📚 📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Spring 2024 🌸 🍡 🌱

Won’t have access to my PC today to do proper formatting, but I read half of Frieren 3



2024.05.13 :bouquet: home post
:mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ1: 0% → 19%
:earth_asia: 教養366 Day 45 - レントゲン写真

Now that I’m done w 気になってる人 I’m finally starting とんがり帽子のアトリエ! Such a beautifully drawn manga :heart_eyes:


May 7th-13th | SeanBones’ Home Post

Book Progress
:skull: Dungeon Meshi Chapter 52
:full_moon: Tsukihime Finished first day of school!
Seiyuu Radio Chapter 1
:space_invader: Cosmos Chapter 9


Started a new weekly tradition of reading a chapter of Dungeon Meshi with a friend, its pretty hard especially jumping right into it, needed to check with the English afterwards to fully understand!

Been continuing with Tsukihime, its so much easier than I thought it would be, and I’m absolutely loving it! The music, the voice acting, and the ease of reading make it my favorite non-manga reading experience by far!

Seiyuu radio- gave it a whirl, decidedly very much not for me!

Cosmos- Really good new manga by the creator of Beelzebub, fits in perfectly with what Sunday GX is trying to do as a brand, may write about it soon once my life becomes normal!


I’m a bit bad when it comes to online stuff, but this is such a cool thing. I’m joining really late, but it’s the motivation I need to start reading. I’ve got a few light novels that I’ll try picking up.

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14th may

more ガリレオ, read from pg 90-109, with some questions answered and plenty new ones to chew over. also read the intermediate for this week’s renshuu book club, which is about two witches who need to climb a giant to burn the tree growing on its head and it was very good, would recommend! a bit emotional in places and the art is gorgeous! vertical scrolling tho for people who mind about that

today’s nhk article was this one (which i thought would be longer but whatever), and the entries on よう2 and より in aDoIJG

<軽量鉄骨>[けいりょうてっこつ] - light gauge steel
<散弾銃>[さんだんじゅう] - shotgun. makes sense!
<噴霧乾燥>[ふんむかんそう] - spray drying


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Q2 of 2024 | Week 7

5月14日 (火)

  • :cn: Three Kingdoms : 4 (4-6/18)

  • STEINS;GATE 比翼恋理のだーりん

Words of the day
  • ()(もう)ける = to beget a child
  • 着痩(きや)せする = to look thinner in clothing. Opposite is 着太(きぶと)り.
  • 奔走(ほんそう) = making every effort to; running about
  • ()()げる = to spend money recklessly on
  • ()()め = beginning of love; start of romance :cupid:. Not so 見初(みそ)める. (Also noun vs verb.)
  • 恋慕(れんぼ) = affections; tender emotions. Like ()(した)う. Not as much as 横恋慕(よこれんぼ).
  • ()()でない = feeling uneasy
  • ()とする = to approve of; to justify. A 特例(とくれい) in context.
  • (いき)せき()る = to pant while hurriedly running. Like (いき)()る / (いき)()らす, but also with ()く.
  • (かる)はずみ = thoughtless; hasty. Somewhat like 軽々(かるがる)しい or 軽率(けいそつ). Also latter half not in Kanji.


May 14 | Home post

5000 words from Island today. I’m really enjoying it!

In addition, I found an old textbook that I started once and never got too far with: “Introduction to Japanese reading skills”. I went through the first chapter, adding unknown vocab to my reviews on Bunpro. With 3 books in the series, I think they will keep me busy for a while!


5月14日 | Home post

I am surprised with how much I’m enjoying また、同じ夢を見ていた. It feels like it’s at a perfect difficulty level, where it’s just the right level of challenge for learning (with Yomitan and some DeepL/ChatGPT machine translation to make sure my understand was correct; without these crutches it would be a different story).

  • また、同じ夢を見ていた (4.72 → 7.50%)
  • DoBJG: お; を (1) (54%)

:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年5月14日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: My Sweetie is Japanese 2 episodes 24/28
:snake: 蛇にピアス 36 % 100 % 126 new words

Finished 蛇にピアス today! Read the whole last part in one sitting, took a bit more than two hours. Not sure that I would have read that much on my own, it’s nice when a Book Club helps you push your limits!


:bookmark: Home post // May 14 :cherry_blossom: :dango: :seedling:

・ 今はもうない - Switch Back (70% → 72%)

Slow pace continues. Today was busy working on exam.


May 14th!

