Scaling the 6218 review wall

But when I’m level 60 and 2000 kanji in my head no matter how much I read I still forget some kanji, right? There should be some kanji on Wanikani that I rarely encounter in any ordinary book.

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Yes, that’s also true.


Kanji that pop up rarely are also less important to remember, and can be looked up in a dictionary in case you forget them completely.

EDIT: In case you forget the meaning & the reading I would look it up using the Google Translate app and take a picture.


Yes, this is true. But the difference is that relearning Kanji you’ve forgotten is much, much faster than learning new kanji.


The same can be said about vocab and less common readings for kanji. Yes, some kanji at later levels are less common, but also there are kanji not taught by WaniKani which you might encounter in the future (and even more so if you’re into older literature). Don’t worry about it, though :slight_smile: .

I once watched a short street interview a YouTuber called Yota did and even Japanese people don’t remember or can’t produce some kanji when asked on the spot. No shame in forgetting :slight_smile: .


Going to ninja this thread with a link to its successor: Scaling the 6583 review wall - Once more unto the breach!


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