📚📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Spring 2024 🌸🍡🌱

:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年5月22日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:desert_island: ISLAND 5k 615.000 char 87 new words
:orange_book: Dialog: Bus 1 episode Finished
:orange_book: Kona’s Big Adventure 2 1 episode 2/88

Satori Reader completely blew my mind today :exploding_head:

From Kona's Big Adventure 2 episode 1


:bookmark: Home post // May 22 :cherry_blossom: :dango: :seedling:

・ 今はもうない - Switch Back (91% → 92%)

Tiny read~ One exam done, one left to go (it’s tomorrow!)

(Also had to have our individual photos taken for the graduation photo wall. I think I was more nervous doing photo shoot for a picture that’s going to hang forever on that wall than doing the actual oral exam, hahaha)



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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-05-22 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子13 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: 8 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 196 Pages
:hourglass: 0h52m

3/5! Over halfway there for this week’s goal in my run to the end of this manga. Just 2 volumes to go.


23 May | Study Log

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:four_leaf_clover: 四つ子ぐらし 1 ひみつの姉妹生活、スタート! children’s book 23 0 → 8%
:mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ 1 manga 26 83% (no change)
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 85% (no change)
:black_cat: ダンジョン飯7 manga 29 57% (no change)
  • Bit the bullet and started a new kid’s book! So far seems a lot easier than 不思議駄菓子屋 and また夢, which is good for my sanity. Might even be a bit easier than 夜カフェ but idk.

23rd may

home post

pg 178-201 of ガリレオ finishing the case! think some of this went over my head tbh, i had to go and do a mix of jp and english googling to make sure i did actually understand how the murder happened, and i’m not sure i succeeded, but i tried! i think it gave more info than needed
:thinking: anyway, onto case 4 next week!

today’s nhk article was this one, plus appendix 7 (co-occurrence)

words that stood out

(わき) - same as (わき) as far as i can tell
剣山(けんざん) - needle-point holder (in ikebana)
リニアモーターカー - linear motor induction train, maglev train. had no idea maglev was short for magnetic levitation, so there’s my TIL
ピン()効果(こうか) - flux pinning


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Q2 of 2024 | Week 8

5月23日 (木)

  • :cn: Three Kingdoms : 5 (17-18/20)

  • STEINS;GATE 比翼恋理のだーりん

Words of the day
  • ()まりが()い = not at all tense. Smile and laugh :smile: :sunny: brilliantly.
  • 空中分解(くうちゅうぶんかい) = disintegration in midair; abort halfway through
  • ()(つづ)けに = non-stop; one after another
  • 雑作(ぞうさ) = troubles; difficulty. Alternate writing of that 造作(ぞうさ)のない.
  • ひょっとこ = this guy’s face. From ()(おとこ).
  • おちょぼ(ぐち)をする = to make pouting lips
  • バカップル(.) = baka couple. か are merged.
  • ()かり = taking a people/time quantity of. Compare with ()かる.
  • ()びいき = favoritism towards close relatives. 依怙贔屓(えこひいき) towards 身内(みうち).
  • 無茶振(むちゃぶ)り = unreasonable request
  • (れい)によって = as usual. Like (れい)のごとく.


五月二十三日・Home Post

Title Today Progress
:cherry_blossom: 花さかじいさん 3 pages 65%
:cold_face: 葬送のフリーレン 8 pages 28%
:orange_book: Sentence Patterns for JLPT N5 10 pages 54%

:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年5月23日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Kona’s Big Adventure 2 2 episodes 4/88
:desert_island: ISLAND 8k 623.000 char 90 new words

Still playing ISLAND, wow the last part is long. Good that I love the music :slight_smile:


I want this to end! But I don’t want it to be over… That’s how I feel now, reading Sara’s route. Some scenes are so wordy, but they are also so good. I’m sure you’ll miss ISLAND when you’re done with it! Good thing that you can listen to the music still when you’re done!


