Short question, is there any way to remove words completely from reviews (without userscripts since I use the android app)
For example, I am not at all interested in Baseball so I add a synonym “bb” to all the baseball terms to get quickly through the reviews without being bothered by the meaning. But I have to type in the reading anyway.
So I’d like to just remove them completely. Is there any way? Maybe making a list of all those words and ask the WK people to remove them from my account?
If I’m not wrong arnt the Japanese big on baseball?
You may not like them but in japan it is likely someone will say stuff about baseball or even in the newspaper.
But there is no way to remove them, if you really don’t care you could just lookup the reading and cheat though it until it burns but you will just be cheating yourself
I share your pain, @Anthropos! I had “sacrifice fly” or some shit like that recently and to even understand it in English I’d first have to learn how baseball works. Having no interest at all in baseball, it would be a wasted effort. @Frosty-san I really don’t want to get stuck in a baseball conversation in any language so I don’t see how I’d be cheating anyone except the poor sods who try to talk sports at me
Do the Japanese use as many baseball analogies as the Americans? They sure crop up a lot, even in conversations completely removed from any baseball context, even by people that do not like baseball (just like how religion crops up in language a lot)
There are the famous “first/second” base analogies for romantic encounters.
I remember scratching my head about “bush league” appearing in “the Art of Electronics” (turns out it’s a basebell thing).
“to throw someone a curve ball”
“in the ballpark”
犠飛 is literally sacrifice + fly. 犠打 is literally sacrifice + hit. Going to Google images indicates that 犠打 can be used to mean bunt (which if successful, is a sacrifice).
I’m not particularly interested in sports either, but I’d like to be fluent one day, and if I know them in English, despite actively avoiding sports, odds are it’ll come up in other languages.
For all of two seconds that the words come up in reviews, I figured it’s worth it, since not only do I get more familiar with the kanji (which can be used in many other non-sports related words), but I get to up my vocabulary. (I don’t think those two seconds are a huge sacrifice of my life, tbh.) And even if it’s a word I’ll rarely use, if I ever come across it (which is likely, since Japan loves baseball), I’ll be much more likely to understand it and not feel frustrated. (Plus, if someone ever asks me if I like baseball, I won’t have to be like “what’s baseball?” I can just immediately be like, “nope” xD)
This is a great example of how WK is actually teaching a bit of grammar. This shows you that you can take some nouns and make verbs out of them. So while the meaning may be obvious, it’s still a great exercise imo.
Same thing here. WK is showing you how counters work and gives you an example in action. (Plus, you know, more kanji memorization, which is the whole point of the website. How else are they gonna help drill “floor” into your head without showing it to you?)
Just because the joke is old doesn’t mean you’re not learning. This helps show people how to count by giving an example with two (in English) unique numbers–4 and 2, and knowing how to put them together to make 42–4 + ten + 2. Since you learned numbers in the early levels, you could deduce how to make most any number with this type of combination.
These vocabulary words aren’t all useless. They all clearly have a purpose.
Is that what happened when I poked fun at something I found mildly annoying?
The point is that things are only obvious in Japanese after they are explained. Even in the small world of counting, before someone teaches you the method of counting something, there’s very little chance you’ll predict it accurately.
I think this goes with what @davikani just posted. WK is showing you what nouns for sure can be made with suru.
(Going with the below, there are definitely times where I have stumbled across very common words/kanji combos that WK doesn’t have, that I either wish they did, or like in your case, I’m assuming, that they had in place of these sort of “repeat” words.)
Fair point. Perhaps it would be better if they showed counters with particular exceptions, like how often 1, 3, 6, or 8 often change a bit? I don’t see much of a downside with showing numbers that don’t change, just to give us an idea of a pattern to work with/fall back on.
This is a nit-pick for me though. Personally doesn’t bother me at all, but I can see your point.
True, forgot about that. Guess Koichi loves himself some old memes
Tofugu seems to like the ‘EEE’ teaching method. Explanation, Example, Exception. On WK there’s no explanation part really (at least, beforehand), so there are more Examples, to establish a pattern you can see, then some Exceptions you should be aware of. (not all, to be sure)