📚 📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Spring 2024 🌸 🍡 🌱

4月7日 | Home post

Today I spent almost the entire day with a friend and only had time for a small read before bed.

  • アオハライド (5) (pp. 95-118)
  • DoBJG: ほうがいい; ~ほうが~より; ほしい (1) (22%)
  • N4単語 weekly Anki cards: pp. 119-133 (66%)

April 7th-8th | SeanBones’ Home Post

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Book Progress
:fountain_pen: Nozaki Chapters 89-90 Finished

Really busy with Kyudo and a friend leaving Japan soon. Got some good Yon-koma reading though!


8 April | Study Log

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:dragon: 葬送のフリーレン 2 manga 25 0 → 41%
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 54% (no change)
:rock: ダンジョン飯5 manga 29 87% (no change)
:candy: 不思議駄菓子屋1 book 24 79% (no change)
  • Started vol 2 of フリーレン, a nice leisurely fantasy pace. A lot easier than my last foray but still taking it slow.

Home page
One week in and, on the one hand, I’m surprised at how quickly one gets used to top-down right-left reading. Japanese transliteration of English words and names, on the other hand, is quite the struggle :sweat_smile: Time to go through Tofugu’s katakanization guide!


Today I read two level one stories.


:bug: April 7th :horse_racing:

I meant to read the crossdressing manga and JoJo yesterday too, but I had a lot of distractions come up while trying to finish Gachi :necktie: Great manga and I’m looking forward to reading more of the mangaka’s stuff. This was about 10 years old, so I can imagine they’ve improved even more since then. I’ll try to review it on Natively after I finish publishing for the JoJo :dagger: club.

Smoking :smoking: was fun. :umbrella:

edit: found my bookmark and then remembered I finished this manga this morning, not yesterday :clown_face:


Welcome back! and for sure, it’s never too late :slight_smile:


8th april

home post

read vol 1 one of wind breaker, cos i watched the first episode of the anime on friday and saw it was temporarily free to read on bookwalker so thought why not. might be biased cos i have a soft spot for delinquents but it was really fun time, plus unexpectedly good for learning trees/plants! no bakumatsu book tho, couldn’t fit it in

today’s nhk article was this one (quite long), and the entries on て (after, since) and て(はじ)めて in aDoIJG


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Q2 of 2024 | Week 2

4月8日 (月)

Chinese, maybe tomorrow. Let me rest today. I still did SRS on Pleco.

  • クプルムの花嫁 Vol.1 (60-83%)

  • DIJG : 上(に)

  • STEINS;GATE 比翼恋理のだーりん

First ending reached, therefore unlocked extras (CG, songs, cinematics).

Words of the day
  • 罪科(ざいか) = offense; crime. (とが) also has a meaning of penalty; guilt. (Another interesting meaning is (しな). I wonder about シナノキ.)
  • 大屋(おおや) = landlord; owner and lender of a house. Also written 大家(おおや). Tenants are 店子(たなこ).
  • 配役(はいやく) = casting of a play. Persons in there are 俳優(はいゆう) (Different Kanji).
  • 番頭(ばんとう) = head clerk; general manager of a store
  • 個展(こてん) = solo exhibition; single-person show of products. 個人(こじん)展覧会(てんらんかい).


4月8日 | Home post

  • アオハライド (5) (pp. 119-170)
  • DoBJG: ほしい (2); 一番; 行く (1) (23%)

:house: Home :house:

Took a little longer today, long chapter and plenty of distractions


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home Post and thread


:jar: The Jam Maker, episodes 21 to 23.
A lot of honorific expressions today, I don’t know why but I like studying them.


April 8 | Home post

I read 6000 characters from Island and reached the end of the prologue. Knowingly made a “bad” choice at the end of the prologue, which gave me a “bad” ending, which was not bad after all. All the feelings…

There’s something about the medium of VNs that really pulls me in. I’m so glad I found them! This might be what I need to really get into reading.


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年4月8日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Secret 2 episodes 66/98
:bust_in_silhouette: シャドーハウス 4 chapters 51/175

April 8th!