5月23日 | Home post

Today, I was stuck on a plane for almost three hours. Besides taking a nap, I managed to finish Chapter 5 and start Chapter 6 of また、同じ夢を見ていた. I missed being able to use machine translation to check my understanding during the flight, though. Sometimes the main character says such weird things that I think I must have misunderstood, but no, it’s just a strange book…

  • また、同じ夢を見ていた (34.06 → 42.76%)
  • DoBJG: し; し (62%)

May 23 | Home post

Still reading Island :desert_island:, 6500 characters today. It takes a long time to read it, but that’s OK. I’m really enjoying it!


:bookmark: Home post // May 23 :cherry_blossom: :dango: :seedling:

・ 今はもうない - Switch Back (92% → 95%)

Not much left of book now. Will probably finish it tomorrow.

I personally had a pretty ok and relatively chill day. Hung out with classmates after done exam, enjoying the nice weather. Seems like I passed both today’s and yesterday’s oral exam, but almost half of class did not on yesterday’s exam. It’s crazy. We’ve never had such a big fail rate in our class. I just want everyone to pass so we can graduate together. Fortunately, there’s a re-exam in not too long, so there’s another chance :crossed_fingers:


May 22nd!
Another chapter of Shadows House today.

May 23rd!
Today I intended to start the next chapter of the Orange Light Novel, but I’ve had a busy few days and I’m not feeling too well today so I decided to go easy on myself. I read the next chapter of Teasing Master Takagi-san instead, though it’s a day early for the book club.

(Home Post)



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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-05-23 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子14 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: Chapter 108-115
:page_facing_up: 194 Pages
:hourglass: 0h40m

So today I read 放浪息子14. It went pretty quickly and it was the penultimate chapter. So that’s 4/5 volumes of my week’s target for 放浪息子. And I mean, a volume in a day is still pretty good for me right. So I should read the next volume tomorrow…

But wait, there's more
Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-05-23 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子15 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: Chapter 116 → 123
:page_facing_up: 202 Pages
:hourglass: 0h45m

Yeah, ok, waiting was not happening. I read volume 15 too, and finished out the series. I was spoiled on the detrans-ish ending for Takatsuki, but honestly even that was handled pretty well it feels like. Despite the speed (or maybe because of the speed), the last volumes were kind of hard, but I think that’s more to do with how much in-universe time was on fast forward in these last arcs, so the series already floaty relationship on time was on overdrive these volumes.


24 May | Study Log

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:black_cat: ダンジョン飯7 manga 29 57% → 66%
:four_leaf_clover: 四つ子ぐらし 1 ひみつの姉妹生活、スタート! children’s book 23 8% (no change)
:mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ 1 manga 26 83% (no change)
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 85% (no change)
  • Chapter of DunMeshi7
  • Might read another chapter or so of 四つ子

Home Post


I got distracted yesterday, so I’m starting first thing in the morning. And incidentally, the game opens up with me meeting a new character who starts off saying 「決して怪しい者ではありませんよ。」and I need to find out more about him.

Also wow I played all day. Made some good progress on a bunch of side quests though. This makes up for missing yesterday.

I’m writing this down so I don’t forget later

He says he works for 魔女(まじょ)人間(にんげん)相互(そうご)情報(じょうほう)交流(こうりゅう)(), and he asked questions about the demographics of the village, and he knows I’m not supposed to be here, so it’s probably a department to regulate how witches interact with their communities? My hat distrusts him, but Ellie thinks he’s nice because he bribed her with candy. I feel like “suddenly showing up in front of my door at the start of the day and asking strange questions and disappearing and working for a strange department and giving candy bribes” ticks all the boxes for 怪しい者 though.

