I am really enjoying the different perspective! It’s written for teenagers who don’t want to be learning classical Japanese as opposed to (presumably) highly motivated university students. That means the explanations are a lot simpler and some of the less immediately important things in Shirane’s work are left out. At the end of each 助動詞 chapter there is a nifty little overview of the most pertinent information. It helps me determine what is actually important for me as a beginner and what I can come back to later in Shirane’s grammar once I have some experience under my belt. I also enjoy learning about grammar in Japanese because it makes discussing modern Japanese grammar with my tutor easier.
How far along are you with classical Japanese? I have Shirane’s reader as well, so I’ve got that to look forward to, but I’d also like something similar aimed at Japanese high schoolers. There is this series, but the aid offered in those books (modern translation and commentary) focuses on the content more than the language. From what I find on Amazon, there are a lot of teaching-to-the-test grammar books available, but fully annotated classical texts not so much (or I suck at finding them). Right now I am debating buying a guide to one of the 古典 high school textbooks (like this) and/or maybe the textbook itself, but I’d have to have it shipped over, so I am fussing a bit over what particular textbook I should buy… and paper books mean no Yomitan and I am a wuss about looking up vocabulary manually
I wish I could just walk into a Japanese bookstore and browse
I’ve read about halfway through Shirane’s grammar, but got a bit bogged down because it’s all grammar explanation and I felt like I wasn’t really absorbing much without some way to try to actually use it. On the other hand, because the reader is all real texts I didn’t feel like I could start it without having gone through the grammar…
I also listened to the first couple of episodes of the NHK 高校講座 古典 radio programmes, which were interesting although clearly intended to go with a set of lessons that were doing the heavy lifting on grammar etc.
Finally finished Honzuki 17! Thanks to wifi being down (), I’ve had to rely on cellular data and so I haven’t been browsing the internet (especially youtube ) as much as I would on a regular day off. So I got more reading done thanks to that.
Book thoughts (spoilers)
Things were definitely getting interesting at the end. New character replacing the previous prince, the illustration of him is so cute! So tiny, almost looking like a doll
And there were romance as well I never expected フリーネ to fall in love with ダムエール! But it makes sense for feelings to arise after being rescued by cool person He’s totally clueless though, smh. I’m rooting for her, but she has to gain big on magic power to catch up on him. She’s starting the second year, right? How many years are there before they finish school? The waiting is going to be long, not to mention the age gap, but people in the story don’t seem to worry about that. It’s feels weird
It’s funny how ハルトムート has been studying ロゼマイン so much he knows her thought process now. Seems like she is the most interesting person he’s ever known, obtaining information and gathering stories from the people around her, spreading rumors about how she’s literally such a saint, ready to swear his life to her etc.
A little more pressed for time today, so I took the chance when the ending I was going for hit to stop Chaos;Head at a little over 17k characters. Still not too bad. It’s going to be a while before I see more noticeably improvement I think, but reading this VN is super comfortable and easy 99% of the time by now so that’s cool.
4 endings to go! Before long I’ll be moving on to other things
Have continued to read one episode of 壁の穴 + one chapter of Human Japanese Intermediate every day. Chuffed to be reviewing some grammar on a regular basis.
and the Read Real Japanese short stories collection
Before JLPT-prep and associated problems took over my time, I got quite happy with my speed with the Potter book. The goal is to keep that up and work out a good reading routine, compatible with a full-time job and other commitments (such as my month-long WK backlog, which seemed a good decision until the character 誓 humiliated me in N1 vocab session).
Yeah, I’ve been getting a bit stir-crazy because I want to apply what I’m learning beyond the exercises in the back of Shirane’s book. I had a look at high school grammar text books and they seem to include a lot more practice per grammar point. But I don’t really want to buy a bunch of physical books, so I guess I will stick to making Anki cards for now.
Missed update yesterday but did reading still. Kinda hard for me to keep track of individual day stats right now, since I’m trying to sleep more through the hot parts of the day so I can be more productive in the cool night
So many pages in アンダーグラウンド, but anyway Prologue first. Luckily, I don’t have to look up much. Probably putting 夜は短し歩けよ乙女 on hold for now.
7月14日 (日)
(Du) Thirty-Six Stratagems 4 (3-5/5)
キングダム 2 (0-38%)
アンダーグラウンド (3-5%)
I revoke my words on difficulty. Many place names and people names, Just Bookwalker and I look up with Google Translate, and a little of my old memory. There are a few vocabularies too.
A big storm came through here that left us without power since Monday morning, so I could not update.
No internet, either, so I couldn’t access the Tadoku stories. Had a nice big stack of WK reviews waiting for me.
It looks like I overtook myself reading this time since my previous bookmark was left at Chapter 6. I am now about to start Chapter 18.
They weren’t difficult for me and only had the occasional grammar point I had to revisit ( かも知れない ). The usual unknown vocabulary, but some could be found in the vocabulary list after each story. Having the English translation was also helpful. For the most part, I only read these if there were strange sentences.
Small success: it looks like I’ve completely internalized noun modification.
Moving forward, will probably purchase the second of this series. Will continue reading Yotsuba now that I can Google unknown vocabulary words. Will probably subscribe to Kindle Unlimited to access Japanese books.
new book! my copy must’ve had a printing issue cos there’s a weird small triangle of paper that sticks out of the front page. it’s still got the mark on it where it should’ve been cut to normal page shape too
Dragging today because I’m fighting off a headache from allergies, but I managed another 20k characters of Chaos;Head.
I’ve still not quite finished volume 1 of ダンダダン cause I’ve prioritized everything else way more, but there’s a spirit called ターボばあちゃん in it that I figured was made up for the manga. Nope! Turns out she’s an urban legend, about a really fast old woman you can catch a glimpse of in your car mirror. Went looking into it after she showed up in SMT5 last night.