Share your review acuracy


(Ignore the start date, it includes a year I spent waffling on whether to pay for the service at level 4.)
Overall, I’m very happy with my accuracy given that I’m adding new items at (almost) top speed. I have noticed that my guru+ accuracy has been dropping as I get deeper into the more “abstract” kanji in the mid-20s, so hopefully I can shore that up in the future.


This looks like the same one I have, which is (I think) this one: [Userscript] WaniKani Workload Graph


During the review it counts wrong answers / total answers, but you answer each wrong answer correctly at some point to ‘finish the item’ and most items have both a meaning and a reading answer. In the post-review overview screen it counts dropped items / total items.
So let’s say you have 2 kanji in a review, answer 1 of them wrong on the reading, but everything else is ok. That’s 5 answers (3 initially correct, 1 failed reading and 1 corrected reading), putting the ‘during reviews’ percentage at 80%, but in the end 1 item advances and 1 drops, so the post review will list 50% accuracy.


My accuracy isn’t good at all, and I feel like doing ~350 reviews a day is kind of the limit for me.
I guess the way I’m approaching the SRS here is not smart at all, because it feels like I’m just fueling the amount of reviews I have to do later on, but I still want to go through my reviews as fast as possible.
Does anyone also else have expierence with this?


Unfortunately, it’s been somewhat dipping recently:

Perhaps I’m overloading myself by doing too much anki and Bunpro alongside WK.


Screenshot from 2022-07-06 22-33-32
Woah, how do you guys in the high 90s do it? Especially when it comes to the readings, since that’s where I struggle the most.


I don’t know if there’s a turning point, but at some point, readings became way easier for me than meanings. I took about a two-year break from WaniKani and was surprised to realize when I came back that I could almost always get the reading reviews correct, but could almost never remember the meanings :man_shrugging:
That said, I remember starting out feeling the same way, thinking meanings were way easier.


I wish I could see my accuracy charted over time. I’m sure it’s taken a nosedive over the past month or so.

Screen Shot 2022-07-06 at 1.52.36 PM


I’d love to know how many of these are typos or just me being plain bad at English (like writing inner side for 内側 when it should be inside…)
I’m also unfamiliar with undo scripts, do those affect the ratings here?




I find I have been performing much better since my reset.
Before Reset, I only made it to level 10, was struggling with high numbers of reviews and was only in the 60% - 70% accuracy range.

Since Reset my recall on the original Kanji has been much better, I structure the lessons more efficiently and I have actually been leveling up much quicker this time, so should reach my original level soon.


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I did have a lapse for the last 5months. My reviews had piled up to 473 reviews. was able to do them all in 2 days(had alot of free time). I had an overall accuracy of 71% burned about half my items though, so that was nice.

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there is very probably a bias towards people with higher accuracy being more likely to post their stats here. however, there’s also the factor that as accuracy decreases, the number of reviews necessary to advance in WK increases exponentially. i remember posts where people calculated just how much the total workload for finishing WK increased as accuracy dropped, but it increased very rapidly. i doubt that there’s many people with accuracy that low (below 70%) who continue to use WK…


How are you all getting those stats like that??

That’s comforting, thanks!

My strategy so far:

  • Really read the mnemonics and visualize them. I struggled with this because some of the mnemonics are so outrageous but they work
  • I use the recent lessons extra study feature shortly after radicals and kanji are introduced to drill them
  • Now that items from older levels are returning and piling up in reviews, I also give extra attention to studying leeches

One caveat:

  • I’m finding some of the readings to be surprisingly similar to how words are pronounced in Cantonese and Cantonese was my first language
  • I study and knock out reviews pretty regularly but this may be less possible as my workload/flexibility changes

Haha, I should have been more clear. I meant hows is everyone getting a readout of their stats so they can post them. It looks like a screenshot.

Hahaha oops. Yup it’s a screenshot from this site: wkstats


I was going to say I’m new to this, but it’s been 71 days?!



Huh, my averages are higher than I expected.


うわぁぁぁ :smiling_face_with_tear:

This feels pretty bad… I hope I can get to mid 90s, that would make me happy.
As you can see radicals are my worst :') I just have such a hard time remembering these and I often find that certain radicals expect an exact word where the kanji equiv might have multiple meanings.

I’m honestly not surprised to see the vocab stand out as my strongest since I’m locked in on reading every day (even if it’s just for a short period of time) as well as the time it takes for me to level up, I spend the most time learning and looking at vocab, and not much time learning/looking at Kanji individually.

The problem is I can’t pace myself too fast per level otherwise it gets far too overwhelming and I make tons of mistakes/forget far more easily…

Either way this has been enlightening, I wonder where I will be 1 yr form now…