4 more pages of the Orange Light Novel today

(Home Post)


:house: Home Post | :writing_hand: Study Log | 05月14日

Resource Progress Visual
:orange_book: Tadoku L3 Stories 6/24 ■■□□□□□□□□ 25%
:newspaper_roll: NHK Articles 5 ■■■■■□□□□□
:coffee: Shirokuma Cafe 8/25 ■■■□□□□□□□32%
:teddy_bear: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん1巻 5/10 → 6/10 ■■■■■■□□□□ 60%
:open_book: DoBJG 11/33 → 13/33 ■■■□□□□□□□ 39%
:cat: チーズスイートホーム1巻 20/20 ■■■■■■■■■■ 100%
:cat: チーズスイートホーム2巻 18/18 ■■■■■■■■■■ 100%

Missed some days because of exams but I’m free again so here we go!


12/5 2 pages また,同じ夢を見ていた, 5 pages 老女的少女ひなたちゃん

13/5 2 pages 老女的少女ひなたちゃん

14/5 10 pages 老女的少女ひなたちゃん (finished week 10)

Well I wasn’t managing to read very much with the diving and the conference, but diving cancelled due weather today, and I have Covid, so diving is off for the rest of the week :smiling_face_with_tear:


:motor_scooter: back to my home post

:star: 05月14日 Type Progress
:girl: ABBC 老女的少女ひなたちゃん manga 55% → 63%
:woman_elf: BBC 葬送のフリーレン manga 27% → 34%
:ear_of_rice: Japanese Folktales reader 3 → 4/22 stories
:owl: ハリーポッタと賢者の石 prose 36% → 38%

This week’s hinata-chan, and started next week’s Frieren. I need to remember to go back and check over this section of Frieren again so I can ask questions in the book club next week.
In Japanese HP they had to explain what a thumbs up is (「よかった」という合図をする ) which I thought was kind of fun. Also read a folk tale for bedtime, Kintarou. :muscle: :baby:


15 May | Study Log

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:drop_of_blood: 葬式のフリーれん3 manga 26 45% → 69%
:mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ 1 manga 26 65% (no change)
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 82% (no change)
:black_cat: ダンジョン飯7 manga 29 28% (no change)
  • Another two chapters of Frieren, might read another today idk

Home Post


Reading past midnight totally counts as a new day. I decided to (finally) go back to Little Witch in the Woods after a couple months break because they apparently have a new update and last time I took notes I wanted to get past ~level 32 to try again. It’s much easier now and 3 hours passed by super quickly. Now I just have to try to keep up the streak.

Reading Type Status
:smiling_imp: 原罪物語 -罪- LN 44/252
:game_die: ノーゲーム・ノーライフ 1 LN 21/301
:beers: VA-11 Hall-A Steam game Day 2 out of ??
:mage: Little Witch in the Woods Steam game Day 2 out of ??
New Vocab
  • 今頃(いまごろ) = about this time
  • 牢屋(ろうや) = jail
  • 棺桶(かんおけ) = coffin
  • (ひた)る = to be soaked in, wk49
  • ()える = to endure, to put up with, wk48
  • 足掻(あが)く = to flail around
  • (あわ)てる = to become confused, wk49
  • (にぶ)い = slow, dull, wk46
  • 椎茸(しいたけ) = shiitake mushroom
  • 偽造(ぎぞう) = forgery, wk41
  • 洞窟(どうくつ) = cave
  • てっぺん = summit
  • (へび) = snake, wk48
  • イバラ = (いばら) = thorny shrub, wk52
  • (しん) = core, wk47
  • 拒絶(きょぜつ) = refusal
  • 紋章(もんしょう) = crest, coat of arms
  • 羽根(はね)ペン = quill
  • 虫取(むしと)(あみ) = butterfly net
  • 標識(ひょうしき) = sign
  • 大釜(おおがま) = cauldron

15th may

home post

pg 109-116 in ガリレオ cos time just wasn’t working with me today. also read the challenge renshuu read, which is a short story about a guy who starts getting calls from his dead friend and yeah it was okay? something about this didn’t land for me and i can’t put my finger on what. nice vibes tho

today’s nhk article was this one, plus the entries on ざるを得ない and ぞ in aDoIJG which means i’m done with the main entries! just the 100 pages of appendices to go…

words that stood out

小切手(こぎって) - cheque
弔電(ちょうでん) - telegram of condolence
衝立(ついたて) - partitioning screen. in this case in an office


<< Prev

Q2 of 2024 | Week 7

5月15日 (水)

  • :cn: Three Kingdoms : 4 (7-9/18)

  • STEINS;GATE 比翼恋理のだーりん

Words of the day

May 15th!

7 pages of the Orange Light Novel today. Only 5 pages left in this chapter now :slight_smile:

(Home Post)


April 15 | Home post

5000 charactes from the Island :desert_island: VN today. I want to keep reading all night! I’m really enjoying it.