Hi guys. True to my style, I’ve consolidated a bunch of versions that have been floating around.
/t/WaniKani-Improve-222-—-faster-and-smarter-reviews/2858/1 - Seiji’s had a nice item viewing ability but auto forward didn’t work for me for some reason.
Combined that with the older versions of this to get something that should work for now.
I gave a test run and the ‘last item’ works but sometimes if you get the answer wrong it doesn’t work.
I guess that kind of makes sense since it doesn’t auto-forward when you’re wrong so you have time to review it yourself without cheating on the next item.
Audio won’t work I don’t think, I haven’t tested it.
If you manage to update or tweak something let us know and I can try put it on the main script for everyone.
Cheers! Thanks to all the devs who actually wrote all this stuff - I’ve only copy-pasted and combined the code. I’ve updated main post to give some more credit. Nice teamwork!