
吼える hoeru - to bark

留守 るす absence; being away from home

(Seen a few days ago in the Yotsuba reading group! Vol.3, p.73!)

進む (すすむ- to advance or Go Forward.

無邪気 – むじゃき (innocence; simple-minded)

きいたふう【利いた風, 聞いた風, きいた風】

flippant, saucy, know-all

歌う 「うたう」
to sing

嬉しい 「うれしい」happy, excited, glad

急いで 「いそいで」hurriedly

出迎え / でむかえ- meeting; reception

枝豆 「えだまめ」edamame

Edit: I keep losing at this game by ending with ん!!!

game over

早速 (さっそく) immediately

果物 くだもの Fruit

能天気 / のうてんき - carefree; thoughtless; optimistic

基本的 「きほんてき」fundamental, basic

キモイ - gross

いのち - 命 - Life

痴漢 「ちかん」be careful everyone!


(gonna continue from か, @Momoiro さん! )

勘違い - かんちがい - misunderstanding; wrong guess

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Why do I keep choosing ん?! (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ I’m so sorryyyy @fiertia

居酒屋 「いざかや」bar, pub, the place I wish I could go right now and cry in shame

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やさい - 野菜 - vegetable