Chapter 2 of 老女的少女ひなたちゃん today - and thats me 100% caught up with all my bookclubs :slight_smile:

(Home Post)


:dango: :seedling: snowwater’s home thread :snowflake::droplet:

:snowflake::droplet: 04月05日 (金) Type Progress Pages
:couple_with_heart_man_man: 女装してめんどくさい事になってるネクラとヤンキーの両片想い Manga 63->77% 98 to 120
:owl: ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 Book 2->4% 12 to 20
キノの旅 Book 5 (end)
:snowflake::droplet: 04月06日 (土) Type Progress Pages
:owl: ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 Book 4->6% 20 to 30
気になってる人が男じゃなかった Manga 85->100% 162 to end
:dagger: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Manga Chapter 15
:snowflake::droplet: 04月07日 (日) Type Progress Pages
:couple_with_heart_woman_woman: アステリズムに花束を 百合SFアンソロジー Book 70->74% 261 to 266
:snowflake::droplet: 04月08日 (月) Type Progress Pages
:hibiscus: せーラー服と機関銃 Book 30->35 102 to 116
Thoughts on this week's reading

キノの旅: I read the epilogue and finished the book! In the end, I was quite happy and touched with having reached the end of the first volume. I don’t think I’ll continue reading it, but I’m glad I read it at least once.

:couple_with_heart_man_man: 女装してめんどくさい事になってるネクラとヤンキーの両片想い: I’m reading the first volume with a book club in Natively. It’s… nice, entertaining, but probably not my favourite book so far. I think it’s a bit the silliness of the story, I feel like I’d have loved it a few years ago but it just doesn’t cater to my taste as much nowadays… which is ok. I’m almost done with the volume, unsure if I’ll read further.

:owl: ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石: It was really fun to read chapter 1! It’s quite a long read for a weekly club (especially as I obviously get involved in far too many books) so I’m worried if I’ll be able to keep up, but it’s fun so far.

:dagger: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険: I’ve been reading Jojo a bit earlier then the schedule for the club as I like reading it on the weekends… I have to say I’m holding myself back after the last chapter to not read the next one. But that’s what’s fun about it!

気になってる人が男じゃなかった: I’ve been following the weekly updated of this one (in english) in Dynasty scans for a long time, so it feels a bit funny to see it being serialized and getting picked up in the book club. But I’m really glad more people are enjoying it, and it’s been fun to reread in japanese.

:couple_with_heart_woman_woman: アステリズムに花束を 百合SFアンソロジー: read around half of this week’s part. The character’s were discussing a concept which I found quite interesting: a sentence coined by Noam Chomsky in 1957, “Colorless green ideas sleep furiously”. It is an example of a sentence that is grammatically well-formed, but semantically nonsensical. One of the characters makes it a game to create a backstory which would somehow make the sentence logical. I still haven’t found the GL/yuri in this story, but I’m enjoying the linguistic background far more than I expected!

:hibiscus:せーラー服と機関銃: Quite interesting as usual, ended up reading the whole part today. The plot is thickening and I’m curious where it’s going so far, even if some parts feel like they could be explored/explained better.


:cherry_blossom::seedling::memo: 4月 7, 8日

Book Natively Progress Type
:mechanical_arm: 鋼の錬金術師 (FMA) L 30 72% → 100% Manga :tada:
:eight_pointed_black_star: NARUTO ナルト Vol. 2 L 25 29% → 43% Manga

Combo post due to reading late into the night until it became very much also morning :sweat_smile:

The final quarter of FMA Vol. 1 was a segment of the story I’ve never encountered before! It wasn’t included in Brotherhood, so I just couldn’t put it down once I started… and now it’s over :face_holding_back_tears:

I absolutely love when Arakawa draws goof-moments because the characters suddenly get this particular type of hand:

idk what it is about the hand but it makes me laugh every single time :sob::sob:

some favorite panels of mine (mild spoilers)

Anyway, this fulfills the “higher level than normal” square on my book bingo! (still no finished rows yet tho :weary:)

See you next time ^–^

zoom back up to home thread


I read two Level 1 stories.


:bookmark: Home post // April 8 :cherry_blossom: :dango: :seedling:

・ ワケあり男装令嬢、ライバルから求婚される〈下〉(59% → 72%)

Phew, done report. Got to read a bit afterwards. (Read a bit of the other book I was talking about as well. Good romance book :ok_hand:)


四月八日・Home Post

I finished chapter 2 of 老女的少女ひなたちゃん. I only read four new pages but I also reread the pages I read yesterday as I did not process what was happening. (I misread の as お at least once, that did not help).

I also finished the first story in にゃんにゃん探偵団. Based on the name of the book, I was expecting that the cats would be the detectives (and be present in the game from the start). I wasn’t expecting that we wouldn’t get introduced to the first name until the end of the first story! Almost the entire thing I was distracted wondering when the cats were going to show up / actually be relevant. Also, while the culprit did not surprise me, I wasn’t expecting the protagonist to take his wife’s fibs at face value. I did a kind of double take where I thought “wait, is the book trying to tell me she isn’t faking?” and then a page later it was proven that my instincts were right.