for a few months – add to SRS, like Anki, or just learn without SRS.
But for Kanji-wise, my recommendation is lower than mining, but it can be done by browsing Wiktionary.org, add to SRS, and look up cross-reference in Weblio, Kanjipedia, or just Google. (ALC and Weblio/Goo JE are alternative cross-references.)
Closest alternative to Anki is kitsun.io. Other alternatives include KameSame and jpdb.io.