Reading Type Status
:smiling_imp: 原罪物語 -罪- LN 44/252
:game_die: ノーゲーム・ノーライフ 1 LN 21/301
:beers: VA-11 Hall-A Steam game Day 2 out of ??
:mage: Little Witch in the Woods Steam game Day 18 out of ??
New Vocab
  • 褒美(ほうび) = reward,wk40
  • 形式上(けいしきじょう) = formality
  • 管轄(かんかつ) = jurisdiction, control, wk56
  • ()(まわ)る = to look around
  • (たの)もしい = reliable, reassuring
  • (にぎ)やか = thriving
  • 突如(とつじょ) = suddenly, wk47
  • 不審(ふしん) = doubt, suspicion
  • ()() = appearance
  • 試行錯誤(しこうさくご) = trial and error
  • 稼働(かどう) = working (and earning money)
  • 人口調査(じんこうちょうさ) = census
  • (だんま)り = silence
  • (ひらめ)く = to flash (an idea into one’s mind)
  • ()(がみ) = poster, posted on the
  • (かな)える = to grant wishes
  • 水晶岳(すいしょうだ) = crystal ball
  • 得意分野(とくいぶんや) = one’s field of expertise
  • 隅々(すみずみ) = every corner, wk51
  • (だま)す = to cheat, to deceive
  • (のろ)う = to curse
  • 勘弁(かんべん) = forgiveness, wk49
  • れっきとした = respectable
  • 噴水(ふんすい) = water fountain
  • 瞬間(しゅんかん) = instant, wk46
  • 気絶(きぜつ) = losing consciousness
  • 失神(しっしん) = fainting
  • 記憶(きおく) = memory, wk48
  • 衰退(すいたい) = decline, degeneration, wk49
  • 躊躇(ちゅうちょ) = hesitation
  • 根拠(こんきょ) = basis, wk41
  • 復興(ふっこう) = revival
  • (なが)める = to stare at, wk45
  • あつあつ = 熱々(あつあつ) = piping hot
  • サクサク = crunchy
  • (つばさ) = wing, wk44
  • 収穫祭(しゅうかくさい) = harvest festival (harvest is wk48)
  • 広場(ひろば) = public square
  • (おお)げさ = exaggerated
  • 支配(しはい) = rule, control
  • 一石二鳥(いっせきにちょう) = killing two birds with one stone
  • (きた)える = to forge, wk46
  • 鍛冶屋(かじや) = blacksmith
  • 密造酒(みつぞうしゅ) = illegal brewing, moonshine :tumbler_glass:
  • (まぎ)らわしい = easily mixed up, wk44
  • 蒸留酒(じょうりゅうしゅ) = distilled liquor
  • 制限(せいげん) = restriction
  • (あら)い = rough, wild, violent, wk42
  • 遭遇(そうぐう) = encounter, wk52
  • 月見草(つきみそう) = flowering primrose
  • 敏感(びんかん) = sensitive, wk40
  • 膨大(ぼうだい) = enormous, wk52
  • 蓄積(ちくせき)する = to accumulate
  • 断片的(だんぺんてき) = fragmentary
  • ケンカ = 喧嘩(けんか) = fight, quarrel, wk41

:motor_scooter: back to my home post

:star: 05月23日 Type Progress
:candy: Natively ふしぎ駄菓子屋 prose 58 → 62/148 pgs
:eight_pointed_black_star: ナルト vol. 1 manga 85% → 100% :tada:
:evergreen_tree: 小さな森のオオカミちゃん vol. 2 manga 55% → 72%

Finished Naruto volume 1! Also was rooting around in my bookwalker shelf and remembered I haven’t finished ookami-chan volume 2. It’s near the end of the challenge so it’s nice to finish a few things. Rereading chapter 3 of fushigi sweet shop with lookups.


:cherry_blossom::potted_plant::memo: 5月 23日

Book Natively Progress Type
:cherry_blossom: 四月は君の嘘 Vol. 1 L 23 15% → 38% Manga
:green_book: Try! N2 改訂版 L 27 19% → 28% JLPT

It’s been about 20 days since I read any fiction/manga :confounded: I just wanted to get some 君の嘘 pages in today before I hopped over to doing work.

See you next time :angel:

zoom back up to home thread


Wow, big congrats! You worked so hard on this, I’m happy to hear that it pays off!! :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:



Urban dictionary:
Used to refer to a couple who, prior to being together, at least had the sense of shame to not flirt with each other in public and embarrass people they know or gross out everyone else.
